
‘He didn’t swerve or brake’: Texas officer killed while using cruiser to protect drivers from fleeing suspect

Navasota PD Sgt. Mark Butler crashed his patrol vehicle into a fleeing suspect who was speeding the wrong way down a highway

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Video: Man who told dispatchers he would ‘shoot somebody’ approaches LEOs with screwdriver before OIS

The man ignored instructions to put his hands up and moved toward Torrance, Calif. officers with the screwdriver, which they believed was a knife

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The Mystery of the Ark of the covenant

The Ark of the Covenant is the ornate, gilded case believed to have been built around three thousand years ago by the Israelites to carry the stone tablets of the ten commandments.

According to the Book of Exodus, after the Israelites were released from Egypt, God summoned Moses to the peak of the holy mountain giving him two stone tablets that were carved with the ten commandments, God also provided Moses with exact instructions to build the Ark of the Covenant.

The Ark of the covenant did not only carry the ten commandments of God, but it was said to be the throne of God himself, wherever the Ark of the covenant went, God was present. According to the Book of Exodus; the dimensions and characteristics of the Ark of the Covenant are 2½ cubits in length, 1½ in breadth, and 1½ in height which is approximately 131×79×79 cm or 52×31×31 in.

The entire Ark was plated with gold, and a crown of gold was put around it. Four rings of gold were attached to its four feet, two on each side and through these rings staves of shittim-wood plated with gold were placed to carry the Ark. these were never to be removed. A golden cover was placed above the ark; also called kapporet. After this mysterious Ark was built, and the ten commandments placed into it with Aaron’s rod, a jar of manna and Torahs scroll, the Israelites carried it with them during their forty year trip across the desert.

The ark of the covenant was very powerful, but it was not allowed to be touched and only priests could carry it. Those who carried the Ark, could not see what they were carrying as it was covered and hidden from sight. It was considered as a type of bodyguard for the people who carried it, protecting and providing for them in their journey.

The Ark of the covenant was also a very dangerous relic, even though it could sustain life, it could also destroy.

In 1400 B.C. the Jordan river was witness to the might of the Ark of the Covenant. Joshua was given the task to lead his people across the River; this religious relic had to go first, and it is said that the Ark of the Covenant had to go first and as it was carried into the river, the waters stopped flowing. Today, when we think about the description we wonder, is that really possible? A religious relic leading a nation and performing miracles on the way.

What was the Ark of the covenant exactly? Was it truly an ancient religious relic with immense powers? Or is there more to the ark then what we know? What exactly is it? This mysterious golden chest has been the center of ancient religion. Archaeologists have been searching for this mysterious object for centuries but no one has been able to find it so far.

Near the settlement of Beit El, archaeologists made important discoveries that are believed to be connected with the Ark of the covenant. They unearthed clay pots, stoves, buildings but most importantly, they found holes carved into solid rock. Based on the location, researchers believe that these holes may have once held the wooden beams that were actually used to support the Tabernacle at Shiloh. The Ark of the covenant is such an important religious icon that there are replicas of it in churches, synagogues, and Masonic temples.

The Ark of the Covenant proved to be extremely useful in many occasions. According to the Book of Joshua, when the Israelites arrived on the banks of the Jordan River, they came upon the mighty city of Jericho and its impenetrable walls. The Israleites were told by God to march around the walls of the city of Jericho for six days, and on the seventh day, God commanded them to blow the ram horns, the shofar and it would make the mighty walls crumble before them, and after they did this, the walls of Jericho collapsed. It is important to say that this battle is not supported by archaeological evidence. Many scholars also believe that the Book of Joshua hold little historical value.


Today we know that it would be extremely difficult to cause a construction to collapse because of the sound of something, so we wonder did the Ark of the Covenant actually make the walls of Jericho crumble? Some people believe that yes, but that there is far more to the Ark of the Covenant then what we know. But if the Ark of the Covenant really did exist, is there evidence of it today? And where could it be now?

Hundreds of years after the battle of Jericho, according to the Book of Samuel, around 1100 B.C. the Israelites went to war with the mighty army of Philistine, bringing the Ark of the Covenant with them to battle. Since God did not order them to go to war against the Philistine army, God awarded victory to the Philistine army who captured the Ark of the Covenant, as it angered Him that they believed they could use the Ark as a weapon without His orders.


