
Man fires at Texas officers in 3 different locations, wounding 1 before fatal OIS

The man fired at officers responding to a 911 call before driving away to ambush another officer at a different location; he then ran to a house, where he was killed

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Town administrator fired after requiring Mass. PD chief to remove Trump flag in department gym

West Boylston Police Chief Dennis Minnich put himself on leave over the dispute in mid-February and said he would not return to work until the town administrator was gone

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Alien “city” found on the Moon state Ufologists: Here is how to find it yourself

Is it possible that there are alien structures on the Moon? Or what if, the Moon itself is an Alien structure? For over 20 years, people have debated whether there is something anomalous with Earth’s natural satellite, now it seems that after all, the Moon is filled with surprises.

Alien city

According to reports from Ufologists and from several UFO websites, there is an Alien city on the surface of the Moon. Some have even gone as far as to suggest that a highly advanced civilization inhabits a certain region of the moon, and that the existence of these “Aliens” has been covered up by NASA and the United States government.

Have Ufologists gone too far this time? Or is it possible that there are structures on the moon  According to THIS Ufologist, we are looking at clear images of a lunar city located inside a lunar crater, and we can all check it out using Google Earth.


Scott C. Waring, editor of the popular blog UFO Sightings Daily firmly believes he has found clear evidence of the existence of “little green men” on the surface of the moon. He believes that the alien city has been constructed on purpose inside the lunar crater. Mr. Waring used Google Moon to locate the crater found in the “Lacus Veris” region.

If you want to check out the alleged alien lunar city or yourself, head on over to this link and get yourself a cop of the software millions of people are using to explore the moon for crashed UFO’s, structures and cities. Once installed, from the View/Explore menu select
“Moon” and enter the following coordinates which will take you to the mysterious alien lunar city:
18° 0’56.81″S 86° 7’35.50″W.

For those of you who don’t feel like installing Google Earth, here are the images of the alleged lunar city:


Mr. Waring circled the area in red where he believes the Alien city is located.

“Looking over Google Moon map I found an alien hive structure inside of a crater. The crater is located just below Lacus Veris and looks far from the norm of what humans would expect an alien structure to look like,” Waring writes. “Near it there is a crater that shows a face, with a large hat or hair, and an eating, the face shows an object like a snake or tough coming from its mouth.”

This isn’t the first time UFO hunters have found strange things on the Moon. According to many people, Earth’s natural satellite is in fact a giant Alien base, which is one of the main reasons humans have not visited the moon lately.

So, what are your thoughts? Is it possible that UFOlogists have gone too far with this one? Or is it possible that the moon does in fact have mysterious structures that cannot be the result of natural formations?

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Hybrid states of light and matter may significantly enhance OLED brightness

Researchers developed a theoretical model that predicts a substantial increase in the brightness of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) by leveraging novel quantum states called polaritons. Integrating polaritons into OLEDs effectively requires the discovery of new materials, making practical implementation an exciting challenge.

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Scientists reveal key to affordable, room-temperature quantum light

Quantum light sources are fickle. They can flicker like stars in the night sky and can fade out like a dying flashlight. However, newly published research from the University of Oklahoma proves that adding a covering to one of these light sources, called a colloidal quantum dot, can cause them to shine without faltering, opening the door to new, affordable quantum possibilities. The findings are available in Nature Communications.

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Searching for a universal principle for unconventional superconductivity

You may recognize graphite as the “lead” in a pencil, but besides helping you take notes or fill in countless bubbles on exam answer sheets, it is helping scientists grapple with the secrets of superconductivity.

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CERN’s curved magnet prototype promises advancements in particle physics and medicine

What do rope winding and giant pasta shapes have to do with particle physics? The answer is a new superconducting magnet prototype under development at CERN, lovingly named Fusillo because of its shape.

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Can measuring nothing … do something? Cooling vibrations with zero-photon detection

Experiments coupling light and sound reveal the surprising effect that measuring nothing can cool the vibrations of an object.

