
In a first, physicists set an upper limit in the search for hybrid mesons

Carnegie Mellon University’s Professor Curtis Meyer and his research colleagues explore an uncharted world inside protons and neutrons. For the first time, researchers have provided measurements describing a maximum boundary for a subatomic particle known as a hybrid meson in a journal paper published in Physical Review Letters. The measurements show scientists a path forward in a search for these elusive particles that provide a new look at the force that holds all matter together.

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Innovative target design leads to surprising discovery in laser-plasma acceleration

Scientists have developed a method for generating fast, bright proton beams using a high-repetition-rate laser-plasma accelerator. This work, published in Nature Communications, resolves several long-standing challenges and ushers this technology to the threshold of real-world applications—all thanks to a stream of water.

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Video: Man flees traffic stop, striking cruisers before being subdued by K-9

Volusia County deputies deployed spike strips and a K-9 to end the pursuit, which began when the suspect refused to exit his vehicle during a traffic stop

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Astronomers investigate the evolution of a newly detected supernova

An international team of astronomers has investigated a newly detected Type II supernova designated SN 2024jlf. The new study, detailed in a paper published Jan. 30 on the arXiv pre-print server, yields important information regarding the evolution of this supernova and the nature of its progenitor.

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Could a climate megaproject cloud Chile’s unparalleled views of universe?

As night falls on the Atacama desert in northern Chile four giant telescopes turn their gaze towards the star-strewn heavens.

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Does the universe behave the same way everywhere? Weak gravitational lensing could provide an answer

A study published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP) presents a methodology to test the assumption of cosmic homogeneity and isotropy, known as the Cosmological Principle, by leveraging weak gravitational lensing—a light distortion effect described by general relativity—in astronomical images collected by new observatories such as the Euclid Space Telescope. Finding evidence of anomalies in the Cosmological Principle could have profound implications for our current understanding of the universe.

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Massive stellar feedback influences star formation, finds study of W4 super-large HII region

A new study has unveiled new insights into the effects of massive stars on nearby molecular gas and star formation in the W4 super-large HII region.

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Is methane the key to finding life on other worlds?

How would detecting methane help astronomers identify if exoplanets, or even exomoons, have life as we know it, or even as we don’t know it? This is what a recent study published in The Astronomical Journal hopes to address as a team of researchers led by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center investigated how a method called BARBIE (Bayesian Analysis for Remote Biosignature Identification on exoEarths) could be used on a future space mission to detect methane (CH4) on Earth-like exoplanets in optical (visible) and near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths.

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Physicists achieve fully optical readout of superconducting qubits

Qubits—the fundamental units of quantum information—drive entire tech sectors. Among them, superconducting qubits could be instrumental in building a large-scale quantum computer, but they rely on electrical signals and are difficult to scale.

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A promising technique to steer laser-produced THz radiation in air

Terahertz radiation (THz), electromagnetic radiation with frequencies ranging from 0.1 and 10 THz, is central to the functioning of various technologies, including imaging, sensing and spectroscopy tools. While THz radiation waves have been manipulated in different ways over the past decades, controlling their direction in air has so far remained a challenge.

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Excitons in organic semiconductors: Unraveling their quantum entanglement and dynamics

Excitons, encountered in technologies like solar cells and TVs, are quasiparticles formed by an electron and a positively charged “hole,” moving together in a semiconductor. Created when an electron is excited to a higher energy state, excitons transfer energy without carrying a net charge. While their behavior in traditional semiconductors is well understood, excitons act differently in organic semiconductors.

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Gate-controllable two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides for spintronic memory

The rapid advancement of technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) has heightened the demand for high-speed, energy-efficient memory devices. Traditional memory technologies often struggle to balance performance with power consumption.

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Call to action emphasizes physics researchers’ role in combating climate change

“Climate change is real.” That stark and undeniable statement spearheads a new call to action in a paper published in a special edition of the European Physical Journal Special Topics, focusing on energy saving in physics research and applications.

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The extraterrestrial Messages of Nikola Tesla

  • Tesla believed he received alien messages at the end of the nineteenth century

It is not a secret that there are numerous inventions of Tesla that have been attributed to other “inventors”, among these inventions are the radio and the first machine capable of searching for extraterrestrial life. The FBI seized documents including numerous inventions that were way ahead of Teslas time, possible secret technology, including a version of its famous wireless transmitter that could send radio waves focused to distant points of the solar system.

