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According to some researchers that challenge conventional theories about the mysterious Wandjina cave paintings: These depictions could be, over 100,000 years old.
In Kimberley, Australia, in 1838, numerous cave paintings were discovered that shuck the archaeological community. Some of the paintings that are called the Wandjina are surprisingly large, reaching up to 6 meters in height. The Kimberley regions is a remote area in Australia, sparsely populated and visited but with large rivers and magnificent views of beautiful reddish tones. Among the cave paintings found in the region, the biggest depictions measuring up to six meters in height, has caught the attention of researchers who have already suggested several theories about who their creators were.
The natives of the region called these strange figures as the “wandjinas”, who were celestial beings that brought civilization and prosperity to the people. Curiously, like many other ancient civilizations worldwide, the “wandjinas” symbol was a feathered serpent. The cave paintings depict curious beings with sandals, something that has caught the attention of researchers since the native population of the region are barefooted. The beings in the cave paintings are also depicted with strange-looking toes varying in number from three to seven toes.
The wandjinas are represented as creatures that do not have mouths, they are depicted as having big black eyes, white faces and halos surrounding their heads. Some believe, the wandjinas are representations of extraterrestrial beings hat visited humans in the remote past.
These mysterious paintings have received all kinds of interpretation: strange representation of human beings, gigantic owls, down to the theory of Ancient Astronauts, as beings who visited Earth in the distant past. This theory is actually widely accepted among the population and even the natives. Many people believe that aliens had a direct role in the creation of the world and aboriginal legends tell of truly extraordinary events that occurred in the past.
One of the most interesting facts about the Wandjinas is the style their creators used to represent them. Some would immediately point towards the resemblance to the stereotypical image of an extraterrestrial being. A Grey alien. This is the main reason why many people wonder what was the creators these cave paintings depicting the Wandjinas were made in such a mysterious way. Why are their eyes totally disproportional when compared to their nose and face? Why do these beings lack out, and most importantly, why are they painted with white color?
All of the paintings seen in the caves are strikingly beautiful, but one of those paintings is particularly interesting. The depiction of a being dressed in a pinkish robe with a double semicircle around his head is one of the most visited paintings. Curiously this creäture is depicted with some sort of inscription with 6 numbers or letters in a completely unknown alphabet to researchers. Their legends and origins are incredible.
The tradition of the Wandjina are s incredible as the depictions. It is an oral tradition handed down from generation to generation. The natives see the Earth as the great serpent Ungut. The Milky Way looks like another serpent, called Wallanganda. These two snakes led to the creation of all living creatures on Earth, including the ancestral spirits of indigenous Peoples and the Wandjina who brought rain and fertility. According to aboriginal mythology, it is said that the Wandjina are the spirits, or also called the gods, who lived during the period of creation. After the Wandjinas were created, they came down to our planet from heaven in the Time of Dreams traveling through the region, roaming the lands. According to the artist Mowanjum Mabel King, during the Lai Lai (Time of Creation or of Dreams), Wallungunder, the “Great Leader” Wandjina, came from the Milky Way to create the earth and all its inhabitants. The Wandjina are deeply connected with the heavens according to most indigenous tribes.

According to aboriginal mythology, the Wandjina came from the clouds, returning to them in the same way. After they completed all of their tasks on Earth, they disappeared into the rocks. When they left Earth through the rocks, the images of them stayed portrayed on top of the rocks. Some tribes also say the Wandjina have returned to the heavens, and that now you can see them at night as lights traveling through the sky.
How old are these paintings?
The age of the cave paintings has fueled several different views among researchers. At first, researchers thought they might never know the exact age of the paintings since carbon dating can only be performed on organic material and the paintings of the Wandjinas were made with mineral pigments.
According to some, the cave paintings are at least 17,000 years old. Researchers were able to date these paintings thanks to the fossils found on top of their surface, but many other researchers do not agree with these theories suggesting that the Wandjina cave paintings are much older. According to other researchers, there have been many tools and human remains discovered in the area, the tools and human remains date back at least 100,000 thousand years, challenging the conventional theories regarding indigenous people in Australia and the origins of these mysterious beings.
What do you believe the Wandjinas really are?
More on the Wandjinas below