Viracocha, the sun god, and supreme creator was sacred to the Inca Empire, as was gold. However, gold had no material value but represented Viracocha’s blood and the sweat of the sun.
For the Inca and pre-Inca cultures, Viracocha was a supreme creator who was non-binary, neither male nor female. Believers rarely used Viracocha’s name because of the sacred nature. Instead, the god could be referred to as Ilya (light), Ticci (beginning), and Wiraqocha Pacayacaciq (instructor).
In pre-Incan times, highly developed civilizations in South America were expert goldsmiths. To them, it was part of religious rituals. Unfortunately, this interest in gold led to their downfall after the Spanish conquistadors arrived. To the conquistadors, belief in Viracocha or other gods was heresy to be destroyed.
By 1533, Francisco Pizarro executed the last Incan emperor, Atahualpa, strangling him after forcing him to melt down Inca gold and convert to Christianity.
Long after the Incas disappeared, the sacred nature of gold has been all but forgotten. Instead, international Blood Gold (like blood diamond) smuggling operations devastate local communities where gold was once godlike.
An Extraterrestrial with Gold Blood
To ancient astronaut theorists, Viracocha was an extraterrestrial with gold in their blood. As such, it sounds familiar to stories about the Anunnaki, the highest gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon.
According to interpretations of ancient tablets, extraterrestrials called the Anunnaki arrived on Earth to mine for gold. The pure element could help them save their home planet’s atmosphere.
“On their planet Nibiru, the Anunnaki were facing a situation we on Earth may also soon face – ecological deterioration was making life increasingly impossible. There was a need to protect their dwindling atmosphere, and the only solution seemed to suspend gold particles above it, as a shield,” Sitchin stated.
Also, theorists believe monoatomic gold unlocked a means to immortality. For example, the ancient Egyptians ingested gold, believing it was the skin and flesh of the gods, quite similar to the Incas.
Thus, the idea of Virachocha’s gold blood is a connection to ancient beliefs across the globe.
Since ancient times, gold was used as medicine for thousands of years. Today, people pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to eat dishes adorned with edible 23-karat gold. Even so, it has no taste or nutritional value. However, it’s not known what, if any, value ingesting gold or nanoparticles of gold would have.
See more ideas about why extraterrestrials mined gold below from Igor Kryan:
Viracocha and the Anunnaki
Where did Viracocha come from? The god was sometimes described as wearing a beard, although generally the god’s face remained hidden behind the mask.
In some cases, Viracocha is referred to as an old bearded man with a long robe and staff. Thus, the depiction is wizard-like. Notably, the beard could also be seen as a symbol of water gods. Indeed, Viracocha translates to “Sea foam.”
According to some accounts, the god emerged from Lake Titicaca near the ancient site of Tiwanaku, home of the portal-like Gateway of the Sun.
There, a monolithic sculpture that may be Viracocha resembles a bearded Anunnaki. Its appearance draws connections to similar sculptures found across the world, such as Turkey and Easter Island.
However, the Gateway of the Sun depicts Viracocha standing powerfully with a rod in each hand, surrounded by 48 winged chasquis, or “god messengers.” Certainly, they draw a comparison to biblical angels and watchers from the Book of Enoch.
What do these staffs represent? Perhaps, it’s some kind of technology used to move the massive stones?
See the Gateway of the Sun from KuriaTV:
Nearby, below the Gateway, a series of alien-like stone heads adorn an enormous wall. Possibly, each head represents a different alien or human race. Indeed, one looks remarkably like modern depictions of a gray alien.
You can see the sculpture of Viracocha below from Brien Foerster:
Viracocha and Akhenaten
To the Incas, the official religion was a sun cult, as in Egypt when Pharaoh Akhenaten created the first monotheistic state religion.
For Akhenaten, the Aten sun disk was the creator of all nature, and he was the earthly representation. Meanwhile, the Inca worshipped the Inti Sun deity, second only to Viracocha, the creator of all nature and mankind.
The alien-looking Akhenaten ruled for 17 years between 1353 B.C. and 1335 B.C. by conventional timelines. Like Viracocha, Akenaten’s gender appears non-binary in many ancient depictions. Again, the similarities are noteworthy.
When the Chanca attacked, emperor Viracocha fled with his eldest son. Then, younger brother Pachacuti, with help from a mirrored sun disk, called on the god Viracocha to help him make a stand.
In comparison, Viracocha may have entered the Inca pantheon under emperor Viracocha, who took the god’s name.
According to legend, Viracocha responded to Pachacuti, creating an army of levitating stone soldiers called Pururaucas to defeat the Chanca invaders. Nearby, at the Puerta de Hayu Marca, legend holds that Incan priest-king Aramu Muru used a sun disk to open a portal and disappear.
A Flood and Promise to Return One Day
Believers said that Viracocha created the land and sky at Lake Titicaca. In some versions of the story, Viracocha created a race of people who were giants. However, they displeased the god, and they flooded the world to destroy the giants. Thus, we have a familiar flood story similar to the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Nephilim in the Bible.
After creating the Sun, Moon, and stars, Viracocha wandered the world to teach humans how to build civilization. Certainly, if Viracocha could roam around the world, it could explain why there are similar stories in places like Egypt and ancient Sumeria.
Finally, Viracocha departed across the Pacific but promised to return one day. In the meantime, the sun, Inti, and moon, Quilla would keep watch.
Perhaps one day, Viracocha will reappear, and the mysteries of the god’s powers will be revealed. If so, will we finally know why so many creation stories around the world are so similar?
Featured image: Wiracocha via Wikimedia Commons by Voir les informations sur l’auteur. Domaine public with Représentation du dieu Huiracocha à la Porte du Soleil de Tiahuanaco by Arthur Posnansky via Wikimedia Commons, Domaine public with screenshot via YouTube