
The 100-million-year-old fossilized human finger

Many people believe that mainstream history is totally wrong. There are people who argue that we are being served “filtered information” and that many things regarding the distant past of mankind have been kept safe away from society. What if our History is all wrong? Legit finding or not, the alleged 100 million year old fossilized finger is one of those things that should not exist according to mainstream scientists.

Numerous discoveries have been made in the last 50 years that suggest mankind has inhabited this planet much before mainstream science is telling us.

Giant Footprints in Africa suggest that different species inhabited our planet 200 million years ago. A 300 million year old screw and 240 year old microchip found in Russia point to the possibility that in the distant past, a complex and intelligent species inhabited our planet, and we are finding evidence of their existence today. It is possible, that our planet has gone through different stages of development where different species dominated the planet.

Many people believe that our planet has had different stages, and that in each stage, civilization and society developed differently, evidence of this “unknown history” is found across the planet.

The alleged 100 million year old fossilized finger was found i the 1980's
The alleged 100 million year old fossilized finger was found i the 1980’s

According to mainstream archaeology and anthropology, the oldest human fossil is around 2.8 million years old. But as I mentioned above, there have been many discoveries that challenge this conventional thinking segment. One of those incredible discoveries that breaks up all patterns formed by science is a fossilized human finger that is believed t be 100 million years old.

This incredible discovery was made in the 1980’s at a quarry from a Cretaceous limestone formation in Texas.

02 100 million year old fingerAccording to Paleontologists, in order for soft tissue to fossilize like this, the finger must have been rapidly buried in an oxygen-free environment. It is believed that the individual to whom the finger once belonged suffered a violent and quick death.

The discoverer of the “fossilized finger” was extremely lucky to come across something like this.

Researching the 100 million year old fossilized finger

The mysterious finger was sectioned by scientists and revealed distinctive inner structures which were arranged in concentric circles. Further analysis of the finger revealed the presence of what appeared to be bones, joints and tendons preserved inside the finger. The darker spots in the X-Ray tests are seen as darker spots in the image.

04 100 million year old fingerEven though experts cannot attribute to who the finger belonged, to what species, it is very unlikely that it belonged to primates.

The question that remains is, how is it possible that a 100 million year old fossilized finger exists? Did some sort of unknown human species live on Earth 100 million years ago? Is it possible that the so-called “out-of-place artifacts” aren’t very much out-of-place? The nano particles in the Ural mountains and the 200-300 million year old artifacts discovered in Russian and China point toward the possibility that our planet was inhabited by an extremely advanced species, hundreds of millions of years ago. But where did they go? What happened to them?

Of course we have to take into consideration that there is a possibility that this is just another hoax, an elaborate joke.

What do you think, is it possible that humans have been on planet Earth longer than our history books tell us? Is it possible that this mysterious fossilized finger is evidence that humans lived on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago? Or do you think this discovery is just another hoax? Regrettably, there is no way to actually find out if this is just another hoax as there is very little to no information available.

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Have researchers found evidence of an “inner sun” heating the planet?

  • Planet Earth produces a heat flow of unknown origin according to scientists
  • According to experts, “Ghost Particles” are coming from the Earth’s center
  • Researchers have found, according to Geoneutrinos; around 70 percent of Earth’s heat is generated from radioactivity

Is it possible there is an “inner sun” heating our planet?

Researchers have found out recently that there is a huge ocean beneath the surface of our planet. Now, Italian researchers state that over 70% of the Earth’s heat comes from its center. What does this mean for the Hollow Earth theory? Is it possible that discoveries like this support the existence of a mysterious world located deep below the surface of our planet? Many people believe that the Hollow Earth theory is more than a myth, and they point towards these discoveries as evidence.

Italian scientific studies support the possibility of radioactive decay processes deep below the surface of our planet. Scientific findings have been made possible thanks to data obtained by the Borexino neutrino detector designed to study the flow of low energy solar neutrinos produced by radioactive decay in the sun.


Scientists have demonstrated that the Earth produces a heat flow but its origin is unknown. According to experts from the “Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Italy, the most likely hypothesis is that the source is radioactive in nature. Approximately half of the neutrinos produced by natural underground sources come from the Earth’s mantle , and not the earth’s crust, according to the analysis. Researchers announced the detection of 24 neutrinos produced by the radioactive decay within the Earth within 2,056 days of data from the detector to find that 11 came from the Earth’s mantle and 13 from its crust.

‘It’s at 98 per cent the confidence level, which means there is still a small probability that there is no signal from the mantle,’ Aldo Ianni, an experimental particle physicist at the laboratory told the BBC.

