The Office of Management and Budget withdrew its spending freeze just two days after issuing the order
It took two years for NASA’s OSIRIS-REx space probe to return from asteroid Bennu before dropping off a small capsule as it flew past Earth, which was then recovered in the desert of the U.S. state of Utah on September 24, 2023. Its contents: 122 grams of dust and rock from asteroid Bennu.
When an exoplanet is discovered, scientists are quick to describe it and explain its properties. Now, we know of thousands of them, many of which are members of a planetary system, like the well-known TRAPPIST-1 family of planets.
Asteroids, small airless bodies within the inner solar system, are theorized to have contributed water and chemical building blocks of life to Earth billions of years ago. Although meteorites on Earth come from asteroids, the combination of exposure to moisture in the atmosphere and to an uncontrolled biosphere means that interpreting the data from them is challenging.
Our home planet is bombarded with particles from outer space all the time. And while we are mostly familiar with the rocky meteorites originating from within our solar system that create fascinating shooting stars in the night sky, it’s the smallest particles that help scientists to understand the nature of the universe.
Using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), astronomers from the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) and elsewhere have observed an ultra-diffuse galaxy known as FCC 224. Results of the observational campaign, published Jan. 18 on the arXiv pre-print server, provide important insights into the properties of this galaxy and its globular cluster system.
Researchers at the University of Oxford have pioneered a new approach to simulate turbulent systems, based on probabilities. The findings appear in the journal Science Advances.
“We won’t lose you. Don’t worry,” a deputy told the woman, who missed the initial evacuation because she was deaf and couldn’t charge her hearing aids
Las Vegas Metro officer Cesar Ibarra physically stopped a man from assaulting a woman before he was attacked himself; the officer and his wife both shot the attacker
It is one of the most important laws of nature that we know: The famous second law of thermodynamics says that the world gets more and more disordered when random chance is at play. Or, to put it more precisely: that entropy must increase in every closed system.
To store ever more data in electronic devices of the same size, the manufacturing processes for these devices need to be studied in greater detail. By investigating new approaches to making digital memory at the atomic scale, researchers engaged in a public-private partnership are aiming to address the endless demand for denser data storage.
In an advance for quantum technologies, researchers at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, have created a functional quantum register using the atoms inside a semiconductor quantum dot.
Superionic materials are a class of materials that simultaneously present properties that are characteristic of solids and liquids. Essentially, a set of ions in these materials exhibits liquid-like mobility, even if the materials’ underlying atomic structure maintains a solid-like order.
A Franco-German research team, including members from the University of Freiburg, shows that supramolecular chemistry enables efficient spin communication through hydrogen bonds. The work is published in the journal Nature Chemistry.
YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/yB0OXc6LnN4?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1 Baalbek is the name of an archaeological site in Lebanon. It is a gigantic megalithic platform, and its true age remains a mystery to archaeologists and researchers who can only speculate about the true origin of this ancient megalithic site. It is located east of Lebanon, 86 kilometers northeast of the city of Beirut, in the valley of Beqaa, near the border with Syria. It is considered to be a very sacred place since the temple was built on top op a ruin mound, so even before Greek ad Roman times, this majestic place was considered to be holy. Mainstream archaeology has different points of view when it comes to the exact age of the site. According to conventional archaeologists, it was a Phoenician sanctuary dedicated to the god Baal; it was a Greek City called Heliopolis (City of the Sun) and since the time of Emperor Augustus, it was a Roman colony. The truth is, the exact age remains a mystery, but some researchers consider this ancient megalithic site as being at least 12.000 years old but could be over 20,000 years old. What has caused admiration, amazement, and controversy in the archaeological community, is the terrace or platform on which the Roman temple in honor of the god Jupiter stood and given the size of the stones of the foundation, it is very unlikely that it was Greek or Roman. The great platform upon which the temple was built is majestic, but today only a few columns remain standing. It is a construction that modern archaeologists and engineers cannot explain given the history and age that have been “officially” accepted. Some believe that history has got it all wrong when it comes to Baalbek. Among the most intriguing of these megaliths is the Trilithon, and here is the cool part: three colossal blocks measuring 22 meters in length, 4.5 m high and 3.5 m wide. Their weight ranges between one and two thousand tons. These three huge megaliths tonnes on a row of six blocks of granite that measure each, 10 meters in length and 4 height and weighing over 300 tonnes. Some researchers argue that these megaliths are not “foundation stones” as they have always been declared as it appears as if it was essential that the largest of the stones were position on top, and not at the bottom making the whole edifice become an inverted structure. So how did they manage to transport these incredible structures? Today modern engineers have a hard time transporting a 50 ton block. Ancient people seemed to have had a way to transport blocks of stone of incredible size with ease. Something we today are not able to make that easily. The official explanation that Archaeologists suggest is that thousands of men, with simple technology like sticks and stones, participated in its construction and transportation of these huge blocks of stone. Some researchers suggest that this is something mathematically improbable and nearly impossible, moving and raising huge stones with groups of men with rudimentary tools. So if they did not possess technology like ours today, how did they do it? Is it possible that high-end technology was available to ancient engineers thousands of years ago? Well, something doesn’t fit in the entire story as there are just too many enigmas. We must be missing out on something important, something that might actually explain how ancient people across the world, managed to build these incredible constructions thousands of years ago. Baalbek in Lebanon was built with blocks of stone that range between a 1,00 and 1,600 tons. These stones were obtained from quarries that were at least on kilometer away, a distance that might not sound that far away, but don’t forget the weight of these stones. Imagine the amount of machinery and the size of trucks we would use today to transport these blocks of stone. How is it possible that ancient people managed to transport these huge blocks, place them in position, and make them fit perfectly with each other. Mainstream archaeology has no idea how they did it. So who, when and why built Baalbek? These are the most asked questions when it comes to Baalbek. These huge megaliths were cut, transported through very rugged terrain and then placed into position with great precision so that a firm and unshakable foundation of over 400,000 m2 could be achieved. As for the age of the site, well some researchers believe Baalbek’s origin is much older than the Roman occupation. There is no consensus among researchers about who the builders of these impressive structures were, or when they were built, how and why. The precision of these megaliths is breathtaking, they are arranged in such a way that you cannot fit a single sheet of paper in-between them, some believe that it is nearly impossible that this megalithic site can be attributed to Phoenician, Greek and Roman builders, no matter how good they could have been as architects and engineers. Mainstream science is unable to adequately explain the mystery of the construction of this ancient megalithic site. Some researchers have offered alternative explanations; According to Chatelain, “blocks of this size had to be carved and placed there by giants or by members of a civilization that knew the secrets of levitation and antigravity “. According to Andrew Collins, Baalbek’s first city was built before the Great Flood by Cain, the son of Adam, whom God banished to the `land of Nod’ that lay `East of Eden’ for murdering his good brother Abel, and he called it after his son Enoch. The citadel, they say, fell into ruins at the time of the deluge and was much later re-built by a race of giants under the command of Nimrod, the `mighty hunter’ and `king of Shinar’ of the Book of Genesis. Like many other ancient sites, among them Puma Punku, Ollantaytambo, Teotihuacan, etc.. The construction of the megalithic site at Baalbek had a drastic stop in its construction phase. Surprisingly, in the vicinity, researchers have found another huge block of stone. This one remains partially buried and has the following dimension: 19.6 meters (64 feet) in length, 6 meters (19.6 feet) in width, and about 5.5 meters (18 feet) in height. Researchers believe that the weight of this huge stone block is around 1,650 tons, which would place it as the largest known stone block from antiquity. The question is, why did they stop the construction? |
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