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25 Facts About Cleopatra, Last Active Pharaoh Of Ancient Egypt

Antony and Cleopatra, by Lawrence Alma-Tadema
Antony and Cleopatra, by Lawrence Alma-Tadema. Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Perhaps best known simply as “Cleopatra”, the official name of the Ancient Egyptian Queen was Cleopatra VII Philopator; she was the last active Pharaoh of ancient Egypt and was of Macedonian-Greek origin, member of the Ptolemaic dynasty.

Queen cleopatra
Cleopatra by Eslam17 via Wikimedia Commons 


In the beginning, she did not rule over Egypt alone but did so jointly with her father and her brothers which she later married as per Egyptian customs. Here are some facts about Cleopatra that you might not have known:

  1. Cleopatra did not speak Egyptian at first, she actually spoke Greek.
  2. She represented herself as the incarnation of the goddess Isis.
  3. Cleopatra called herself Nea Isis.
  4. She ruled over ancient Egypt as a co-regent, with her father, brothers and their son for nearly three decades.
  5. She had a romantic and both political relationship with the Roman leaders Julius Caesar and Mark Antony.
  6. Cleopatra was only twenty-one years old when she became a lover of Caeser who was fifty-two years old.
  7. In 47 B.C. Cleopatra bore Caesar a son, whom she named Caesarion, but Caesar never acknowledges the child.
  8. Historical debate continues until today whether Caeser was his father, scholars have mixed opinions.
  9. Caesar erected a golden statue of Cleopatra where she was represented as Isis in the temple of Venus Genetrix.
  10. There are very few to none contemporary accounts of Cleopatra’s life, most of what is known about her life comes from Greco-Roman Scholars.
  11. She was eighteen years old when the Egyptian throne was passed onto her and her ten-year-old brother Ptolemy XIII.
  12. Her mother was Cleopatra V Tryphanea.
  13. She was forced to flee into Syria in 49 B.C. after Ptolemy’s advisers acted against her.
  14. The name “Cleopatra” derives from ancient Greek meaning:  “she who comes from glorious father” or “glory of the father”.
  15. Cleopatra’s father Auletes is a direct descendant of Alexander the Great’s general Ptolemy I Soter.
  16. In 40 B.C. Cleopatra gave birth to twins whose father was Marc Anthony; named Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene II. She also gave birth to a third child Ptolemy Philadelphus.
  17. Alexander Helios was crowned ruler of Armenia, Media, and Parthia.
  18. Cleopatra’s daughter, Cleopatra Selene II was crowned ruler of Cyrenaica and Libya.
  19. Cleopatra’s third child, Ptolemy Philadelphus was crowned ruler of Phoenicia, Syria, and Cilicia.
  20. Marc Anthony married Cleopatra even though he was already married to Octavia Minor.
  21. The cause of her death remains a wide debate among historians; but according to ancient Roman sources, Cleopatra killed herself with an Egyptian cobra.
  22. According to Strabo, a Greek philosopher there are two stories about the death of Cleopatra; she applied a toxic ointment, or she was bitten by an asp on her breast.
  23. Some believe that Cleopatra was killed, but there are no written texts to support this claim.
  24. Cleopatra’s and Caesar’s son, Caesarion was proclaimed ruler of Egypt after Alexandria had fallen to Octavian, but he was shortly after captured and killed.
  25. The tomb of Antony and Cleopatra remains a mystery even though it is believed to be somewhere near Alexandria, Egypt.
Caesarion, son of Cleopatra and Caesar. From the Cleopatra exhibit, “Unravel the Mystery,” at the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, PA. via Wikimedia Commons, public domain

For more, see ten strange facts about Cleopatra from Bright Side:

Featured image: Screenshot via YouTube

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20 Facts about the Ark of the Covenant

The Ark of the Covenant has been one of the most mysterious objects described in the Bible and for centuries, countless people have tried to find this ancient treasure.

Ark Passes Over the Jordan

‘The Ark Passes Over the Jordan’ ( public domain )

The Ark of the Covenant is the ornate, gilded case believed to have been built around three thousand years ago by the Israelites to carry the stone tablets of the ten commandments. But here are the facts about the Ark of the Covenant:

The Ark of the Covenant is also described as the Ark of the Testimony.

It is described in the Book of Exodus; it contains the tablets of stone of the Ten Commandments.

The Ark of the Covenant was carried by the Israelites during their forty years trip through the desert.

Wherever the Israelites camped, the Ark was always placed in a special tent referred to as the Tabernacle.

It is described in the New Testament letter to the Hebrews as containing Aaron’s rod, a jar of manna and the first Torahs scroll as written by Moses.

The Book of Kings provides a different description, at the time of Solomon, the Ark of the Covenant contained only two items; the tablets of the law.

The book of Exodus tells that the Ark of the Covenant was built by the command of God the Almighty who gave instructions to Moses on Mount Sinai.

The Ark of the Covenant is connected to several miracles of the Old Testament.

The Ark of the Covenant is said to have cleared the way for impediments and poisoned animals.

At the time the Israelites crossed the Jordan River into the “Promised Land” the Bible states that the river stopped flowing when those who carried the Ark set foot in the river.

