The man pleaded guilty to charges that included the murder of Scott County sheriff’s Deputy Caleb Conley, 35, in 2023
Zecharia Sitchin described Nibiru according to Sumerian cosmology as the 12th planet. Nibiru is home to an alien race called the Anunnaki an extreme advanced extraterrestrial civilization. Researchers have talked about the possibility of a giant planet that has an extreme strange orbit around our sun. In 2008, Japanese researchers announced that according to their calculations, there should be an “undiscovered” planet at a distance of about 100 AU (astronomical units) that has a size of up to two-thirds of the planet Earth. These calculations support the hypothesis of the existence of Nibiru, or Planet X. Here we bring you 20 things you should know about the mysterious planet Nibiru.
YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/OnxbAuyFF3c?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1 These mysterious structures are something that a few people have heard of. Yet, there are one of the most mysterious objects discovered in the recent years. This discovery was made possible thanks to Google Earth, a software that has become one of the most important tools in the discovery of unexplained objects and places on our planet. But what are these “towers”? Are they just natural formations sitting at the bottom of the Ocean? If so, they are huge, according to ufologists who have revised the finding, they are very unlikely to be natural formations, as they stand out from the rest of the ocean floor. There are many possibilities what these mysterious structures are! Is it an entrance to the Earth? According to ancient astronaut theorists, the Earth is hollow, scientific evidence suggests that our planet isn’t “solid” from the surface down, but there are gaps between the different layers. As we look at these mysterious underwater “obelisks” we venture out and ask if there is a possibility that this location marks the entrance that leads to a base or area beneath the ocean floor? Some suggest that there are several “access doors” worldwide through which you can enter the Earth. People who have seen the place on Google Earth believe that the obelisks are an apparent “opening” in the ground pointing towards an entrance that offers numerous mysteries and little logical explanations. Could it be that the Hollow Earth theory is correct? It is believed that many places on Earth, like the ancient pyramids, megaliths and obelisks are active energy devices that have remained active due to their specific crystalline structures and locations deeply connected to the planet. Crystals receive power from a variety of sources, including the Sun, the energy field of the earth and these structures that are capable of transmitting energy from one place to another. According to theorists, everything depends on the tilt of the Planet at any given time of the year, given the right angle a structure would work to intensify and transmit energies to other structures which then act as receiving devices, capable of dispersing the energy through an energetic grid or Earth Grid. Some theorists argue that there is an important connection or relationship between the UFO phenomena and the gravity vortex on Earth, and that everything on the planet is connected through a global energy network. Remember Tesla’s ideas of free energy and transmitting energy through air across great distances? According to many researchers and ancient astronaut theorists, ancient civilizations like the Egyptians, and Sumerians were capable of harnessing energy from the planet. Tesla just confirmed that it was something possible and not just a wild idea, regrettably, today we have little clue about how Tesla managed it, and make fun of those that suggest ancient civilization like the ancient Egyptians had similar knowledge. The theories of underwater structures and UFO’s have been extremely popular in the recent years, and there have been countless reports of UFO’s diving into Earths oceans, disappearing from sight. Ufologists and ancient astronaut theorists suggest that there is a connection between ancient monuments across the globe, and other monuments that are hidden beneath the ocean. Remember that we have explored only less than five percent of the ocean that covers seventy percent of the planet’s surface! Imagine how many mysteries are still hidden beneath the ocean, the discovery of these mysterious towers is only a small part of whats there to be found. If you are curious about these structures, head over to Google Earth and type in the following coordinates: 32 ° 30’07 .74 “S 149 ° 52’46 .51” W . Check out the incredible structures located at the bottom of the ocean. Notices that the surrounding area is anything but similar to these two “towers”. It is hard to suggest that they are just natural formations given how they stand out from the remaining underwater scenery. The most mysterious part is that, according to researchers, these structures are located almost at the exact opposite side of the Great Pyramid of Giza, half way across the globe! The man told Charleston Police officers he believed his marijuana was laced with PCP before grabbing an officer’s weapon
Officers attempted to subdue the suspect with TASERS and bean bag rounds; Boise Police Officer Connor Rush said the stabbing of his K-9 partner was “painful to see”
Officials said 28 bodies have been recovered from the crash involving an American Airlines passenger jet and an Army Blackhawk helicopter
There are countless articles on the internet talking about this mysterious planet, some of these refer to it as possible ‘murderer’ of Earth. All kinds of dreadful gravitational phenomena are connected with Nibiru and some even argue that Planet X or Nibiru poses a threat to Earth, and that one day it will collide against our planet. Science argues that it might exist, but they just haven seen it yet. Mythologically speaking, Nibiru is present in many ancient Sumerian writing.
