The future of tin-based qubits is brighter thanks to breakthrough work by Stanford University researchers. Qubits are the fundamental carriers of quantum information, and scientists worldwide are engineering atoms to create reliable, long-lived qubits for processing quantum data. Quantum engineering is expected to accelerate advances in areas as diverse as medicine and finance.
After a traffic stop, the man informed officers that he had a handgun in the side of his waistband; he complied as the officer tried to remove it, unintentionally firing it in the process
Officers attempted to use a TASER, which was ineffective; they fired shots as the suspect continued to advance toward them with the knife
Officer Terence Sutton was charged with murder and both he and Lt. Andrew Zabavsky were charged with obstruction of justice in the 2020 death of Karon Hylton-Brown
Seven San Antonio police officers were shot while responding to a “suicide in progress” call and the suspect was later found dead after a standoff, Chief Bill McManus said
Today, there are two types of people on Earth. Those who without a doubt believe that we have been visited by extraterrestrial beings in the distant past, that these aliens have influenced our society, humanity and technology, and those who DONT. Skeptics have tried very hard do debunk the numerous theories proposed by ancient astronaut theorists, but there are some things, that even the skeptics cannot fully explain or debunk. One of those impossible-to-debunk subjects is Puma Punku, an ancient megalithic site that is part of Tiahuanaco in Bolivia. Puma Punku means the door of the puma in the native Aymara language. The precision stone masonry found at Puma Punku is both incredibly mysterious and beautiful. The huge blocks of stone present at the ancient site of Puma Punku are so complex that modern-day engineers have a hard time figuring out, how ancient people managed this. Ancient People? Or the gods? Lets see. One of the most interesting things about Puma Punku, in my opinion, is the fact that it is located in the vicinity of Lake Titicaca which is found at an altitude of 3.812 meters above sea-level; by volume of water, it is the largest lake in South America, and it is the highest navigable lake on our planet. The origin of the name of the lake “Titicaca” is unknown, according to legends, Titicaca is translated to “Rock Puma”. Locally the lake is referred to as Lago Huiñaymarca, which in Aymara means “The eternal city.” The andesite blocks at Puma Punku range from different sizes, some of them have up to seven meters in height, as for their weight, some of the blocks found at Puma Punku exceed 100 tons, many of these huge blocks of stone appear to have been literally tossed around as they seem scattered around Puma Punku. According to some archaeologists, Puma Punku dates back 2000 years, even though some scholars believe Puma Punku is much older than that, some believe that it was constructed 15.000 years ago. The precision found at Puma Punku is what baffles most of its visitors, the 90 degree carved blocks of stone are fascinating feasts of masonry, smooth surfaces that were impossible to replicate using stone tools and copper. Some of the andesite blocks at Puma Puku even have perforation dots; Some researchers believe these perforation marks are in fact marks left by highly advanced tools that were used for the carving and extraction process. The cuts present at the andesite rocks appear to tell a story that does not play well with the theories of modern-day archaeologists. According to microscopic analysis, the cuts and perforation marks are so smooth and perfectly aligned as if laser tools were used. The H blocks at Puma Punku are another mystery. Built with the usual accuracy of other constructions at Puma Punku, these huge blocks have baffled archaeologists and researchers alike. How did ancient people manage to transport these incredibly massive blocks of stone? Scientists believe that some of these stones were transported from quarries as far as 100 kilometres away from Puma Punku. If true, what means of transportation did the ancients use? Better yet, how did they manage to extract these huge blocks, and shape them in such a perfect manner… Stone and copper tools? These are just some of the incredible features of Puma Punku, in the next articles we will discuss more theories and more facts regarding this ancient megalithic site, that has baffled researchers for years. Are there really Pyramids at Antarctica?It’s been quite a while since the discovery of “Pyramids” on Antarctica. News about these mysterious structures has caused major interest among researchers and ufologists; countless theories have emerged proposed different explanation what these “structures” are. The proposed theories range from alien constructions, secret military bases to ancient civilizations with advanced technology, while others believe that these pyramids are just natural formations and nothing more. Regrettably this information has yet to be confirmed or denied as no official sources have bothered to look into the matter, apparently. There have been several images circulating the internet showing pyramidal structures in the cold environment of Antarctica, some of the images have been obtained through