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Bigfoot tracks found during snowstorm near Kenyon Hills Preserve (Report 78256)

Class B; February 2025; Maine, York County

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Ancient people knew that the Earth was round 2000 years before Columbus

We have been told in school that it was Christopher Columbus the person who found out that the Earth is round and set out on a journey to prove it.

It is just one of the many “little” lies that have been told in history classes today. But Christopher Columbus did not discover the Earth was round. Actually, Columbus was about 2,000 years too late to prove the Earth was in fact round.

Columbus greatly underestimated the Earth’s circumference.

So who discovered or proved the Earth was round?

Eratosthenes (276-194 B.C.) the father of “Geography,” made the discovery around seventeen hundred years before Columbus. He speculated that the Earth was shaped like a ball based on the stories and myths of Greek sailors before proving his assumption.

Pythagoras was one of the originators of the idea, Aristotle provided physical evidence and Eratosthenes determined that the Earth was in fact, round.
Pythagoras was one of the originators of the idea; Aristotle provided physical evidence, and Eratosthenes determined that the Earth was in fact, round.

Eratosthenes, a Greek mathematician, geographer, poet, astronomer, and music theorist is best known for being the first ever person on Earth who calculated the circumference of the Earth, and he did so by never leaving Egypt.

He was able to calculate the circumference of our planet by applying a measuring system using stadia (A Stadion or stade, was an ancient Greek unit of length equal to a typical sports stadium at that time.)

Even though Eratosthenes’ discoveries are numerous, among the most important ones is his calculation of the tilt of the Earth’s axis, but it is believed that he also was able to calculate the distance from the Earth to the Sun, thousands of years before “mainstream science.”

Eratosthenes was also the person who created the first map of the world incorporating parallels and meridians with the available geographical knowledge of the era.

19th-century reconstruction of Eratosthenes' map of the known world, c. 194 BC Image credit: Wikimedia Commons
19th-century reconstruction of Eratosthenes’ map of the known world, c. 194 BC
Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

Hew was also the first to use a system of latitude and longitude in Geography.

Eratosthenes managed to measure the distance between ancient Alexandria and Syene and concluded that they were separated by five hundred miles. He based his calculations on the average speed of Camel caravans that traveled the distance.

He continued his observations and noted that at noon, on the summer solstice which s the longest day of the year, there were no shadows being casted in a well in the city of Syene in Egypt. The Sun was directly overhead at that time, so he assumed that the Sun was so far off that the Rays of our Star were approaching Earth in parallel.

Furthermore, because the Sun set at the same time when it was directly between the cities of Alexandria and Syene, he concluded that the city of Syene to be on the same meridian as the city of Alexandria.

On the summer solstice, exactly at noon, in ancient Alexandria, Eratosthenes was able to measure the angle of the sun’s rays concluding they were 7.2 degrees angle with a tall rod.

His measurements, calculations, and assumptions were more accurate with every new study. Eratosthenes knew that in his hometown Alexandria, based on calculations, the angle of elevation of the sun was 1/50th of a circle which is 7º12′ south of the Zenit on Solstice noon.

He assumed that Alexandria was north of Syene and that the Earth was in fact spherical, having 360º, he concluded that the meridian arc distance from Alexandria to Syene to be 1/50 = 7º12’/360º, hence obtaining 1/50 fo the total circumference of the Earth.

Eratosthenes knew that five hundred miles was 1/50 the circumference of our planet, so he sed fifty of these lengths to surround the entire Earth. He went on and multiplied five hundred miles by fifty and obtained twenty-five thousand miles. Eratosthenes added another two hundred miles because of “potential bad measurements.”

This is how Eratosthenes concluded that the circumference of the Earth to be 25,200 miles. The actual measurement of the circumference of Earth is 24,901 miles or 40,075 km.