According to history, the Ark was placed in a sanctuary next to a statue of their god Dagon, when they returned it is said that Dagon’s head was decapitated with his hands having been cut off. After this, they decided to return the Ark to the Israelites and sent the Ark of the covenant to a village called Beth Shemish.

The question many have asked is why would the Ark of the Covenant have such powerful powers? To help and damage alike, and why was the Ark of the covenant such a sacred “device”, was it just because it represents the throne of God? Or is there something more to it?

Some believe that the Ark of the covenant was a sophisticated device capable of many deeds but unsafe for the hand of humans.

The priests who carried the ark of the covenant had special attire when coming close to the Ark; they had to wear protective “gear”, for the head, the lungs, heart and other important areas of the body. This tells us that the Ark of the covenant was possibly hazardous.

Where is it now?

No one knows exactly where the Ark of the Covenant is located, throughout history several places have been proposed but so far, no one has been able to prove the existence of the ark nor reveal its location. some have proposed that the Ark of the covenant made its way to Japan and that it was buried in Mount Tsurugi. Japanese historian Takane Masanori even performed excavation on Mount Tsurugi in search of the Ark, but these were canceled years after due to environmental reasons, but the Ark wasn’t located.

Other theories state that the Ark of the Covenant was discovered in Jerusalem and was taken away by the Knights Templar; legends say that it is possible that the Ark is located beneath the Chartres Cathedral in the crypt, while others state it is buried in the Languedoc region.

Another legend states that the Knights Templar took the Ark of the Covenant to Scotland to the Rosslyn Chapel but that is a theory, that like the others has not been corroborated.

One of the most accepted theories so far is that the Ark of the Covenant inst actually hidden, but is located in a well-guarded place, in Aksum, Ethiopia at the Church of St. Mary of Zion. There, a solitary monk, who is not allowed to leave the place where the ark is located has the duty to look after the church’s holiest relic. The monk who has this duty devotes his entire life to the safekeeping of the Ark and is a job he does until his death. Some say that the monks who guard the Ark in the Church of St. Mary of Zion have a relatively short lifespan.


These are just some of the theories regarding the resting place of the Ark of the Covenant, the truth about its existence and location is a secret that will always remain hidden.

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Texas deputy shot, killed while serving warrant; manhunt underway for suspect

Brazoria County Deputy Jesus Vargas, working with a U.S. Marshals task force, was fatally shot while serving a warrant for a repeat offender

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The hidden messages of Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel

The recently published Book by restaurateur Silvio Goren, has raised dozens of questions about the work of Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel with assumptions of hidden messages inside the Sistine Chapel. What if the work of this Renaissance genius was a reaction against the absolute power of the Catholic Church during his time? Could he have wanted to point out the man above divinity, or was he pointing towards science as a religion that overcomes a doctrine? Is there a possibility that Michelangelo wanted to send a message through his work like Leonardo da Vinci did?

Michelangelo creation God Man, Secret message Sistine Chapel

Silvio Goren a professor with a degree in Conservation and Restoration in cultural heritage points out that  “Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel in the sixteenth century, a time when both religion and science believed to hold the absolute truth.”

The Sistine chapel was commissioned by Pope Sixtus IV: “Sixtus” from where it got its name and curiously has the same dimensions that the temple of Solomon had on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount as described in the Old Testament. Michelangelo performed his work without the use of assistants.

Michelangelo completed his work on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in a period of four years, starting his painting from east to west and beginning from the entrance of the Chapel and finishing above the altar. The section where he depicted God separating light from darkness is where researchers, historians and art critics are struggling to understand what this genius was trying to say; hiding an accurate depiction of the human brain.

Why did Michelangelo highlight God’s neck? this obviously was the intention of the artist to point toward a specific region and it is the region where researchers suggest, Michelangelo left a hidden message. Researchers state that Michelangelo paid good attention when drawing the human neck, and in no other paintings but this one is the neck displayed oddly; stating that if one superimposes a detailed image of God’s neck painted in the Sistine chapel in the Separation of Light and Darkness with a photograph of the human brain as one would see it from below, the lines of God’s neck appear to precisely fit into the features of the human brain. Coincidence?

a98643_sistine chapel


In his book, Silvio Goren explains that, at the center of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo painted nine scenes which are narrated in the book of Genesis. Out of these, we find the famously recognized Creation of Adam, a scene depicting the precise moment that God gave life to the first man, according to Judeo-Christianity. According to the investigation of professor Goren, the depiction and his statement are based on the theory that Frank Lynn Meshberger published in the 1990s, where both authors believe that there is something hidden in the image(s) painted by Michelangelo: the cloak that covers the figure of God represents almost perfectly the appearance of a human brain, including arteries, glands and optic nerves, all of that seen from the perspective of a lateral cut. Is it possible that Michelangelo actually portrayed an anatomically accurate image of the human brain hiding it behind God?

