
Popol Vuh – The sacred book of the Ancient Maya: Other Beings Created Mankind

-rwsywc - Popol Vuh – The sacred book of the Ancient Maya: Other Beings Created Mankind

These beings who created mankind are referred to in the Popol Vuh as “the Creator, the Former, the Dominator, the Feathered-Serpent, they-who-engender, they-who-give-being, hovered over the water as a dawning light.”

What does this mean? When you think about it, the ancients were telling how “they” possibly referred to as the gods, the heavenly beings created mankind.

Interestingly, the ancients speak about how everything came to be, and we can clearly see that other beings seemed to have influenced the creation of “man.”

Reading further through chapter one we find the following: “They are enveloped in green and azure: that is why their …read more

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