
Dentist driving with 107 laughing gas canisters was ‘inhaling all day,’ Texas cops say

Nitrous oxide can affect a user’s mental state by “almost immediately” providing euphoria and numbness of the body, according to the Alcohol and Drug Foundation

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India: Footprints embedded in rock, evidence of ancient astronauts?

Are the footprints embedded in rock in India evidence of ancient astronauts?

A village in central India has fueled discussions on numerous social networks about the discovery of a mysterious set of “footprints” embedded in rock next to depictions of a flying object.

The village in question is called Piska Nagri, and it is located in the outskirts of the city of Ranchi in the State of Jharkahnd. This is where geologist Nitish Priyadarshi has been studying mysterious and striking footsteps, which according to local legend, could prove to be evidence pointing towards the presence of sky gods who landed at the region in the remote past. The footprints are located on rock and look as if they were made with wooden sandals commonly used for thousands of years by the inhabitants of the region. One of the tracks is 28 centimeters long and 11 centimeters wide. It is believed that the god-kings of Hindu mythology, Lord Rama and Lord Lakshmana, spent time in this area while searching of Rama’s wife, Sita.


According to Priyadarshi the traces are made of granite, and thus were recorded rather than carved out of solid rock. “They might have been made by hand by local people of that time to commemorate the visitors,” said the geologist.

Interestingly the most amazing part is that next to these striking footprints, there are depictions of what appear to be flying objects. The footprints and UFO’s appear to be part of the identical scene, they might have been created on purpose by ancient man who tried to explain how these “sky gods” came to Earth.

The age of the tracks has not yet been officially clarified. “Looking at the wear and tear, the product erosion and climate, one can say that the age of these mysterious depictions could be over thousands of years if not more. Interestingly, throughout history there were many archaeological discoveries of footprints, including what appear to be boots and other strange findings scattered in different parts of the world.


These mysterious discoveries have been tagged, by mainstream scientists, as unimportant discoveries, some of them have been said to be fake, and all of this because mainstream researchers cannot seem to accurately explain their origin. The giant footprint in Africa said to be over 200 millions of years old is just one example of the many mysterious discoveries made on planet Earth.

In ancient times, the Romans recorded footsteps before going on journeys as a ritual of protection, which they believed would ensure them a return without problems. In Ireland and other parts of Northern Europe, footprints in rock were associated with royalty and leadership.

Despite intensive investigation and with all of our advanced technology, it seems that we have not been able to decipher a small percentage of our ancient history. There are numerous ancient sites that remain a mystery to archaeologists and researchers.

Each year, new discoveries are being made, and all of these seem to indicate that we have very little knowledge when it comes to ancient civilization that inhabited Earth in the distant past. Perhaps, it is time to change our approach on these subjects, and maybe then, we will find answers to many questions that have so far, remained unanswered.

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‘Donut worry’: Ind. officers stop woman fleeing in stolen Krispy Kreme truck, spilling treats on roadway

“These bad boys do look delicious though,” an Indianapolis Metro Police Department officer is heard saying in the video while holding a box

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Mich. K-9 finds suspect’s gun in tree stump

“Jett continues to earn his position as a member of this agency,” Roscommon Sheriff’s Office officials said. “We are so pleased that he keeps bringing Sgt. Darsow to work with him for every shift!”

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Driver passed out at gas pumps wakes up, bites Fla. deputy, K-9

When Polk County Sheriff’s Office deputies woke up the driver, he tried to drive away; a scuffle ensued, during which the man bit both a deputy and a K-9

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Göbekli Tepe is at least 7000 years older than Stonehenge

Today, Göbekli Tepe is a vast, dusty hill. The heat prevents archaeologists from digging in the summer and therefore only 5% of the total of Göbekli Tepe has been excavated. Just imagine everything that archaeologists will find once they manage to excavate 50% of this incredible ancient site.

In the distant past, there were days of mild climate, when green lands conquered the region. The “Göbekli” people were organized groups of hundreds of hunters that guided whole herds of gazelles into traps. They were skilled, not only as hunters and gatherers but as constructors and artists as well.

Göbekli Tepe is a superb construction, one that defies our knowledge of the past. From what researchers were able to understand so far, it was built as a temple, created with giant limestone blocks that predominate the different part of the “Stonehenge of the desert”.


Compared with Göbekli Tepe, Stonehenge (which is impressive beyond understanding) seems clumsy and insecure construction work, little more than a pile of stacked standing stones in a circle, no offense!