Michelangelo Buonarroti was a genius indeed; he was a sculptor and architect but most importantly he was a anatomist, something he tried very hard to keep in the shadows to the point that destroyed almost all of his anatomical sketches and written texts. Over five hundred years after Michelangelo crated this masterpiece we are perhaps a step closer to finding out what the genius behind the paintings of the Sistine Chapel painted in code.

Code Bible Michelangelo

Physician Frank Meshberger has several suggestions about the intriguing artwork where he speculates that Michelangelo encircled God with a shroud wanting to represent (and he did so incredibly well) the human brain perhaps suggesting that that God was not only giving life to Adam, but also gifting him with a supreme human intelligence.

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Jan 15, 2025 – Are blue-green algae fossils inside meteorites PROOF of life beyond Earth?

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BWC: Md. deputies rescue mother, child during standoff with barricaded suspect

Howard County Police officers heard a woman crying for help, but gunfire prevented them from entering the house; they were able to save her after she crawled onto the roof

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Video: Mich. officers stop fleeing driver, render life-saving medical aid

After the fleeing suspect struck a tree, deputies from the Livingston County Sheriff’s Office discovered he had multiple self-inflicted knife wounds

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15 things you should know about the Aiud Aluminium wedge

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It is true that archaeology can provide an answer for countless questions that have been raised throughout history, but some of these discoveries actually raise more questions then they answer. The Aiud aluminum wedge is certainly one of those discoveries.  The artifact has a weight of five pounds, and according to research, is made almost out of pure aluminum. Next, we bring you 15 things you need to know about the Aiud aluminum wedge:

  1. It was discovered by workers while digging a trench along the Mures river in Romania in 1974.
  2. It was found next to mastodon (distantly related to Elephants) bones.
  3. Researchers who have had the time and opportunity to examine the object believe it is not a natural formation.
  4. Aluminum production requires an enormous amount of heat, 1,000 degrees actually.
  5. Two separate laboratories tested the artifact but both laboratories received almost identical results. The object was tested in the Archaeological Institute of Cluj-Napoca, n Lausanne, Switzerland.
  6. It is composed of 89 percent out of aluminum but also has traces of copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, nickel and smaller traces of other elements.
  7. Aluminum isn’t found freely in nature, thus must be manufactured, but it has not been produced until the 1800s.
  8. Even though its exact age is perhaps a debate among scholars, if the aluminum wedge was the same age as the mastodon bones it would make this mysterious piece at least 11,000 years old.
  9. Geological evidence places the aluminum wedge to be at least 10,000 years old.
  10. The oxidized layer coating has shown that the artifact is more likely to be around 400 years old, still placing way before aluminum was produced. The dating technique utilized to obtain the age of the artifact was not released.
  11. The wedge was stored in a museum up until 1995.
  12. Pseudoarchaeologists and Ufologists believed that this finding is evidence of extraterrestrial beings visiting Earth in the past.
  13. Floring Gheorgita a known Romanian ufologist believes that this item is actually a landing gear of an alien spacecraft.
  14. According to research the exact composition of the artifact is as follows: aluminum (89%)  Copper (6,2%), silicon (2,84%), zinc (1,81%), lead (0,41%), tin (0,33%), zirconium(0,2%), cadmium (0,11%), nickel (0,0024%), cobalt (0,0023%), bismuth (0,0003%), silver (0,0002%), and gallium (in trace amounts).
  15. Even though there has been interest surrounding the Wedge of Aiud, some scholars believe that this item is just another… fake.

See the Wedge of Aiud appear on Ancient Aliens, Season 12, Episode 2 below

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The 119 year old Buddhist monk who described his UFO experience


What do Buddhist monks have in common with UFO’s? well, nothing actually but an old Buddhist monk by the name of Hsu Yun also referred to as Xu-Yun, described his experience with a UFO (remember not necessarily alien).