The Ark of the Covenant is also credited for the victory of the Siege of Jericho. After those who brought the Ark of the Covenant marched around the city for a week blowing trumpets, and on the seventh day, the walls fell, and the city was captured.

When carried, the Ark of the Covenant was concealed under a very large veil that consisted of skins and blue cloth.

According to the Book of Exodus;  the dimensions and characteristics of the Ark of the Covenant are 2½ cubits in length, 1½ in breadth, and 1½ in height which is approximately 131×79×79 cm or 52×31×31 in. The entire Ark was plated with gold, and a crown of gold was put around it. Four rings of gold were attached to its four feet, two on each side and through these rings staves of shittim-wood plated with gold were placed to carry the Ark. these were never to be removed. A golden cover was placed above the Ark; also called kapporet.

After the Babylonian Empire had conquered the Israelites, the Ark of the Covenant was located in the Temple of Jerusalem; after the conquest trace of the Ark has vanished.

The Greek third book of Ezra suggests that the Babylonians took the vessels of the Ark of God, even though they did not take the Ark itself: And they took all the holy vessels of the Lord, both great and small, with the vessels of the ark of God, and the king’s treasures, and carried them away into Babylon.—1 Esdras 1:54

Scholars do not know for sure what occurred to the Ark after the Babylonian conquest; it is said to have been destroyed or hidden.

Most historians agree that the Ark of the Covenant is found in Ethiopia in the town of Aksum; the Cathedral of St. Mary of Zion.

According to church authorities, only one man; the Guardian of the Ark can see it.

Church authorities have never permitted the “Ark” to be studied for authenticity.

According to historians, the other possibility is that the Ark of the Covenant is located in a hidden chamber beneath the first temple of Jerusalem before being destroyed by the Babylonians. This claim cannot be verified because this site is where the Dome of the Rock shrine is located; sacred to the Islam so it’s not allowed to dig underneath.

Featured image credit: ‘The transfer of the ark by the singing and dancing King David.’ ( public domain )

Reference: The Desert Tabernacle Jewish Encyclopedia

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Atlantis; The Lost Continent

Atlantis; the mythical land of a highly advanced and powerful civilization, but what do we know about them? Atlantis was mentioned in Plato’s dialogues “Timaeus” and “Critias” even though mainstream archaeology and history have disapproved almost every single theory about this mythical land and the ancient civilization that inhabited it.

Atlantis has been the topic of debate for over 2,500 years among philosophers, historians, and archaeologists; It was described as a powerful and highly advanced kingdom that sank in one day and one night, never to be seen or heard from again, somewhere around 9600 B.C. according to Plato.

Throughout the centuries, interest in Atlantis has been very high, and locations worldwide have been proposed as the exact place where this kingdom sank. Some scholars suggest that Atlantis was located at the Greek island of Santorini; destroyed by a volcanic eruption around 1,600 B.C. But Greek philosopher Plato described Atlantis in size, as Libya and Asia Minor put together, suggesting it was located somewhere in the Atlantic, beyond the Pillars of Hercules.

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Researchers and scholars worldwide have discussed Atlantis proposing a number of theories and personal opinions. Ken Feder, professor in archaeology suggest several things regarding Atlantis in his book; Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology. Professor Ken suggests that the Atlanteans were an incredibly sophisticated but evil culture that attempted to dominate the world by force. Practically, Professor Ken portrays the Atlantean civilization as an evil and war based civilization, whose only goal was conquest.

The ancient Athenians were the only one brave and strong enough to confront the powerful Atlanteans. Based on their most powerful weapon; their strong and pure spirit, the Athenians defeated their most powerful rival. But is it possible that this is just an ancient way of propaganda? The propaganda that Plato shared through his stories of this ancient civilization and how they were defeated by the mighty Athenians.

According to Plato, Atlantis was protected by the god Poseidon who made his son Atlas king of this mythical land. The Atlanteans grew powerful but suffered ethically; their great armies were able to conquer Africa as far as Egypt and Europe going as far as Italy. According to one theory, it was by a divine punishment that the “continent-island” sank; in one day and one night.

But there are several other theories that have been proposed about mythical Atlantis. A Swedish scientist and writer called Olaus Rudbeck proposed a rather interesting theory. Between 1679 and 1702 wrote a three thousand page treatise in four volumes called Atlantica where the author tries to prove that Sweden was Atlantis, the cradle of civilization and that all human languages evolved from Swedish.

The theory proposed by Rudbeck was heavily criticized by Scandinavian scientists and authors.

If Atlantis did exist? How come that there is no evidence of this mythical “continent“, surely such a powerful ancient civilization would have left its mark worldwide, why is it that Plato is one of the few who mentioned Atlantis? Basically, the tale about Atlantis did not exist until Plato wrote about it.

How did Plato find out about Atlantis? Well, according to this Greek philosopher, the stories of Atlantis were passed to him by his grandfather, who had heard the story about ancient Atlantis from an Athenian statesman called Solon who learned about the existence of Atlantis from an Egyptian priest who claimed that Atlantis existed nine thousand years ago before that; making it one of the oldest civilizations on Earth. But even Plato wasn’t taken seriously about Atlantis by his fellow scholars; Aristotle’s spoke about Plato saying: “He could create nations out of thin air and then destroy them…”.