While Tesla’s genius is indisputable, some people question whether his mind became delusional at some option. What is true is that Tesla was interested, throughout his life, in developing technology to contact extraterrestrial intelligence and believed that, at least in one occasion, he had detected an alien signal.

Since 1896, Tesla believed that a version of his famous wireless transmitter could be used to contact intelligent beings on other planets. In the summer of 1899, while working in his laboratory in Colorado Springs, Tesla believed to have observed a series of numerical codes in cosmic radio signals, which he interpreted as a sign of intelligence that originated from pants inside our solar system. But is it possible that Tesla did in fact receive an extraterrestrial message? If so where did it come from?

Tesla was asked by the Red Cross to predict man’s greatest possible achievement over the next century. The letter below was his reply.

A much-needed transcript follows.

(Source: Tesla Society; Image: Tesla at work, via.)

A letter written by Nikola Tesla
A letter written by Nikola Tesla


To the American Red Cross, New York City.

The retrospect is glorious, the prospect is inspiring: Much might be said of both. But one idea dominates my mind. This — my best, my dearest — is for your noble cause.

I have observed electrical actions, which have appeared inexplicable. Faint and uncertain though they were, they have given me a deep conviction and foreknowledge, that ere long all human beings on this globe, as one, will turn their eyes to the firmament above, with feelings of love and reverence, thrilled by the glad news: “Brethren! We have a message from another world, unknown and remote. It reads: one… two… three…”

Christmas 1900

Nikola Tesla


Curiously, Tesla wasn’t the only one who believed he received messages from otherworldly beings. Marconi, referred to by history as the inventor of the radio, even thought Tesla patented it a couple of years sooner than Marconi, also received “messages” from other planets, but Marconi’s messages were dismissed as a simple interference. Tesla’s case was more complex.

In 1937, Nikola Tesla said: n 1937, he announced:
“I have devoted much of my time during the year past to the perfecting of a new small and compact apparatus by which energy in considerable amounts can now be flashed through interstellar space to any distance without the slightest dispersion.” (New York Times, Sunday, 11 July 1937.)

Interestingly, In the 1970’s L.G. Lawrence (field manager of the Ecola Institute) revealed a communication with Extraterrestrial Beings:

“On October 29, 1971… while conducting exploratory RBS [Remote Biological Sensing] experiments in Riverside County, CA, our field instrumentation’s organic transducers complex intercepted a train of apparently intelligent communication signals (tight spacing and discrete pulse intervals) while accidentally allowed to remain pointed at the constellation Ursa Major during a short rest period. The phenomenon prevailed for somewhat over 33 minutes….

“A somewhat similar phenomenon was observed on April 10, 1972…. The apparent signals, aside from seemingly growing weaker, appear to be transmitted at great intervals ranging from weeks to months, possibly years. A faint, coherent , binary-type phenomenon was noted during aural monitoring…. Intervals between rapid series of pulse trains ranged from… 3 to 10 minutes….

Secrets of the Universe
Secrets of the Universe

In the 1980’s engineer Greg Hodowanec was able to confirm some of Tesla’s claims based on his own theory of Rhysmonic Cosmology while experimenting with a Gravity Wave Detector (GWD) of his own design. By 1988, Hodowanec stated that “…Such signals are being received today with simple modern-day scalar-type signal detectors… coherent modulations are being ‘heard’ in [the microwave] background radiation. The most prominent modulations being three pulses (code S) slightly separated in time, a la Tesla! On occasions, the code equivalents of an E, N, A, or K, are also heard, but the most persistent response is SE, SE, etc.

Nikola Tesla, physicist, engineer, and inventor of alternating current, in the early 1900s PHOTOGRAPH BY EVERETT COLLECTION INC., ALAMY
Nikola Tesla, physicist, engineer, and inventor of alternating current, in the early 1900s

“Any l/f type noise detector will respond to this background modulation. However, the experimenter must be careful that he is not creating these responses at the ‘local’ level by his own or other local actions. For example, the detectors will also respond to heart beats, breathing actions, local movements, as well as possible psychic effects. The detectors are easy to make and the experimenter should easily reproduce these results.”


Source: Tesla, N., Collier’s Weekly (March 1901), p. 359-361; “Talking With the Planets”
Lawrence, L.G.: “Interstellar Communications Signals”; Borderlands 52(1):27-29 (1996)
Hodowanec, Gregory: Rhysmonic Cosmology
Electrical World (4 April 1896), p. 369: “Is Tesla to Signal to the Stars?”

