When we hear the name Achilles, we think of a great Greek hero from mythology who fought in the Trojan War. Achilles was known for his strength and bravery on the battlefield. He was also known for his tragic flaw, which led to his downfall. When we turn the pages of history, we also find it very mysterious whether Achilles was real or not.
Many researchers and historians have argued that Achilles was, in fact, a real person. Various ancient texts and records support the existence of Achilles. For example, Homer’s Iliad, an epic poem, tells the story of the Trojan War and Achilles’ role. In addition, ancient Greek artifacts depict Achilles as a real person.
On the other hand, some researchers believe that Achilles was just a figment of the imagination and not a real person. These scholars argue that no concrete evidence supports the existence of Achilles. They believe that Achilles is just a character from Greek mythology.
So, the question remains; Was Achilles real or not? This blog will discuss this question in detail and try to find an answer. So let’s begin!
Achilles: The Early Life Of Brave Warrior
Achilles was born to the Nereid Thetis and mortal Peleus, the king of Phthia in Thessaly. It was predicted that Achilles would die young at birth, so his mother tried to make him immortal by dipping him in the River Styx. However, she held Achilles by Achilles heel, which remained dry and did not receive the Styx’s waters, thus making him mortal. Achilles was trained by the centaur Chiron and became a brave warrior.
His father was called to arms when Achilles was young to fight against the Teleboans. Peleus entrusted Achilles to Chiron’s care on the slopes of Mount Pelion. Here, Achilles was schooled in hunting, riding, music, and the art of war. Homer’s Iliad wrote that Achilles was the best Greek army warrior during the Trojan War.
Achilles was also said to be very handsome. One story tells that when he was a baby, the goddesses Athena, Hera and Aphrodite visited him. They were so taken with his beauty that they began arguing over who would get to marry him. Zeus, who saw this quarrel, decided to settle it by making Achilles marry Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world.
In ancient Greece, it was believed that if someone dipped their head in the River Styx, they would become immortal. Thetis tried to make her son Achilles immortal by dipping him into the river as a baby. The early life of Achilles is full of stories of his great strength and bravery.
Trojan War And Infamous Trojan Horse Trick
The Trojan War is one of the most famous events in ancient Greeks. It was a ten-year conflict between the kingdoms of Troy and Mycenaean Greece, in which a small band of Greek heroes (led by the legendary warrior Achilles) managed to defeat a much larger Trojan army. The war began when the Trojan prince Paris abducted the beautiful Greek princess Helen from her husband, the king of Sparta.
The Greeks sailed to Troy to get her back but could not breach the city’s walls. They resorted to a trick: hiding inside a giant wooden horse, which the Trojans mistakenly thought was a peace offering. When night fell, the Greeks emerged from the horse and opened the city’s gates, allowing the rest of the Greek army to pour in and sack Troy.
During the war, Achilles appears with other Greek leaders in a dream of Agamemnon, commander-in-chief of the Greeks. In the dream, Achilles is crowned with new armor made by Hephaestus.
On the night of the Trojans’ defeat, Achilles chases Hector and kills him outside the city gates. He then drags Hector’s body back to the Greek camp, where he ties it to a chariot and drags it around the city. The next day, Achilles returns the body of trojan prince Hector to King Priam of Troy, Hector’s father.
Believing the war to be won, the Greeks set sail for home. With their ships laden with loot, they were confident they had achieved victory. However, the gods were not yet finished with them.
One of those gods, god Apollo, was furious at the Greeks for desecrating his temple at Troy. He caused a terrible storm that wrecked many of their ships and killed greek forces. The only Greek hero to escape was the great Achilles.
Anger Of Achilles And Death Of Patroclus
The great greek leaders and Trojans face each other in single combat. The Trojan prince Hector kills Patroclus, a friend of Achilles, who then, in his rage, chases Hector around the city walls three times before finally catching and killing him. The ancient Greeks believed that Achilles existed and that he died at Troy. There are many depictions of Achilles in ancient Greek art.
Achilles was a hero of the Trojan War and the central character of Homer’s Iliad. Achilles was the son of Peleus, king of the Myrmidons, and Thetis, a sea goddess. He was brought up by Chiron the Centaur and educated with Odysseus. Achilles was the mightiest warrior of his time.
Some historians wrote that his anger was not against Hector but against Agamemnon. According to their version of the story, when Achilles was asked to give up his prize, Briseis, he refused and withdrew from the fighting. He only returned to the battlefield after his dear friend Patroclus was killed by Hector. For depicting Achilles, the ancient Greek artists usually showed him as a young man with long hair.
Other writers quote that the use of drugs by Achilles makes him angry. The people of that time used drugs for religious purposes. Many such ancient writings show that Achilles was very fond of using drugs. Achilles used a plant of that time called Moly as a drug. This plant is found on the island of Crete. It is also mentioned in Homer’s Odyssey.
10 Surprising Facts About Achilles
Every culture has its own stories and legends. The ancient Greeks are no different. Some of the most famous stories in existence come from Greek culture. These tales have been retold countless times and are still popular today. One such story is that of Achilles. In Homer’s epic poem, The Iliad, Achilles led the Greek army to victory against the city of Troy. But was Achilles a real person? Or is he just a figment of someone’s imagination? Here are 10 surprising facts about Achilles that may help you decide for yourself.