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BWC: Man who attacked woman with machete charges at Ind. officer before fatal OIS

A witness reported that the man said he wanted to die by suicide-by-cop before the shooting involving an Indianapolis Police officer

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Video: Ariz. officer heading to work, off-duty firefighter rescue woman from burning truck

Chandler Officer Brian Larison said he made a split-second decision to take an alternate route to work, which is how he ended up at the scene

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Miss. deputy shot, killed while responding to domestic call

Deputy Martin Shields Jr., 37, was fatally shot upon arriving at the scene, according to the Hinds County Sheriff’s Office

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7 Irregularities That Supposedly Suggest Earth’s Moon Was Engineered

Even though the Apollo missions brought back to Earth huge amounts of data about the moon, it has remained an enigma for astronomers and scientists alike. Dr. Robert Jastrow, the first president of NASA’s Commission of Lunar Exploration called the moon “the Rosetta Stone of the planets.”

But what is it about the moon that fascinates everyone?

Well, there are many people who firmly believe that Earth’s moon is actually a terraformed and engineered piece of hardware that has a 3-mile thick outer layer of dust and rocks. Beneath this layer, it is believed that the moon has a solid shell of around 20 miles made of highly resistant materials such as titanium, uranium 236, neptunium 237. 

Definitely, elements that you would not expect to find “inside” the moon.

There are many UFOlogists around the world who speculate that the moon is actually a giant base where extraterrestrials survey mankind’s progress.

There are so many mysteries surrounding Earth’s moon that there are those who have proposed that the moon could be something entirely different.

Robin Brett, a scientist from NASA stated, “It seems easier to explain the non-existence of the Moon than its existence.



Here are 7 Irregularities that suggest Earth’s Moon was engineered and might be a giant hollow base:

1) The Moon seems engineered. On November of 1969, NASA intentionally crashed a lunar module that caused an impact equivalent to one ton of TNT on the Moon. The shock waves built up and NASA scientists listened to what was happening on the Moon. Strangely, after impact, NASA scientists said that the Moon rang like a bell and the reverberation continued for thirty minutes. According to Ken Johnson, supervisor of the data and photo control department, the Moon not only rang like a bell but the whole Moon “wobbled” in such a precise way that it was “almost as though it had gigantic hydraulic damper struts inside it.

2) The Moon has elements it should not have. In the 1970’s, Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcerbakov from the Soviet Academy of Science wrote an article called: “Is the Moon the creation of Alien Intelligence?” It was a very interesting article that asked some important questions. How is it possible that the surface of the moon is so hard and why does it contain minerals like Titanium? Mysteriously there are some lunar rocks that have been found to contain PROCESSED METALS such as Brass, the elements of Uranium 236 and Neptunium 237 that have NEVER been found to occur naturally. Yet there are traces of them on the Moon. Uranium 236 is a radioactive nuclear waste which is found in spent nuclear and reprocessed Uranium. More interestingly, Neptunium 237 is a radioactive metallic element and a by-product of nuclear reactors and the production of Plutonium. You have to ask the question: What is happening on Earth’s Moon? From where do these elements and minerals come from?

3) Earth’s Moon does not have a solid core like every other planetary object. Researchers are nearly 100 percent sure that the Moon is, in fact, hollow or has a very low-intensity interior. Strangely, the Moon’s concentration of mass is located at a series of points just below the surface.

4) The Moon is older than Earth. Our Moon is unlike any other satellite discovered in the known universe. Researchers know the Moon is 4.6 billion years old and that raises a lot of questions. This means that the moon is older than the Earth by nearly 800,000 years according to scientists.

5) Incredible orbit. Earth’s moon is the only moon in the solar system that has a stationary, nearly “perfect” circular orbit. It’s a fact that the Moon does not spin like a natural celestial body. In other words, our Moon does not share any characteristics with other moons found in our Solar System. If that isn’t strange enough, consider that from any point on the surface of our planet only one side of the Moon is visible. What is the moon hiding?