the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, an international project of underwater exploration. The discovery of these pyramids has caused speculation regarding what Antarctica was like in the distant past, some suggest, it wasn’t always as cold as it is today. Scientific research seems to prove that theory. In 2009 scientist doing research and collecting samples, came across pollen particles in Antarctica suggesting that the ecosystem of Antarctica was very different in the past, suggesting that the summer temperature reached around 20 degrees Celsius at one point. In 2012, another team of researchers identified 32 species of bacteria and a 2,800-year-old halophile microbes in water samples from Lake Vida in East Antarctica. The permanent surface ice on the lake is the thickest non-glacial ice on earth. The possibilities are endless if you take in count that Antarctica wasn’t always as cold as it is today. The question to ask here is the following: is it possible that Antarctica was once warm enough in the past to make it possible for an ancient civilization to live there? And if an ancient culture did in fact develop and inhabit Antarctica in the distant past, wouldn’t we find evidence of their life there today? Well according to many researchers, there are structures at Antarctica, there are pyramids there and enough evidence to support the theory of ancient civilization inhabiting Antarctica in the past. If the archaeological community would acknowledge this finding is an entirely different question. If we go back to Africa, we know that Scholars and Egyptologists have long suspected that the Sphinx is much older than believed, possibly even over 10,000 years old. These theories are supported by the discovery of water erosion on the gigantic Sphinx, which according to scholars tells the story of extreme climate change in the distant past. So if the climate in Africa and other parts of the world changed drastically? Is it possible that the same thing happened in Antarctica? And if researchers manage to prove that the pyramids of Antarctica are man-made structures, the discovery could cause a major revision of the history of humanity. Would modern-day researchers and archaeologists accept and acknowledge these findings? Well, probably not, as they would go against everything they know and believe, but then again, this isn’t a debate about beliefs, it’s a question of finding out the truth about countless ancient civilizations scattered across the globe, many of which remain hidden. What do you believe? Is there a possibility that there are actual structures beneath the thick layers of Ice at Antarctica? Is there a possibility that ancient civilization might have developed there thousands of years ago, when Antarctica had an entirely different climate? Let us know what you think. After seeing the gun pointed at him, the Milwaukee Police officer grabbed the suspect’s firearm and worked to wrestle control away from the suspect
The statement followed Trump’s pardon of 1,500 individuals involved in the Jan. 6 Capitol attack and Biden’s granting of clemency to the convicted killer of two FBI agents
The memo instructs the DOJ’s civil division to work with a newly formed Sanctuary Cities Enforcement Working Group to identify policies that “threaten to impede” immigration efforts
Astronauts are scheduled to venture outside the International Space Station to collect microbiological samples during crew spacewalks for the ISS External Microorganisms experiment. This investigation focuses on sampling at sites near life support system vents to examine whether the spacecraft releases microorganisms, how many, and how far they may travel.
Planets are formed when dust and rock in a disk around a young star collide and combine to form ever larger bodies. This so-called accretion is not yet fully understood. Astrophysicists at the University of Duisburg-Essen were able to make significant observations of collision speed and electrical charge of the particles through experiments on a suborbital flight. Their results have just been published in Nature Astronomy.
Almost five years ago, much of the world went quiet for several weeks due to the COVID-19 lockdowns. It went so quiet, in fact, that scholars published a 2024 article in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters claiming the lack of human activity likely led to the moon’s surface temperatures cooling down in April and May of 2020.
Using observations from 2017 and 2018, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration has advanced our understanding of the supermassive black hole at the center of Messier 87 (M87*). This study marks a significant step toward multi-year analysis at horizon scales, in order to investigate the black hole’s turbulent accretion flow. It utilizes a vastly improved set of simulations that is a factor of three larger than previous ones. The results include major contributions from the MPIfR in Bonn, Germany.
Using the MeerKAT telescope in South Africa, an international team of astronomers has detected 26 new Galactic radio transients. Most of them turned out to be rotating radio transients (RRATs). The finding is detailed in a research paper published Jan. 14 on the arXiv preprint server.
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