Even though both are incredible achievements of ancient man, what distinguishes this incredible construction in modern-day Turkey from Stonehenge isn’t only hard work or the technical difficulty of the project. The timescale that separates both of them is what baffles researchers and historians since Göbekli Tepe was built 7000 years before Stonehenge.


Measurements place the oldest stratum at Göbekli Tepe to around 9600 BC. It is, therefore, 6,500 years older than Stonehenge and 7000 years older than the oldest of the Pyramids. Simply put, it is the oldest megalithic monument that humanity has known, and its discovery has drastically changed the perception of Homo sapiens, evolution and Neolithic architecture.

The main structures of Göbekli Tepe are a series of three rectilinear structures which are located below the surface, defined by dry-stone walls, and containing multiple decorated T-shaped pillars. The stones were used mainly as support for the roof, although it can not be excluded that these had a symbolic purpose.


It is the antiquity of the site which is surprising, considering the complexity of advanced cultures presents in the are, researchers cannot explain how this extremely advanced culture existed 11.000 years ago. Researchers have no obvious explanation for a highly advanced culture existing in Upper Mesopotamia at the end of the last Ice Age, when the world was still populated by communities of hunter-gatherers, which were worried about the day-to-day survival. Yet, these anonymous individuals, known to archaeologists as the people of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic, created some of the most fascinating works of art of the ancient world, works of art that would not be surpassed in the next thousands of years.
Whether Göbekli Tepe is or not a temple, it is without doubt the most incredible archaic work of megalithic architecture that has been found.

anoka beads

Its total size, up to 15 meters of accumulated sediments that spread over an area of 9 hectares, the sheer number of fossils unearthed so far, and its incredible antiquity that goes back to the tenth millennium BC if not further, has made it one of the most important archaeological discoveries in the history of mankind, not to mention the giant question researchers are facing as to why the builders of Göbekli Tepe decided to bury the incredible archaeological site 2000 years ago and how they manage to transport such amount of soil.

Yet there are many people who are totally unaware of its existence, even though it is one of the most incredible places on planet Earth.

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Suspect uses blowtorch to ignite propane tank during Ariz. pursuit, video shows fiery explosion

The man rammed a Prescott Police cruiser before igniting the propane with a blowtorch, causing the fire to spread to a Yavapai County deputy’s cruiser

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Police: Ind. student’s plan for ‘Parkland part two’ school shooting foiled after FBI tip

Mooresville law enforcement and the FBI arrested Trinity Shockley after someone used the FBI’s Say Something tipline to report strange behavior

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How NASA’s Lunar Trailblazer will make a looping voyage to the moon

Before arriving at the moon, the small satellite mission will use the gravity of the sun, Earth, and moon over several months to gradually line up for capture into lunar orbit.

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First astronaut with a disability cleared for space station mission

The first-ever astronaut with a physical disability has been cleared for a mission onboard the International Space Station, the European Space Agency announced on Friday.

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FAST uncovers emission properties of three long-period pulsars

Using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), astronomers have investigated the emission properties of three long-period pulsars. Results of the observational campaign are presented in a research paper published Feb. 6 on the arXiv preprint server.

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A novel technique for identifying magnetic ordering in antiferromagnets

A new trick for illuminating the internal ordering within a special type of magnet could help engineers build better memory-storage devices. Developed by RIKEN physicists, this technique could make memory devices less corruptible.

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Atomic traffic control—researchers develop novel technology for more precise quantum sensors

Quantum sensors can be significantly more precise than conventional sensors and are used for Earth observation, navigation, material testing, and chemical or biomedical analysis, for example. TU Darmstadt researchers have now developed and tested a technique that makes quantum sensors even more precise.

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Simulations reveal Anderson transition for light in 3D disordered systems

The Anderson transition is a phase transition that occurs in disordered systems, which entails a shift from a diffusive state (i.e., in which waves or particles are spread out) to a localized state, in which they are trapped in specific regions. This state was first studied by physicist Philip W. Anderson, who examined the arrangement of electrons in disordered solids, yet it was later found to also apply to the propagation of light and other waves.

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From collisions to stellar cannibalism—the surprising diversity of exploding white dwarfs

Astrophysicists have unearthed a surprising diversity in the ways in which white dwarf stars explode in deep space after assessing almost 4,000 such events captured in detail by a next-gen astronomical sky survey. Their findings may help us more accurately measure distances in the universe and further our knowledge of “dark energy.”

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