6) Lunar rocks and titanium. There are some lunar rocks that have been found to contain ten times more titanium than “titanium rich” rocks on planet Earth. Here on Earth, we use Titanium in supersonic jets, deep diving submarines and spacecraft. It’s unexplainable. Dr Harold Urey, Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry said he was “terribly puzzled by the rocks astronauts found on the moon and their Titanium content. The samples were unimaginable and mind-blowing since researchers could not account for the presence of Titanium.

7) Precise position. If all of the above points do not get you to think differently about the Earth’s moon; here are some more interesting things about the Moon. What is keeping the moon in its nearly perfect position? The moon has a precise altitude, course and speed, allowing it to “function” properly in regards of planet Earth.

Simply put the Moon should not be where it is currently. Everything points to the possibility that Earth’s moon was in fact placed into its current orbit in the distant past. The Moon’s unnatural orbit and irregular composition raise hundreds of questions that neither NASA scientists, astronomers or geologists are able to answer today. Despite all efforts to understand Earth’s “natural” satellite, the truth is that we have very little information about the Moon’s origin and purpose. What do you think the moon is? A nearly perfect natural occurrence? Or do the Moon’s origins surpass human understanding?

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The 100-million-year-old fossilized human finger

Many people believe that mainstream history is totally wrong. There are people who argue that we are being served “filtered information” and that many things regarding the distant past of mankind have been kept safe away from society. What if our History is all wrong? Legit finding or not, the alleged 100 million year old fossilized finger is one of those things that should not exist according to mainstream scientists.

Numerous discoveries have been made in the last 50 years that suggest mankind has inhabited this planet much before mainstream science is telling us.

Giant Footprints in Africa suggest that different species inhabited our planet 200 million years ago. A 300 million year old screw and 240 year old microchip found in Russia point to the possibility that in the distant past, a complex and intelligent species inhabited our planet, and we are finding evidence of their existence today. It is possible, that our planet has gone through different stages of development where different species dominated the planet.

Many people believe that our planet has had different stages, and that in each stage, civilization and society developed differently, evidence of this “unknown history” is found across the planet.

The alleged 100 million year old fossilized finger was found i the 1980's
The alleged 100 million year old fossilized finger was found i the 1980’s

According to mainstream archaeology and anthropology, the oldest human fossil is around 2.8 million years old. But as I mentioned above, there have been many discoveries that challenge this conventional thinking segment. One of those incredible discoveries that breaks up all patterns formed by science is a fossilized human finger that is believed t be 100 million years old.

This incredible discovery was made in the 1980’s at a quarry from a Cretaceous limestone formation in Texas.

02 100 million year old fingerAccording to Paleontologists, in order for soft tissue to fossilize like this, the finger must have been rapidly buried in an oxygen-free environment. It is believed that the individual to whom the finger once belonged suffered a violent and quick death.

The discoverer of the “fossilized finger” was extremely lucky to come across something like this.

Researching the 100 million year old fossilized finger

The mysterious finger was sectioned by scientists and revealed distinctive inner structures which were arranged in concentric circles. Further analysis of the finger revealed the presence of what appeared to be bones, joints and tendons preserved inside the finger. The darker spots in the X-Ray tests are seen as darker spots in the image.

04 100 million year old fingerEven though experts cannot attribute to who the finger belonged, to what species, it is very unlikely that it belonged to primates.

The question that remains is, how is it possible that a 100 million year old fossilized finger exists? Did some sort of unknown human species live on Earth 100 million years ago? Is it possible that the so-called “out-of-place artifacts” aren’t very much out-of-place? The nano particles in the Ural mountains and the 200-300 million year old artifacts discovered in Russian and China point toward the possibility that our planet was inhabited by an extremely advanced species, hundreds of millions of years ago. But where did they go? What happened to them?

Of course we have to take into consideration that there is a possibility that this is just another hoax, an elaborate joke.

What do you think, is it possible that humans have been on planet Earth longer than our history books tell us? Is it possible that this mysterious fossilized finger is evidence that humans lived on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago? Or do you think this discovery is just another hoax? Regrettably, there is no way to actually find out if this is just another hoax as there is very little to no information available.

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