Achilles Lived In The Late Bronze Age
The Late Bronze Age was a period that lasted from approximately 1600-1200 BC. This was the period in which Achilles is said to have lived. If Achilles did exist, he would have lived during a time of great upheaval.
The Late Bronze Age was marked by the collapse of many civilizations, including the Mycenaean civilization in Greece. Achilles faced a lot of danger and had to fight many times. It is also said that he withdrew from the fight at some point. The greek mainland was also under the rule of many kings during this period.
Achilles Was A Demi-God
He was not just a hero. Achilles was a demi-god. In Greek mythology, Achilles was the son of Peleus, the king of the Myrmidons, and Thetis, a sea goddess. This made Achilles immortal, except for a tiny spot on his heel where his mother held him when she dipped him in the River Styx. Peleus was a descendant of Aeacus, one of the three sons of Zeus. Zeus was the king of the gods, making Achilles a direct descendent of a god.
Achilles Was Raised By Chiron The Centaur
In some versions of the legend, Achilles is raised by Chiron, the centaur. Chiron was a creature that was half man and half horse. He was a great teacher and is said to have taught many famous heroes, including Achilles, Jason, and Asclepius. Many of the things that Achilles learned, he learned from Chiron. Achilles was also believed to be invulnerable to all weapons except for one.
His Mother Tried To Make Him Invincible
Like every mother wants to protect her child, greek kings even went to great lengths to ensure their children were safe. In Achilles’ case, his mother, Thetis, tried to make him invincible by dipping him in the River Styx.
She was doing this because she knew her son’s destiny was to die young in the Trojan War. Although his mother tried to make Achilles invincible, there was one part of his body that she forgot to dip in the water, his heel. And as we all know, his heel led to his downfall.
Achilles Faced Off Against Hector
In Homer’s epic poem, Achilles is one of the leading Greek warriors who fought against the Trojans. One of the most memorable moments in the Trojan War was when Achilles faced off against Hector.
Although Achilles was a great warrior, he eventually withdrew from the fight because he was grieving the death of his friend Patroclus.
Achilles Once Disguised Himself As A Girl
When Achilles was just a young boy, he was once disguised as a girl to avoid being drafted into the Trojan War. At the time, Achilles’ father, Peleus, was hiding him on the island of Skyros. Peleus asked the king of Skyros to take him in as one of his daughters to keep Achilles hidden. The king agreed, and Achilles lived among the women for a time.
He Couldn’t Escape His Destiny
Athenian philosopher Plato once said, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” This is especially true for Achilles. Even though he tried to avoid his destiny, he ultimately couldn’t escape it. In the end, Achilles was killed by an arrow shot by Paris. Every great hero has a tragic flaw; for Achilles, his was his overconfidence.
Achilles Was Most Well Known For His Role In The Trojan War
Some wrote that Achilles was not a real person but a character in Homer’s epic poem. However, there is evidence to suggest that Achilles was a real person. For example, his name has been found in ancient Greek texts and is also mentioned in the Iliad.
Achilles was most well known for his role in the Trojan War, where he fought against the Trojans. His fight against Hector is one of the most famous moments in Greek mythology.
He Was Very Stubborn
Achilles’ personality shows a kind of rudeness. He was very stubborn and always wanted to get his way. Achilles was also known for being headstrong and impulsive. These qualities led to him making rash decisions, such as withdrawing from the fight against Hector. He was not afraid to speak his mind and often said without thinking.
Patroclus’ Death Devastated Him
Achilles was very close to his friend Patroclus. So when Hector killed Patroclus, Achilles was devastated. He became so angry that he decided to withdraw from the fight and stop fighting for the Greeks. However, he later changed his heart and decided to fight again. This time, he fought for revenge and killed Hector.
Some Believed That Patroclus Was His Lover
Although there is no concrete evidence to suggest that Achilles and Patroclus were lovers, some people believe they were. This theory is based on the fact that Achilles was devastated by Patroclus’ death. He withdrew from the fight and decided to stop fighting for the Greeks. If Achilles and Patroclus were just friends, it is unlikely that Achilles would have reacted in such a way.
How Did Achillies Die?

Achilles was a hero in the Trojan War. He was known for his strength and bravery. He was also known for his tragic death. Achilles was killed by a poisoned arrow, shot by Paris, the son of Priam, the king of Troy. The poison from the arrow slowly killed Achilles over the days. His death was a devastating blow to the Greeks. His loss left them vulnerable to attack from the Trojans.
The central conflict in the Iliad is between Achilles and Priam, the king of Troy. Priam’s son, Paris, has wronged Achilles. Achilles wants revenge. He plans to kill Priam’s son, Hector. However, before he can do this, he must first fight against the Trojans. The Greeks are losing the war. Achilles is their only hope. He is their best warrior. Without him, they will be defeated.