Of all the known “long-life” radioactive isotopes, only uranium-238 and thorium-232 are abundant enough to “warm up” the planet during its life. According to the group of researchers, they calculated the total amount of heat generated by radioactive decay and concluded that the Earth generates about 47 terawatts of energy from within.

Borexino team leader Aldo Ianni, of the Gran Sasso Laboratory, believes that future studies conducted over prolonged periods of time will reduce uncertainties and allow accurate geoneutrino spectroscopy—which will allow to distinguish neutrinos according to the element from which they originated. This information will help provide the necessary knowledge about the distribution of isotopes throughout the Earth’s interior.

Not only is there a “Sun” underneath the surface of our planet, there is also an ocean, 644 km below the surface.

Scientists at Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Italy, which is located one mile (1.5km) below the Apennine Mountains, used the Borexino neutrino detector (pictured) to study the ghost particles Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Scientists at Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Italy, which is located one mile (1.5km) below the Apennine Mountains, used the Borexino neutrino detector (pictured)

After decades of theorizing and discussing possibilities, scientists report to finally have discovered a large ocean of water inside the mantle of Earth, and they point out that it is a large water “tank” that could fill the oceans on Earth three times. This incredible discovery suggests that the surface water of the planet came from within Earth, as part of a “complete water cycle on the planet” instead of the dominant theory proposed that water arrived to Earth by icy comets that passed by the planet millions of years ago.

An article published in the journal “Nature” states that researchers have found a small diamond that points to the existence of a vast water reservoir beneath the mantle of the Earth, approximately 600 kilometers beneath our feet. According to the lead author of the study Graham Pearson, member of the University of Alberta, Canada, “This provides extremely strong confirmations that there are wet spots deep inside the Earth”. “The transition zone may contain as much water as all the oceans together,” Pearson said. “One reason why the Earth is a dynamic planet, is the presence of water inside. The water changes depending on the way the world works,” he added.

Is it possible that there is something else down there? If we have found evidence of the existence of a “Sun” and oceans beneath the surface, is it possible that there are more enigmas below the surface of our planet?


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Three of the most influential Alien Species on Earth

There is a worldwide debate going on about aliens. There are people who believe that we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings, and there are those who firmly disagree, suggesting that we are the only intelligent species in the universe.

While many texts that mention Gods who descended from the heavens, we still believe that what was written by ancients was just a myth. What is the truth? I guess that it depends on what you believe.


The Ancient Alien theory has become very popular in recent years. According to the Ancient Alien or, Ancient Astronaut theory, our planet has been visited by otherworldly beings for thousands if not, hundreds of thousands of years.

Today, people who have studied and analyzed the UFO and Alien phenomena on Earth agree that there are several Alien beings that are walking among humans.

Here we have three of the most important Alien species that exist, according to ufologists.

1) The Reptilians:

Reptilian Xindi - Shape-shifting Royal

As the name implies, are anthropomorphic reptiles whose civilization spread from the system Alpha Draconis, so they are also known as ” Draconian”. According to ufologists, they measure about 4 meters in height and are characterized as excellent warriors and have an extremely hierarchical and competitive political – military system. They also have a great psychic power and feed on negative energies like fear and hatred, thus, they are considered ” regressive ” and were considered before as “demons.”

Many believe that the “Reptilians” are now in control of the world, camouflaging among the ruling elite on our planet.

2) The Greys:

Steven Greer ufo alien moon landing

These beings are perhaps the most famous of all the alien races. The Greys are believed to be beings with large heads, almond-shaped eyes and smaller bodies. They come from the constellation Orion and the star system Zeta Reticuli. According to ufologists and researchers, their population is in fact very small and they have numerous clones among them. They do not have souls as humans and behave as robots. The Greys are the ones responsible for the majority of abductions on our planet. The Greys are sometimes believed to serve the Reptilians. According to some, a secret pact was made in the 50’s between our government and these aliens. We received highly advanced alien technology, while they got the green light to abduct people and perform human experiments.

3) Anunnaki:


The Anunnaki are perhaps one of the best-known “alien species” together with the Greys. Annunaki is the name given to a race of extraterrestrials by the Sumerians. These beings arrived from a planet called Nibiru which allegedly approaches our solar system every 3600 years. Anunnaki means: “those who from heaven came down to earth.”

According to the Sumerian tablets translated by Zecharia Sitchin, the Anunnaki mixed their own genetic materials with early humans creating a race of slaves. These genetic experiments are believed to have occurred around 200,000 years ago. Given the technological differences and knowledge between the Anunnaki and early humans, it is believed that ancient man regarded the Anunnaki as gods.

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Pa. police officer killed in hospital shooting

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