
The unclassified NSA document that proves we intercepted 29 Extraterrestrial messages that were decoded

“The dangers of excessive concealment of facts, far outweigh the dangers that are cited to justify them. There is a very grave danger, that an announced need for increased security, will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning, to the very limits of official censorship and concealment – JFK”

On October 21, 2004, the National Security Agency (NSA) authorized the release of a then top-secret document, NSA Journal Vol. XIV No 1, which is, in fact, a report presented to the NSA by Dr. Howard Campaigne.

The report addresses the decoding of extraterrestrial messages that were received from ‘outer space’. To verify the authenticity of the document, visit the following link: which will take you to the official website of the NSA.

According to reports, the messages were intercepted by the Sputnik satellite but no one had the necessary knowledge to decode them at the time they were received.

The document is composed of 29 extraterrestrial messages that were received in ‘Alien Code’.

The article reads the following:


Dr. Campaigne presented a series of 29 messages from outer space in “Extraterrestrial Intelligence.” NSA Technical Journal, Vol. XI. No. 2. Pp 101 ff. The following article develops a key to these messages. Paragraph numbers parallel the serial numbers of the messages reprinted in the appendix below. This includes two new series -30 and 301- not included in the previous article.

Only a few people know about the existence of the unclassified document from the NSA that is considered by many as the irrefutable piece of evidence that extraterrestrial beings do exist. Why this document hasn’t been spread and shared is something that remains a mystery.

Titled Key to the ‘Extraterrestrial messages’, the unclassified document can be found on the official NSA website by visiting this link.

The official document was cleared for disclosure over 10 years ago, in October 2004, but mysteriously, the document wasn’t made available until April 2011. The Document is considered by Ufologists as one of the best pieces of evidence that suggest the government has knowledge of Aliens outside our solar system.

The document authored by a Dr. Campaigne, presents a series of 29 messages received from outer space.  Here’s an extremely interesting snippet from the journal:

“Recently a series of radio messages was heard coming from outer space. The transmission was not continuous, but cut by pauses into pieces which could be taken as units, for they were repeated over and over again.  The pauses show here as punctuation.  The various combination have been represented by letters of the alphabet, so that the messages can be written down.  Each message except the first is given here only once.  The serial number of the messages has been supplied for each reference.”

According to reports, Dr. Campaigne is one of the best cryptologists working for the government and he was deemed as the best shot for deciphering the alien code.

Today we live in a time where information about Alien life and the UFO phenomenon is something that has become part of our everyday lives. In the online archives of dozens of countries, we can find countless documents that speak about Alien life and extraterrestrial visitations to planet Earth. Yet for some mysterious reason, no one has taken the matter seriously and analyzed the complete information thoroughly.

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