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In 1549, while searching for the capital of the Inca Empire, Spanish conquistadors, led by Pedro Cieza de León crossed into Bolivia and discovered the ruins of Tiahuanaco. Less than a quarter-mile northeast of Puma Punku, scientists believe Tiahuanaco was once the center of a civilization with more than 40,000 inhabitants.
Located at the Precious Metals Museum in La Paz Bolivia, we find the famous Fuente Magna bowl, a unique piece of ceramic that contains what some believe is one of the biggest secrets of ancient mankind. The Fuente Magna Bowl was discovered near Tiahuanaco (Tiahuanaco is probably the greatest Native American civilization that many people haven’t heard of) and Lake Titicaca by a local farmer in the 1950’s. Researchers worldwide believe that this ceramic bowl provides proof of otherworldly contact at Puma Punku.
But why is this piece of ceramic so important? Well, written on it you will find Sumerian cuneiform and Proto-Sumerian hieroglyphs, and this is actually a big deal because according to researchers, Sumerians and the ancient people that inhabited Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku were never connected.
So how come Sumerian cuneiform and Proto-Sumerian hieroglyphs are all over the Fuente Magna Bowl?
Author Zecharia Sitchin was one of the first to propose that the Sumerians were interacting with extraterrestrial beings (Ancient Alien theory) called the Anunnaki, this theory, that has been widely rejected seems truly incredible but it does explain how Sumerian cuneiform and Proto-Sumerian hieroglyphs got halfway around the world to end up in Latin America.
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The writings on the Fuente Magna Bowl have been somewhat controversial with different researchers providing different explanations. Dr. Alberto Marini translated the writings carved onto the Fuente Magna Bowl and reported that they were Sumerian, while Dr. Clyde A. Winters determined that it was probably Proto-Sumerian which is found on many artifacts in Mesopotamia.
Dr. Winters performed several studies on the Fuente Magna Bowl with very interesting results. He compared the writing to the Libyco-Berber writing used in the Sahara 5000 years ago, according to research this writing was used by the Proto-Dravidians, Proto-Mande, Proto-Elamites, and Proto-Sumerians.

According to Dr. Winters, The discovered Vai script had a lot of interesting and very similar signs to the Libyco-Berber, Indus valley, Proto-Elamite and Proto-Sumerian signs which allowed him to decipher the text. Using the phonetic values of the Vai script, he was able to decipher some of the writings. According to research, the Sumerian language is closely related to the Mande, Dravidian, Proto-Sumerian languages and Vai scripts. By using the phonetic values of the Vai script Dr. Winters was able to read the script.
After successful transliteration, Dr. Winters was able to translate the inscription using the Sumerian language deciphering the Fuente Magna Bowl. He basically compared the writing of the Fuente Magna bowl with the Vai writing and concluded that the Fuente Magna Bowl inscriptions are put together using the Proto-Sumerian script and the symbols displayed, have several Proto-Sumerian signs which are joined together to form words and sentences.
Dr. Winters divided the Fuente Magna Bowl into their constituent parts so they could be interpreted using the phonetic values of the Vai writing
Following is a transliteration of the inscriptions on the right side of the Fuente Magna, reading from top to bottom and right to left.
1. Pa ge gi
2. Mi lu du
3. I mi ki
4. me su du
5. Nia po
6. Pa
7. Mash
8. Nia mi
9. Du lu gi
10 . Ka me lu
11 . Zi
12 . Nan na pa-I
Winters then gave the following translation:
“(1) Girls take an oath to act justly (this) place. (2) (This is) a favorable oracle of the people. (3) Send forth a just divine decree. (4) The charm (the Fuente Magna) (is) full of Good. (5) The (Goddess) Nia is pure. (6) Take an oath (to her). (7) The Diviner. (8) The divine decree of Nia (is) , (9) to surround the people with Goodness/Gladness. (10) Value the people’s oracle. (11) The soul (to), (12) appear as a witness to the [Good that comes from faith in the Goddess Nia before] all mankind.”
The transliteration of the inscriptions on the left side of the Fuente Magna read:
1. Tu ki a mash pa
2a . Lu me lu ki mi
2b. Pa be ge
3. Zi
4. lu na
5 . ge
6. du po
7. I tu po
8. lu mi du
(1) Make a libation (this) place for water (seminal fluid?) and seek virtue. (2a) (This is) a great amulet/charm, (2b) (this) place of the people is a phenomenal area of the deity [Nia’s] power. (3) The soul (or breath of life). (4) Much incense, (5) to justly, (6) make the pure libation. (7) Capture the pure libation (/or Appear (here) as a witness to the pure libation). (8) Divine good in this phenomenal proximity of the deity’s power.”
The successful deciphering of the inscriptions presented on the Fuente Magna Bowl seems to indicate that this piece of ceramic was used to make offerings to the Goddess Nia, in the request of fertility, thanking Her for the bountiful fauna and flora in the area which made it possible for the Sumerian explorers to survive while in Bolivia.
We find it extremely interesting that the people of the Fuente Magna referred to the Goddess as Nia. Nia is the Linear-A term for Neith. Neith is the Greek name for the Egyptian Goddess Nt or Neit, Semitic Anat. This goddess was extremely important and popular among the ancient people of Libya and other parts of Middle Africa, before leaving the region to settle Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, and Minoan Crete.
According to the research that has been made, the Fuente Magna Bowl was probably crafted by Sumerians who settled in Bolivia sometime after 2500 BC, which totally contradicts modern-day archaeology and history which claims that these ancient civilizations were never connected.
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Source: Image credit unknown.