While we are familiar with Pyramids in Egypt and Mexico, the truth is that these structures are not confined to these two countries. There are more than 1000 pyramids in central America alone. There are 300 Pyramids in China and over 200 Pyramids in Sudan. Egypt boasts around 120 Pyramids.
How could ancient people have dragged railway car-sized blocks of stone and stack them together to form amazing constructions? Why is it that we have found thousands of Pyramids scattered across the globe, and more importantly, why are so many Pyramids eerily similar?
These structures are a global phenomenon that has puzzled archeologists and researchers for centuries.
One of the best examples of incredible ancient engineering and architecture is without a doubt the Great Pyramids of Giza.
Believed to be the oldest and largest of Egypt’s three great pyramids, the Great Pyramid of Giza is a miracle of engineering which is believed to have been constructed in a twenty year period according to scholars. However, while they maintain that it took the ancient Egyptians around two decades to complete the structure, researchers have yet to figure out HOW it was done.
For the ancient Egyptians to complete the Great Pyramid in around twenty years, the builders had to cut, transport and put into place, one stone every nine seconds to achieve the construction of this great project in the given time. So, how did they do it? Some of the limestone blocks used in the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza were transported from quarries located up to 500 kilometers from the construction site.

There are modern engineers who have literally said: “We couldn’t do this in twenty-two years”. However, the ancient apparently were able to do it.
There are COUNTLESS theories on how the Great Pyramid of Giza was built, so many theories that you just cannot neglect nor accept any of them.
These theories include ET visitations, levitating the blocks with a sound system and anti-gravity, thousands of workers pulling long ropes and a ramp that has to be almost two miles long to get it up to where it is. So how and by “who” was this marvel of engineering constructed? Did the builders of the Pyramid have in their possession some sort of advanced ‘lost’ ancient technology which we are unaware of? Or, was it raw MANPOWER?
Interestingly, these structures are so finely aligned and the architecture is so precise that even modern engineers today with our technology and powerful tools would have a difficult time replicating them with such elegance. That’s a fact.
But the Great Pyramid of Giza and its companion structures are not only architectural wonders. The Great Pyramid of Giza is perhaps the most fascinating Pyramid ever built.
Interestingly, in 1877, author and theologian Joseph Seiss demonstrated that the great pyramid of Giza resides at the intersection of the longest line of latitude and the longest line of longitude, the exact center of all the land mass in the world.

How did ancient man achieve this?
As one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Great Pyramid remains not only an archaeological mystery but a geographical marvel as well.
Why were the Pyramids of Egypt built?
How did the Ancient Egyptians manage to place the Great Pyramid of Giza at the exact center of all land mass on Earth?
The east/west parallel that crosses the most land and the north/south meridian that crosses the most land intersect in two places on the earth, one in the ocean and the other at the Great Pyramid.
Furthermore, each of the four sides of the great Pyramid aligns almost precisely with the four points of the compass, but such an instrument wasn’t even designed until thousands of years later.
But what is perhaps even more bewildering is that while pyramids were built in Egypt, ancient man did the same thing all around the world; Central America, South America, Asia, and even Europe etc.
Researchers have found pyramids on remote Pacific islands and even in India, Mexico, so this is a world-wide phenomenon. Furthermore, many of the pyramids are very much alike, they seem to have had the same methods of planning, building, almost as if ancient man followed a mysterious pattern while building pyramids.
Pyramids; An ancient global Symbol?
As Richard Cassaro cleverly illustrates in the below image, many pyramids are nearly IDENTICAL. We find pyramids in Indonesia, Mexico and Egypt which are so similar it’s hard to even think that these ancient cultures were not connected somehow.
How is it possible that there are so many similarities among ancient Indonesian Pyramids, Mexican Pyramids and those found in ancient Egypt? Is it possible that ancient cultures followed a ‘blueprint’ thousands of years ago?
Is it a mere coincidence that there are thousands of Pyramids scattered all across the globe? If ancient civilizations were not interconnected thousands of years ago, then how can we explain such cultural and architectural similarities? What are we missing?