Former Jonesboro Officer Joseph Tucker Harris was arrested on charges of felony charges of aggravated assault, filing a false report and misdemeanor third-degree battery
A team of international researchers has developed an innovative approach to uncover the secrets of dark matter. In a collaboration between the University of Queensland, Australia, and Germany’s metrology institute (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, PTB), the team used data from atomic clocks and cavity-stabilized lasers located far apart in space and time to search for forms of dark matter that would have been invisible in previous searches.
The Government of Bolivia has announced the discovery of a unknown pyramid and the beginning of excavations at the ancient citadel of Tiahuanaco, after Ground penetrating radar tests discovered the pyramidal structure together with other “numerous anomalies” underground. Researchers believe that these anomalies might be monoliths, but this information has yet to be corroborated and analyzed carefully to come to a conclusion. This finding has raised the importance of Tiahuanaco and the surrounding area as these discoveries to add to the mysterious history of both Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku, considered by some to be the result of a highly advanced ancient civilization. According to Ludwig Cayo, the director of the Center for Archaeological Research at Tiahuanaco, this mysterious pyramid is located in the Kantatallita area, east of the Akapana pyramid, which is at the archeological site of Tiwanaku,to the west of the country and about 70 km from the city of La Paz. Researchers are still analyzing the gathered information, and calculations regarding the dimensions of the buried pyramid are underway, but according to simulated data and aerial photographs, the formation would be around the same size as the Kalasasaya Temple or Temple of the standing stones, one of the most remarkable constructions of Tiahuanaco. Tiahuanaco is one of the most mysterious places on planet Earth, it is considered as being the cradle of an ancient civilization before the Incas. Tiahuanaco was the capital of ancient pre-Hispanic empire, today imposing stone monuments like Kalasasaya, the Semi-Subterranean Temple, sculptures of gods, the door of the sun and remains of military and civilian palaces remain. Some of these structures have incredible features which archaeologists have not fully explained. According to Bolivian researchers, Tiahuanaco was founded as a small village around 1580 BC but soon grew to become an imperial state around AD 724. This ancient civilization mysteriously declined around 1187 AD. Researchers believe that Tiahuanaco was an incredible empire whose limits knew no bounds, occupying parts of the Peruvian coast, northern Chile, northwestern Argentina and bolivia what was thought to be a territory of around 600.000 square kilometers. Some researchers have suggested that Tiahuanaco might be the city belonging to Atlantis. Many researchers have placed the lost city and “continent” of Atlantis in Bolivia. The mysterious structures, history and society of Tiahuanaco would certainly fit into these theories. Some researchers consider that Tiahuanaco might be over 10.000 years old. Researchers hope that excavations at the site will commence in May, although that will depend on the cooperation agreements signed with foreign universities and institutes which will provide the necessary manpower and technology to perform the excavations the best way they can. An international team of scientists have discovered that soap could be important to helping our understanding of complex systems in the human body, such as lungs, and improving therapies for conditions such as respiratory distress syndrome.
Computers also make mistakes. These are usually suppressed by technical measures or detected and corrected during the calculation. In quantum computers, this involves some effort, as no copy can be made of an unknown quantum state. This means that the state cannot be saved multiple times during the calculation and an error cannot be detected by comparing these copies.
With 2024 receding into the distance, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory is already deep into a busy 2025. Early in the new year, the Eaton Fire came close to JPL, destroying the homes of more than 200 employees, but work has continued apace to maintain mission operations and keep upcoming missions on track.
Across cosmic history, powerful forces have acted on matter, reshaping the universe into an increasingly complex web of structures. Now, new research led by Joshua Kim and Mathew Madhavacheril at the University of Pennsylvania and their collaborators at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory suggests our universe has become “messier and more complicated” over the roughly 13.8 billion years it’s been around, or rather, the distribution of matter over the years is less “clumpy” than it should be expected.
Scientific and commercial activities on the moon could permanently change the lunar environment. These activities include sending vehicles to the moon, extracting its resources through mining the lunar surface, building facilities and extracting water from areas on the moon where sunlight never shines.
The space debris problem won’t solve itself. We’ve been kicking the can down the road for years as we continue launching more rockets and payloads into space. In the last couple of years, organizations—especially the European Space Association—have begun to address the problem more seriously.
In an article published in Physical Review Letters on Thursday, scientists carried out an innovative study testing the existence of mirror asymmetries in our universe by studying the handedness of the gravitational-wave emission from black-hole mergers detected by Advanced LIGO and Virgo.
Atlantis in… Bolivia?According to many researchers Atlantis might have been located in the American Continent, and some believe that the Bolivian Andes region coincides with Plato’s description of the lost continent/city of Atlantis. In his work Timaeus and Critias, Plato describes a huge continent called Atlantis where an advanced civilization flourished. Atlantis existed in a distant point in the Atlantic Ocean, in front of the Pillars of Hercules or Straits of Gibraltar. Plato described a small volcanic island also called Atlantis where an incredible city was located filled with incredible features; this was the capital of the continent.
