
The Aurora Incident: 50 years before Roswell, a massive UFO crashed near Dallas

It is believed that on April 9, 1897, an unidentified flying object crashed in the town of Aurora, just outside of Dallas, and that a small humanoid being was recovered from the crashed UFO.

The town of Aurora, in North Texas, United States, is considered by many as an unattractive place, where time seems to have stopped.

The nearest city, Dallas, lies about 30 miles to the east and the northwest borders with the beaches of the Gulf of Mexico.

The largest business in the town is a service station which is rarely open.

However, every summer, large numbers of North American tourists are attracted by a mysterious history. Tourists did not look for vacations or fun but searched for the remains of an extraterrestrial humanoid that is believed to have crashed with his  ‘UFO’ decades ago.

Many years ago, according to some stories and legends, a huge ship fell from the sky and crash landed in Aurora. Local residents found ONE pilot inside the crashed spacecraft and buried him.

Since then many groups of UFO investigators have arrived in Aurora to find the body or what remains of it.

Aurora Crash
A newspaper clipping from a neighboring city covers the 1897 Aurora, Texas UFO incident.

They cover an extensive route where the ship allegedly crashed and analyze countless tombs in the cemetery, with the illusion of rescuing some small bone fragments that survived the passage of time.

The inhabitants of the village smile at the ingenuity of tourists who arrive with the idea of obtaining a souvenir.

Nearly everyone in the town thinks that the history of the extraterrestrial is nothing more than a joke. But, at the same time, they admit that history is grounded in a fact that may have some truth.

In the year 1897, local residents reported large numbers of sightings of strange objects in the sky.

At that same time, people in Texas said they saw a UFO that was shaped like a cigar with strange lights, flying at extremely low altitude.

Obviously, at that time UFO sightings were of no greater importance in the village of Aurora. However, on April 9, 1897, an unidentified flying object was reported to have descended at high speed from the sky, exploding at the center of the village.

newspaper aurora crash
Actual Newspaper Article from Dallas Morning News, 4-19-1897

The strange event was covered by journalist F.E. Hayden, for the Dallas newspaper, who was informed, in turn, by an Aurora resident named T.J. Weems.

The report mentioned that the collision was observed and verified by numerous witnesses.

Hayden wrote that the object was a UFO that impacted the property of J.S. Proctor, a Judge from Texas.

Furthermore, Weems also said that the explosion illuminated the town as if it were daylight and spread a large number of fragments along three acres.

He also added that the body of the UFO’s crew was recovered and was not of this world.

The body was small and thin. It was buried at the local cemetery.

Locals made a gravestone, and a cigar-shaped object was engraved to distinguish and remember what had happened.

The people of Aurora now think that this story is likely to have happened, but they hesitate when asked if it was true that an alien being was buried there.

They think that what crashed at the center of the village was simply a meteorite and that Weems and Hayden created the whole fantasy.

In the last century, the theory of the crashed UFO was supported by the only living man who remembered the event, Charles Stevens, who was then a child.

He claims that his father saw something that fell on the property of Judge Proctor and that “they had found the bodies of two or three men…”

Curiously, according to locals, only one alleged alien body was found, and not two or three.

Years went by no one knew anything else about it. Eventually, the tombstone was stolen from the cemetery and the place it inhabited was lost with the passage of time, leaving the alleged aliens grave completely unmarked.

Interestingly, on December 2, 2005, UFO Files first aired an episode related to this incident, titled “Texas’ Roswell”.

MUFON even investigated the mysterious case. Researchers from MUFO had uncovered the grave marker that appeared to show a flying saucer of some sort, as well as readings from its metal detector.

MUFON eventually asked for permission to exhume the site, but the cemetery association declined permission.

It was only after MUFON’s investiagt5ion that the grave marker mysteriously disappeared from the cemetery.

MUFON’s report eventually stated that the evidence was inconclusive, but did not rule out the possibility of a hoax.

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