
Video: Shootout erupts during pursuit after suspect rams, fires shots at cruisers

The suspect reportedly shot at an Elk Grove Police patrol vehicle behind him and shot multiple times at a Sacramento County deputy’s cruiser, hitting the vehicle

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‘I’m going to kill you’: Man throws hammer at Calif. deputies as they try to remove him from burning car

The man told Riverside County Sheriff’s Office deputies he would shoot them before throwing the hammer, leading deputies to fire shots at him

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Scientifically proven: Planets in our Solar System aligned as a Crucifix, the day that Jesus died

Call it whatever you want, but according to researchers it scientifically proven. It’s an extremely rare astronomical phenomenon, it did not happen again after 33 AD for 600 years. It is an astronomical discovery that one that cannot take lightly.

On the 3rd of April 33, the date on which researchers agree that the crucifixion of Jesus took place, Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Earth and Venus lined up and took form of a crucified man. The discovery of this curious phenomenon was made possible thanks to Miguel Antonio Fiol, a historian at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

According to a press release published by the Christian Newswire, an illustration released on Monday depicts the planets Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Earth and Venus aligned on an orrery model to form what looks like Jesus Christ on the cross “with the head, the hands spread out and the legs together in accurate positioning, rotation and on a galactic scale.”

Planets - Jesus - Alignment
Planets Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Earth and Venus are shown aligned on an orrery model to form what looks like Jesus on the cross. Image Credit: Miguel Antonio Fiol

“There are quite e few studies which indicate with precision the date that Jesus Christ died: The bible, Calendars, Astronomical conditions and even geology,” said Miguel Antonio Fiol.

“Those planets rotate as opposites or mirrors, like your left and right hand and your feet,” said Miguel Antonio Fiol, the researcher who made the discovery.

An illustration published to show the discovery shows what position the planets adopted during that time, 2000 years ago. Thus it can be seen that the rings of Saturn, on top of the planetary figure, have the appearance of a halo or a crown, reminiscent of the crown of thorns on Jesus’ head. Likewise, Uranus and Jupiter represent hands, while the feet would be formed by Earth and Venus.

“Even at first glance I knew it looked like the crucifixion,” Mr. Fiol stated. “But it took time to uncover all the incredible parallels. According to the historian, the planetary alignment began in mid-March and lasted until the middle of April in the year 33. This same alignment occurs once per cycle of 333 years, which means that it has happened six times, between the year 0 and 2000.

“It’s hard to put it into the coincidence category,” Mr. Fiol told the Gospel Herald in an emailed statement. “This unique alignment happened for only a month in 33 A.D. and then not again for 600 years. So rare is it that models show me it won’t happen again from now until around the year 2900.”

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Tesla’s UFO: What you should know about Tesla’s incredible flying saucer

We all know that Nikola Tesla was way ahead of his time with his inventions, his creativity and ideas. Tesla is recognized as one of the most innovative and mysterious men who ever lived.

If Tesla hadn’t invented and researched everything he did in his time, our technology today would be considerably worse. But is there something more to Tesla? Did Tesla have contact with Aliens as he publicly proclaimed? He certainly is one of the most amazing inventors our civilization has ever known: his knowledge and ideas went far and beyond what was known and accepted in his lifetime. Is it possible that Nikola Tesla envisioned futuristic technologies thanks to his open mind? And is it possible that he did, in fact, receive messages from beings, not from Earth?

One of his most mysterious inventions is the UFO or better said, ‘Identified’ flying object.


Interestingly, over a hundred years ago, during the first decade of the twentieth century, Tesla filed a request to patent a peculiar aircraft, which he called “the world’s first flying saucer,” the world’s first man-made UFO.

What many people find interesting are the methods used in the design of the flying saucer matched the descriptions of those who claimed to have seen a from the UFO inside: with a discoidal capacitor with sufficient size to provide enough thrust to fly, while other small capacitors allowed to control the direction of the flying saucer, to which he added a gyroscopic stabilization system and an electric “drive” control.

Tesla was all about the future, and his futuristic flying object was top of the line; the interior of the ship was equipped with flat screens and external video cameras for the pilot’s blind spots.