According to Plato, the island/continent sank into the sea in one day and one night, disappearing forever lost in time. According to modern geology, a continent cannot sink in one day and one night, of course, that is because we havent witnessed something like that in modern days, what happened in the past is still a mystery. We know that Atlantis isnt located in the island of Crete, why? Because according to Plato, Atlantis was located in front of the Pillars of Hercules or Straits of Gibraltar, thus the idea of Atlantis being at Crete or Thera is almost the opposite of what Plato said. It is not located in the atlantic ocean nor does Crete and Thera have the necessary features and size of Atlantis. The Azores option seems to fall out of the game as well, as there are no sunken “continents” around the Azores. Researchers who believe that Atlantis was located in wat we call Antarctica might also be wrong since Antarctica has spent thousands of years under the ice making it nearly impossible to sustain a civilization like the Atlantean. Of course there is still a slight possibility due to the fact that according to many, Pyramids and other structures have been discovered on Antarctica. The “lost Continent of Atlantis” was as big as North Africa and Asia combined, geologically, South America is that size. Most researchers agree with the theory that Atlantis might actually be located in South America, more precisely, Bolivia. The key to this mystery is the description of Plato; describing a large continent, yet a small volcanic island at the same time with the same name. According to Plato, this continent was wide, plain and at its center, there was a volcanic island that later was called Atlantis. So there might actually be a possibility that the continent itself did not sink, but only a small part of it, o better said the island that was described. This description is believed to fit almost perfectly with the South American continent; It is located in front of the Pillars of Gibraltar, it has a flat plain, rectangular shape, extending from the center of the continent, halfway the longer side of the continent. The city shape fits into the rectangular description, 9 kilometers from the sea in an inland sea but most importantly, according to Plato, the entire region is located at an elevated altitude. All of this would fit almost perfectly into the description of the lost continent and city of Atlantis. According to researchers, the capital of Atlantis was built around a volcanic island that sank in the inland sea of Lake Poopo located on the rectangular side of the Bolivian Altiplano, perfectly surrounded by mountains in all directions, and these mountains are rich in numerous minerals that Plato mentioned in his work on Atlantis; Gold, Silver, Copper and Orichalchum which is an alloy of gold and copper that exists according to researchers only in the Andes region. Plato described the walls of the circular city of Atlantis as being covered with this mysterious alloy. More importantly, the words “Atl” and “Antis” come from ancient languages spoken in the South American Continent, which are translated to Water and copper. The Tiahuanaco ConnectionThe incredible ancient complex of Tiahuanaco has a strong connection to Atlantis according to several researchers who support the South American Theory of Atlantis. Based on the blocks and monumental ruins of Tiahuanaco, located in the vicinity of Lake Titicaca, researchers believe that Tiahuanaco archaeological site is evidence of a extremely advanced ancient civilization, one with a history of more than 12,000 years, and this ancient civilization might have been the Atlantean civilization in what we call today, Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku. Interestingly, the stones of the Tiahuanaco region are red, black and white, just as Plato described. These rocks of stone demonstrate incredible precision cuts, smooth surfaces and other incredible masonry features and some of the structures found at Tiahuanaco appear to have been used in previous constructions. Natural springs of hot and cold water are described in Atlantis, and there are also some of these in the Pampa region Auallagas. The Bolivian legends also seem to correspond to Atlantis as well. For example, Atlantis is said to have been destroyed by Poseidon who was the patron god of the City, after its inhabitants became evil and immoral. Surprisingly, the legends of the Pampas region speak of the moral downfall of its society which resulted in a destructive flood, send by Tunupa, the god of water, another similarity that can be added to the list. Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku have incredible features that neither archaeology no history cannot fully understand and explain. It still remains a mystery as to how the huge structures of the region were created and how they obtained such precision. The Atlantean civilization might have existed, and as many researchers believe, this highly advanced civilization could have existed in South America, around Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku, places that areas mysterious as Plato’s Atlantis. Chirality refers to objects that cannot be superimposed onto their mirror images through any combination of rotations or translations, much like the distinct left and right hands of a human. In chiral crystals, the spatial arrangement of atoms confers a specific “handedness,” which—for example—influences their optical and electrical properties.
While entangled photons hold incredible promise for quantum computing and communications, they have a major inherent disadvantage. After one use, they simply disappear.
Perovskite solar cells are attracting attention as next-generation solar cells. These cells have high efficiency, are flexible, and can be printed, among other features. However, lead was initially used in their manufacture, and its toxicity has become an environmental issue.
Scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have created a new thermometer using atoms boosted to such high energy levels that they are a thousand times larger than normal. By monitoring how these giant “Rydberg” atoms interact with heat in their environment, researchers can measure temperature with remarkable accuracy. The thermometer’s sensitivity could improve temperature measurements in fields ranging from quantum research to industrial manufacturing.
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