Achilles was a great warrior. He was strong and brave. He was also very proud. Achilles was known for his temper. He was quick to anger. This sometimes led to rash decisions. Achilles was not always wise.
However, he was a great warrior. He was the best of the Greeks. His friends and comrades loved Achilles. They were willing to follow him into battle. They believed in him. Achilles was a good leader. He inspired others to be brave.
Achilles was also known for his tragic death. When he died, the city of troy was closed for a day of mourning. People came from all over to mourn his death. Achilles was only thirty-three years old when he died. The 30 years old hero was still young. He had so much more to do. But his life was cut short by a poisoned arrow. Achilles died a hero’s death. He died fighting for what he believed in. He died protecting his friends and comrades. He died defending his city. Achilles was a great warrior. He will never be forgotten.
Where Is Troy In Today’s World?
In today’s world, the location of Troy is still unknown. Many people believe that it is in modern-day Turkey. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Many researchers believe that Troy was located in the area known as the Troad. The Troad is a region in northwest Turkey that was once home to the city of Troy. With modern technology like google maps, it is now possible to explore the Troad and see where Troy might have been located.
The mystery of Troy is a story that has been told for centuries. It is a story of love, loss, and revenge. The ancient city of Troy was once a thriving metropolis. It was a center of trade and culture. The Greeks destroyed the town in a battle that lasted for ten years. The story of Troy is told in the Homeric epic, the Iliad. Still today, the story of Troy is retold in movies, books, and plays. The city of Troy is an essential part of our history.
Achilles Life | A Myth Or Reality?

Achilles is one of the most well-known heroes in Greek mythology. His life, however, is shrouded in mystery. There are many conflicting stories about Achilles. Was Achilles a real person? Or was he just a figment of someone’s imagination? The answer may never be known for sure. However, some facts can be ascertained about Achilles.
Many books and movies have been made about Achilles. He is a popular character in fiction. However, there is very little known about his life. What is known about Achilles comes from ancient Greek mythology. A historian named Herodotus is one of the few sources of information on Achilles. Herodotus was a Greek historian who lived in the fifth century BC. He wrote about the Persian Wars. In his writings, he mentions Achilles.
Herodotus claimed that Achilles was the son of Peleus and Thetis and that all his brave stories were real. But many people believe that Achilles was just a mythical character. They think that he was created to represent the ideal hero. There are many stories about Achilles. In some of them, he is invincible. In others, he dies a tragic death. These stories were probably created to teach lessons about life and death.
Whether Achilles was real or not, he remains an integral part of Greek mythology. He is a symbol of strength and courage. He represents the ideal hero. Achilles is someone who people can look up to and admire. With all of his accomplishments, it is no wonder why Achilles is one of the most famous heroes in Greek mythology.
A film named Troy was made about Achilles. It starred Brad Pitt as Achilles. The film was based on a poem called The Iliad. This poem was written by a poet named Homer. It tells the story of the Trojan War. In the film, Achilles is portrayed as a brave warrior. He is also shown to be a very passionate person.
Did Achilles exist? It’s a question that has puzzled historians for centuries. There is no definitive answer, but there is enough evidence to suggest that he was real. Every culture has its heroes, and Achilles is one of the most famous. It’s possible that he was a composite character based on multiple real people.
But it’s also possible that he was a single, real person who lived an extraordinary life. Either way, his story will continue to fascinate us for centuries. Until today, the question of Achilles’ existence remains a mystery. But that doesn’t stop people from wondering. And debating about it.
What’s the real story of Achilles?
The real story of Achilles is a bit murky, as the only source of information about him is the Homeric poems. According to Homer, Achilles was a great warrior who fought in the Trojan War. He was invulnerable in battle except for his heel, an arrow shot by Paris struck one day. Achilles died soon after from his wound.
Many historians believe that the story of Achilles is based on a real historical figure but that many of the Homeric poems are fictionalized. It’s possible that Achilles was a historical figure who fought in the Trojan War, but it’s also possible that he never existed and is simply a product of Homer’s imagination.
Who Killed Achilles in real life?
There is no definitive answer, but one possible culprit is the Paris Prince of Troy.
According to the ancient Greek epic poem, The Iliad, Achilles was slain by Paris with a poisoned arrow during the final battle between the Trojans and the Greeks. However, there is no archaeological evidence to support this claim, and many historians believe that Achilles was killed differently or that he may have even survived the Trojan War.
Was Achilles and Patroclus real people?
Many historians believe that Achilles and Patroclus were real people. The two were mythological figures in Homer’s Iliad, but some think they may have been based on actual historical figures.
Evidence suggests that the two may have been more than just friends. Some historians believe that they may have been lovers, which is supported by the fact that Homer never once referred to them as just friends.
Was the Trojan War real?
It’s uncertain whether the Trojan War was a historical event or not. Homer’s Iliad, which recounts the war, is an epic poem and may not be based on historical fact. However, many archaeologists believe there may have been a historical basis for the story.
The city of Troy was destroyed by fire around 1250 BC, and this event coincides with the date of the fall of Troy as described in Homer’s Iliad. So it’s possible that there was a real war between Greece and Troy that Homer later memorialized in his poem.