The incomplete utopian novel published by Sir Francis Bacon in 1962 explained that a very advanced civilization existed on an unknown island. Sir Bacon portrayed a vision of the future of human discovery and knowledge. The novel called; “New Atlantis” depicts a mythical island called Bensalem, discovered by the crew of a European ship after they were lost in the Pacific Ocean somewhere in the vicinity of Peru.

Ignatius Loyola Donnelly who was a U.S. statesman, amateur scientist, and writer wrote about Plato’s Atlantis in his book; “Atlantis: The Antediluvian World,” arguing that technological improvements in the field of metallurgy, agriculture, religion, and language — must have originated in Atlantis, a highly advanced civilization, discrediting other ancient societies by saying that they simply could not have developed the necessary advancements on their own.

Artists depiction of the location of Atlantis; according to Plato. Image credit unknown.
Artists depiction of the location of Atlantis; according to Plato.

Many other authors included their personal opinion and formed their own theories regarding Atlantis, in recent years thousands of books have been written about the lost continent of Atlantis, movies and T.V. series inspired by Plato’s work, and researchers and archaeologists have not stopped looking for the ancient Atlanteans. Many experts in Atlantis have claimed to have found this ancient civilization from Bolivia, Turkey, the Caribbean, Spain, Antarctica, Sweden and other countries, backing up their findings with “incredible” “evidence”, but they appear not to have paid much attention to Plato, who actually described the location of Atlantis in his work Timaeus, stating the following:

For it is related in our records how once upon a time your State stayed the course of a mighty host, which, starting from a distant point in the Atlantic ocean, was insolently advancing to attack the whole of Europe, and Asia to boot. For the ocean there was at that time navigable; for in front of the mouth which you Greeks call, as you say, ‘the pillars of Heracles,’ there lay an island which was larger than Libya and Asia together; and it was possible for the travelers of that time to cross from it to the other islands, and from the islands to the whole of the continent over against them which encompasses that veritable ocean. For all that we have here, lying within the mouth of which we speak, is evidently a haven having a narrow entrance; but that yonder is a real ocean, and the land surrounding it may most rightly be called, in the fullest and truest sense, a continent. Now in this island of Atlantis there existed a confederation of kings, of great and marvelous power, which held sway over all the island, and over many other islands also and parts of the continent.

According to Plato, the land where Atlantis was located was dominated by great hill, it was surrounded by two concentric rings of land that were linked together by bridges and roads. The water that separated the rings formed great harbors that were connected by canals approximately 150 feet deep and 500 yards wide. The land of Atlantis was very fertile which allowed its people to live in total independence until a disaster occurred:

“Through violent earthquakes and floods, in a single day and night of misfortune … [the whole race] … was swallowed up by the Earth and the island of Atlantis … disappeared into the depths of the sea.” – Plato.

Plato did, in fact, say where Atlantis was located, but it has not yet been found, or perhaps archaeologists and researchers have not searched good enough for this ancient mythical land. But there still is hope, because more than 95 percent of the underwater world remains unexplored, chances are, Atlantis might still be somewhere underwater, in a place we have yet to search. Even though modern-day archaeology and geology believe this mythical land never existed providing evidence; many explorers hope that one day, they will discover the lost continent of Atlantis.

Aristotle had a very skeptical opinion regarding Atlantis; He believed that this mythical continent was a fabricated by Plato from the beginning to the end suggesting that Plato did not have a single piece of evidence to back up his theories.

Researchers believe that Plato might have been right, pointing toward the island of Crete where an advanced race of Minoans lived in harmony and enlightenment before being destroyed in cataclysmic events mysteriously.

Proposed locations of Atlantis marked by a yellow spot on a World Map.
Proposed locations of Atlantis marked by a yellow spot on a World Map.

According to researchers, Plate Tectonics make it impossible for Atlantis to have existed suggesting that the seafloor on Earth spread over the years and did not contract, making the continents drift apart; thus, there would not have been a place for Atlantis to sink into in first place. Kenneth Feder, professor of archaeology at Central Connecticut State University, who is also the author of several books on archaeology explains that given the location by Plato, there would have been no large land surface that sank; in one day and one night in the area where Plato stated Atlantis was located.

One of the most incredible discoveries that have been made recently, connected to Atlantis, is the finding of a metal described in Plato‘s writings on Atlantis off the coast of Italy where divers from the Italian Coast Guard, “the Guardia di Finanza” and the “Superintendencia del Mar.” discovered Atlantis’ legendary metal “Orichalcum“. Orichalcum was the second most valuable metal in the mythological city and predominated in many parts of Atlantis.

Whether this discovery has something to do or not with Atlantis is a mystery, those who believe in the existence of Atlantis welcome the news, skeptics dismiss the finding with the blink of an eye, but it is without a doubt a very interesting discovery that will fuel future archaeological missions in the search of the lost continent of Atlantis.

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