He has been somewhat of a living legend and his life has aroused awe and inspiration around Chinese Buddhist and by the time he passed on to the next life, Hsu Yan was recognized as one of the most recognizable Han-Chinese Buddhists in the middle kingdom, he lived for 119 years. During his life, he was the author to numerous poems and writings. He is considered a Buddhist idol and has two orders named after him.

The great Xu-Yun (虛雲) was born in 1840 and he lived to witness the last five reigns of the Manchu Dynasty and its decline between 1910 and 1911. As the new order was formed in China, new leaders were less interested in Buddhism to the point that they considered it to be a medieval superstition that prevented China for progress in both social and economical ways and as in every other culture, traditional teachings and history were not compatible with the modernization era that was “raging” across China leaving monasteries and thousand-year-old traditions in ruins. All of this did not prevent Xu-Yun to rescue Chinese Buddhism from its dangerous decline and he even managed to revive and refresh it, founding and restoring temples, schools and even hospitals.

The story that involves the UFO story originates from an Autobiography of a famous Chan Buddhist of which Hsu Yun was an influential Buddhist master. The discovery about the mysterious account was discovered by Sanjin Đumišić, a Swedish writer, photographer, intermedia composer as he was reading the autobiography of the Chan Buddhist. In the pictorial biography/autobiography of Master Hsu-Yan, Sanjin discovered the account of Hsu-Yan and his visit to the Da-Luo peek in 1884 as he was on the way to pay respects to the “wisdom lamps” (source):

At the end of the Great Prayer Meeting, I climbed the Da-luo Peak, where I paid reverence to the ‘wisdom lamps’ said to appear there. I saw nothing the first night but on the second, I saw a great ball of light flying from the Northern to the Central Peak, where it came down, splitting a short while later into over ten balls of different sizes. The same night, I saw on the Central Peak three balls of light flying up and down in the air and on the Northern Peak, four balls of light which varied in size.

On the tenth day of the seventh month I paid reverence and offered thanks to Manjusri Bodhisattva and then descended the Mountain. From Huayan Peak I walked northwards and arrived at Da-ying, south of Hun-yuan, where I visited the Northern Peak of Mount Heng which I climbed by way of Hu-feng Pass. There, I saw a stone arch with the inscription, ‘The First Mountain of the Northern Regions’. When I arrived at the temple, I saw a flight of steps which was so high that it seemed to lead to heaven, and a forest of stone tablets and arches. I made an offering of incense and descended the mountain..

The same accounts can be found in the pictorial biography:

The Master bowed to the Wisdom Lamps on top of Ta Lo Mountain.

People often came to this spot to witness what fortune they might.

At first there was nothing unusual, but then they all appeared:

Large ones, small ones, and in between – each fireball was unique.

What this description might actually be referring to is hard to understand and imagine, they are an unusual account that has yet to repeat itself but on the peak where master Xu-Yun witnessed these mysterious fireballs a Buddhist monastery was constructed.

(Source) Featured image credit: Ancient China by edtuckerartist on DeviantArt

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Video: Conn. police capture suspect after multi-state pursuit involving stolen R.I. cruiser

Footage provided by the Ledyard PD shows the stolen cruiser speed over a spike strip, seconds after which an officer moves it out of the path of a pursuing cruiser

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BWC: Man points replica gun at bystanders before OIS

Dallas Police officers opened fire at the man after he ignored instructions to get on the ground and continued to point the replica gun at a bystander

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N.M. deputy charged with murder in fatal shooting of man wandering on road carrying air soft gun

Otero County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Jacob Diaz-Austin fired 19 shots at a man who presented “what appeared to be a firearm,” according to New Mexico State Police

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Up to 60 suspected looters arrested in fire-ravaged L.A., LASD announces 9 charged

The charges involved three alleged looting incidents in the Pacific Palisades and Altadena, where fires have burned 35,000 acres and destroyed more than 12,000 structures

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Gravitational waves could give us insights into fast radio bursts

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are mysterious pulses of energy that can last from a fraction of a millisecond to about three seconds. Most of them come from outside the galaxy, although one has been detected coming from a source inside the Milky Way. Some of them also repeat, which only adds to their mystery.

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