There are many ufologists who suspect that agencies like NASA, are searching in the background for the ancient planet Nibiru, home to the annunaki. Media reports in Russia point toward certain people predicting that this mysterious planet is approaching Earth, and that the consequences of this encounter could be catastrophic bringing upon our planet many disasters including earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, fires and meteor showers among other things. But does this planet actually exist? In 1976, the late Zecharia Sitchin raised a controversy with the publication of his book “The Twelfth Planet”. In this and subsequent books, Sitchin presented his translations of ancient Sumerian texts which tell an incredible story regarding the origins of mankind on Earth, stories that are completely different to those that most of us learned in school. According to the ancient cuneiform texts, which are believed to be some of the oldest writings known to date, go back at least 6,000 years. These writings explain the history of a race of beings called the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki came to Earth from a planet in our solar system which is called Nibiru. Sadly, many people have never heard of it, because according to mainstream science the planet called Nibiru does not exist. However, according to Sitchin, the presence of Nibiru is very important for the past and future of humanity. The orbit of Nibiru around the sun is believed to be extremely elliptical, and according to text, it is located far beyond the orbit of Pluto. It is believed that the elusive planet takes around 3600 years to complete one orbit around the Sun. Nibiru is believed to be the home planet of the Anunnaki. The approach of Nibiru towards the planets of our solar system might pose a huge threat given its gravitational characteristics. Astronomers today suggest that there is in fact a planet called Planet X, located beyond the orbit of Pluto, a planet that explains the anomalies in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus, the New York times even talked about in 1982: Something out there beyond the farthest reaches of the known solar system seems to be tugging at Uranus and Neptune. Some gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object that may be the long- sought Planet X. … The last time a serious search of the skies was made it led to the discovery in 1930 of Pluto, the ninth planet. Several agencies and departments are involved in search and rescue efforts on the Potomac River after a passenger jet and helicopter collide
How can the latest technology, such as solar cells, be improved? An international research team led by the University of Göttingen is helping to find answers to questions like this with a new technique. For the first time, the formation of tiny, difficult-to-detect particles—known as dark excitons—can be tracked precisely in time and space. These invisible carriers of energy will play a key role in future solar cells, LEDs and detectors. The results are published in Nature Photonics.
A research team from Japan has developed a unified model to scale the transitional pressure development in a one-dimensional flow. This achievement provides a better understanding of how pressure fields build up in the confined fluid system for various acceleration situations, which might be applicable to biomechanics-related impact problems, such as human brain injuries caused by physical contact.
Quantum computers have the potential of outperforming classical computers on some optimization and computational tasks. Compared to classical systems, however, quantum systems are more prone to errors, as they are more sensitive to noise and prone to so-called decoherence.
Many materials store information about what has happened to them in a sort of material memory, like wrinkles on a once crumpled piece of paper. Now, a team led by Penn State physicists has uncovered how, under specific conditions, some materials seemingly violate underlying mathematics to store memories about the sequence of previous deformations.
An article published in the journal Optica describes the development of a new experimental device that explores the boundary between classical and quantum physics, allowing the simultaneous observation and investigation of phenomena from both worlds.
Having a very unusual design, Noah’s ark is usually depicted in ancient illustrations as an ancient ship with a round hull, with a detailed prow and stern, having a keel running through the entire length of the ship. The top part of the ship has an unusual cabin that covers the entire length of the ship. This is believed to be pure fantasy, based on “current” designs of the late Middle Ages in Europe, but the truth is we don’t seem to have any idea of exactly how Noah’s Ark looked like. There are two descriptions of the ship appearing in ancient literature, strangely, neither of those descriptions seems to satisfy naval engineering standards since those designs illustrate a ship that is completely unseaworthy. In the Old Testament Noah’s ark is described as a rectangular “box” with straight sides, having no bows, no keel nor hull. In fact, according to historians the Hebrew word for “the ark” is a box or container. Historians point that word games mean little here since the Hebrews they were a people without oceans and had extremely little experience with boats or naval engineering. In the description of the ark in the Sumerian accounts, Noah’s Ark is described as a cube if the translation were interpreted correctly. But this seems very strange since the Mesopotamians were a nation of the seas, and the Sumerians and later Peoples were well acquainted with the principles of shipbuilding and seaworthiness. Most of the Sumerian cities had access to the sea and great ships are often described at anchor at Sumerian ports, so it seems very strange that the Sumerian accounts for Noah’s ark described it as a “box” or “cube”. The old testament provides good descriptions about the ark: Noah Builds the Ark: The Ark is referred to as “Teba” which in Hebrew would mean; “Box” (correct me if I’m wrong) It is described as a rectangular box with a flat bottom and straight sides, 300 cubits long, 50 wide and 30 high. Basically, the size of Noah’s Ark would be the following: its dimensions were 450 feet (162 meters), 75 feet wide (27 meters) and 45 feet high (16.2 meters), and such measures were made for the “ship” to successfully transport around 43,300 tons. The Hebrews had a word for ship, but for some reason, they decided to call it a box instead. Having that said, the Noah’s “box” was not a seaworthy ship since its descriptions place the craft as being made without a keel, bow and other essential elements needed in the ship to remain at sea. If the description of Noah’s ark were correct, then this box would have been tossed and pitched uncontrollably in stormy seas potentially ending in a catastrophe for the “ship”. Some researchers believe that the Hebrew chroniclers may have felt that the word container would be more understandable to their people, indicating that the legend of the great flood was undoubtedly manipulated and modified by the early Hebrew priests to suit their purposes. According to the descriptions, the ship was built of gopher wood, an expression that is entirely unidentified according to some researchers. They point towards the fact that these words do not have a Sumerian nor Akkadian origin and have been a complete mystery since they do not appear in any other Scriptures. So the question is, could they have referred to a particular type of wood or other material? And not “real wood”? Material processed to become waterproof by an impregnation process like the one that modern-day wood is submitted through? The story of the great flood was well-known throughout the world and can even be found in the Epic of Gilgamesh believed to have been written about 2000 BC in Sumerian accounts going back to the 28th or 29th century BC. According to historians, the oldest parts of Genesis were not written before 1000 BC, and those were apparently versions of the Sumerian account which were passed through in Mesopotamia and the Levant in Akkadian or Semitic forms. This actually indicates that the history of the Old Testament went through a series of changes until it finally became part of the Book of Genesis. There seem to be several mysteries convening Noah’s Ark and many of the historical accounts do not fit into the story in a logical way. The question here is, what was Noah’s ark actually? Was it a ship, described as being a box, that somehow managed to sail through storms and stay afloat? Or is there another story to it? The possibilities are endless. The Detroit officers fired shots into the vehicle, wounding the suspects; the suspect then drove the car forward, striking and dragging officer
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