No blind spots in Tesla’s flying saucer: Tesla’s UFO has eyes, and these were made of electro-optical lenses, arranged in quadrants, allowing the pilot to see everything.


1904 image of Wardenclyffe Tower located in Shoreham, Long Island, New York. The 94 by 94 ft (29 m) brick building was designed by architect Stanford White.
1904 image of Wardenclyffe Tower located in Shoreham, Long Island, New York. The 94 by 94 ft (29 m) brick building was designed by architect Stanford White.

Just like aircraft today which are designed with massive computers, screens and monitors were placed in Tesla’s flying saucer on a console where the browser could observe all areas around the vehicle, and Tesla’s incredible invention included magnifying lenses, which could have been used without changing positions.

Tesla’s unusual flying saucer was powered by “free energy”! Since the aircraft did not include a power source of its own, it needed to be energized by the towers of wireless transmission, Tesla’s sources of “free energy”.

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Designing a satellite to hunt small space debris

A University of Alaska Fairbanks scientist is participating in a U.S. government effort to design a satellite and instruments capable of detecting space debris as small as 1 centimeter, less than one-half inch.

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NASA installs heat shield on first private spacecraft bound for Venus

Led by Rocket Lab of Long Beach, California, and their partners at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Rocket Lab’s Venus mission will be the first private mission to the planet.

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Super-resolution microscopy achieves nanometer resolution without traditional ON/OFF switching

Overcoming the resolution limit in a light microscope of around half a wavelength of light (about 250 nanometers) is one of the most significant developments in optics. Due to the wave nature of light, even the best lens cannot produce a light spot smaller than 250 nanometers in diameter. All molecules within this bright spot are illuminated at the same time, light up together, and therefore, appear inseparable as a blurred whole.

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Methane’s collision with gold surfaces reveals how quantum interference and symmetry dictate molecular behavior

The quantum rules shaping molecular collisions are now coming into focus, offering fresh insights for chemistry and materials science. When molecules collide with surfaces, a complex exchange of energy takes place between the molecule and the atoms composing the surface. But beneath this dizzying complexity, quantum mechanics, which celebrates its 100th anniversary this year, governs the process.

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Optimized approach enables super-resolution 3D direct laser writing with unprecedented speed and resolution

For the first time, researchers have used high-speed laser writing to create lines spaced just 100 nm apart on a glass substrate. The optimized printing approach could enable super-resolution 3D direct laser writing (DLW) of microlenses, photonics crystals, micro-optical devices, metamaterials and more.

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Baby, you’re a firework! Katy Perry to blast off into space

Pop star Katy Perry is set to “shoot across the sky” this spring when she lifts off as part of a six-member, all-female crew on Blue Origin’s next space flight, the company announced Thursday.

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Hubble provides bird’s-eye view of Andromeda galaxy’s ecosystem

Located 2.5 million light-years away, the majestic Andromeda galaxy appears to the naked eye as a faint, spindle-shaped object roughly the angular size of the full moon. What backyard observers don’t see is a swarm of nearly three dozen small satellite galaxies circling the Andromeda galaxy, like bees around a hive.

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How did life develop on early Earth? New source of nitrogen discovered

Living organisms need nitrogen as a central building block for protein formation, for example. However, although our atmosphere contains plenty of nitrogen, neither humans nor the vast majority of plants can absorb it directly from the air.

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‘Give me your f***ing gun’: Man waves knife in D.C. PD cruiser window, climbs into another cruiser before OIS

The man crashed his car into a D.C. cruiser and threatened an officer through the window before being wounded; he then stabbed himself and threatened others before being fatally shot

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Polymer microdomes reveal tunable chiral structural colors with significant implications for optical applications

Chiral-structural-color materials produce color through microscopic structures that interact with light rather than through pigmentation or dyes. Some beetle exoskeletons, avian feathers, butterfly wings, and marine organisms feature these structures naturally, producing iridescent or polarization-dependent colors. Over the last 10–15 years, scientists have made progress in developing artificial chiral-structural-color materials.

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BWC: Man whacks empty cruiser at LASD substation with machete, approaches deputy before fatal OIS

The man repeatedly struck a cruiser parked outside a sheriff’s department substation with a 16-inch machete before being confronted by a deputy

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