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10 things you should know about the ancient Olmecs

Archaeologists estimate that the period of existence of the Olmecs was between 200 and 500 thousand years before Christ. According to several studies, there were three areas where the ancient Olmecs focused their reign, these were mainly San Lorenzo, Veracruz; Tabasco Sale and Tres Zapotes, close to Santiago Tuxtla, Veracruz.

The great Olmec civilization is mainly noted for their giant heads, which have become a giant mystery ever since their discovery. To date, researchers have not been able to understand how the ancient Olmecs managed to create these giant heads and what was their exact use.

A map showing the principal settlements of the Olmec civilization in Mesoamerica (modern-day Mexico) which flourished from c. 1200-300 BCE.

Here we have ten things that you should know about the ancient Olmec:

Archaeologists haven clue what the original name of this ancient civilization was. The name “Olmec” comes from the Aztec language which means rubber people. This ancient civilization has a completely unknown origin. some researchers like to believe that this ancient civilization got to the Americas by chance. Some have even suggested that this great civilization originated in ancient Sumer.

Wit and mystery are two of the qualifiers for the “Olmec heads.” They are a true mystery to researchers who are unable to decipher their meaning and the way how the ancient Olmecs managed to quarry, transport and design such large pieces of rocks. The first discovery was made in 1862 and several years later, in 1925, the giant heads were considered a rarity. The Giant Olmec heads usually show two ears with pierced lobes and what looks like a helmet.

So far, researchers have found about 50 sites with traces of the Olmecs. Scholars believe that their three main areas were placed strategically. “La Venta” is placed under a North-South axis which has a deviation of eight degrees west relative to true north. It allows incredible astronomical observations from the top of a conical pyramid. This points to the fact that the ancient Olmecs were incredible astronomers.

This 'wrestler' from La Venta has clear Asian characteristics: The beard is not found in the Amerindian genotype.
This ‘wrestler’ from La Venta has clear Asian characteristics: The beard is not found in the Amerindian genotype.

One of the most mysterious findings is a 3.5 cm hematite bar that has caused mixed reactions among researchers. When placed on water its axis points towards the north. According to researchers from the university of Michigan, this device was a compass. This changes a lot in history since it would mean that the ancient Olmecs are the inventors of the compass and no the Chinese as previously thought. The device is believed to have been used to position their constructions facing north.

At the archaeological site of “La Venta,” researchers have found hundreds of artistically engraved jade objects. All were found buried in long, deep trenches that had been filled with several layers of clay from different regions. This points to the fact that the ancient Olmecs were incredibly skilled manufacturers. A dog with “wheels” is considered as the best example of the advanced knowledge of the Olmecs. Some researchers attribute the invention of the wheel to the ancient Olmecs.

It is believed that the Olmecs invented the wheel. This toy is a demonstration of their incredible knowledge, way ahead of their time.
It is believed that the Olmecs invented the wheel. This toy is a demonstration of their incredible knowledge, way ahead of their time.

The ancient Olmecs used to make toys. Some of the remains that have been found show that the Olmecs used to carve different types toys. A rare and mysterious example can be found at the Museum of Anthropology in Xalapa. The object seems to depict an elephant, an animal which did not exist at that time in America. This subject reinforces the theory that the inhabitants of this civilization came from Africa.

The “Cascajal block” is considered as one of the most mysterious and oldest Latin text. It consists of 62 symbols, some of which are repeated four times. Scientists have tried to explain and decipher it but without success. It is thought that this could be a new “Rosetta Stone” which hides many hidden messages and secrets.

The ancient serpentine tablet (The Cascajal Block) is dated to around 900 B.C. It is the oldest accepted example of writing in the New World, scientists say.
The ancient serpentine tablet (The Cascajal Block) is dated to around 900 B.C. It is the oldest accepted example of writing in the New World, scientists say.

Just like the Aztecs and the Maya, the ancient Olmecs disappeared into the mists of history. At the beginning of the Christian era and for no apparent reason, it is believed that the Olmecs gradually abandoned their sites. The people who settled into the Olmec sites acted in a vengeful spirit, tearing down the Olmec sculptures.


The Ancient Olmecs are believed to have received “divine support.” Some of the legends say that they made their incredible constructions with the help of “beings that came from the clouds”, these beings are called “Nosoobi.”

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