
Scalable way to generate and control sound in silicon photonic chips

Researchers at the University of Twente have solved a long-standing problem: trapping optically-generated sound waves in a standard silicon photonic chip. This discovery, published as a featured article in APL Photonics, opens new possibilities for radio technology, quantum communication, and optical computing.

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Doubling down on a century-old math formula unlocks more controllable qubits

Physicists have found a simple and effective way to skip over an energy level in a three-state system, potentially leading to increased quantum computational power with fewer qubits.

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Sex trafficking survivor reunites with Oklahoma City officers who rescued her from captors

“It brings strength to me seeing the people that had the strength to come and get me when I had zero strength,” Natalee Cramer said

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Neb. trooper killed after being struck by snow plow

Trooper Kyle McAcy, 31, was assisting with a crash on an interstate when he was struck by a snowplow outside his patrol car

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Real Time Crime Center video shows suspect striking officer with vehicle before OIS

“This is a dangerous business,” superintendent Anne Kirkpatrick said. “(Officers) go in every day, knowing the dangers that confront them. And it can happen in a moment.”

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The Black Knight Satellite caught on video as it approaches the ISS

The infamous Black Knight Satellite caught on video near the ISS? According to a leaked Russian video filmed by cosmonauts, yes!

Is it possible that the mysterious Black Knight satellite was recorded on video as it approached the International space Station?

Someone, managed to smuggle a video out of the Russian Federal Space Agency in which the mysterious object, referred to as “The Black Knight” is seen. Remember that Russia has always been more tolerant and straightforward when it comes to the UFO phenomena than any other country on Earth.

In the video, recorded by Russian cosmonauts, we can see the progress cargo ship as it approached the International Space Station, but mysteriously, all of a sudden a mysterious shape becomes visible near the Progress cargo ship, this mysterious shape is believed to be the mysterious Black Knight Satellite according to ufologists.

The Black Knight Satellite

The Black Knight Satellite is believed to be one of the most mysterious objects to orbit planet Earth. According to monitoring agencies around the world, The Black knight satellite has been transmitting radio signals for over 50 years now. Rumors are that it was Nikola Tesla the first man to “intercept” a signal from the black knight satellite in 1899 after building a high-voltage radio device in Colorado Springs. The Grumman Aircraft Corporation gave much importance to this mysterious “Satellite”, On September 3, 1960, seven months after the satellite was first detected by radar, a tracking camera at Grumman Aircraft Corporation’s Long Island factory took a photograph of the Black Knight satellite.

In 1963, Gordon Cooper was launched into space. On his final orbit, he reported seeing a glowing green object in front of his capsule in the distance moving towards his Spacecraft. The Muchea tracking station, in Australia, which Cooper reported the object to, picked up this Unidentified object on Radar travelling East to West.


In the video below, you will notice that as the object gets closer to the International Space Station its shape is revealed, a shape that according to many ufologists who have seen the video, does not appear to be man-made.

After looking at the video, the object in question does seem to resemble the mysterious Black Knight Satellite. But what is its purpose in space? What is its origin? And is it possible that it is an Alien satellite as many researchers suggest? One that originated in the constellation Epsilon Boötis, 13,000 years ago?
(The Epsilon Boötis is a double star in the northern constellation of Boötes. It has the traditional names Izar and Pulcherrima. The star system can be viewed with the unaided eye at night, but resolving the pair with a small telescope is challenging; an aperture of 76 mm (3.0 in) or greater is required. — Wikipedia)

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Below a preview of the article by Time Magazine about the Black Knight Satellite:

Three weeks ago, headlines announced that the U.S. had detected a mysterious “dark” satellite wheeling overhead on a regular orbit. There was nervous speculation that it might be a surveillance satellite launched by the Russians, and it brought the uneasy sensation that the U.S. did not know what was going on over its own head. But last week the Department of Defense proudly announced that the satellite had been identified. It was a space derelict, the remains of an Air Force Discoverer satellite that had gone astray. Read the complete story by visiting the Time Magazine website.

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An Electromagnetic Sphere was located on top of the Great Pyramid of Giza

What do Nikola Tesla and the Great Pyramid of Giza have in common? Well more than you would have thought actually. Is it possible that the Great Pyramid of Giza was in fact a GIANT energy plant as some researchers have suggested? We know that the pyramid was not built as a tomb, so that theory we know is incorrect.

According to a study from architect Miguel Perez Sanchez a series of impossible figures with the number pi, e, and continuous references and relationships with the star Sirius give a new perspective on the great encyclopedia of knowledge that is the Great Pyramid of Egypt.

The Great Pyramid is the most important building of the Old Kingdom, it is one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, the only one that remains standing today. Devoid of its original coating blocks of white limestone, the great Pyramid lacks its summit which gave the pyramid another 9 meters in height. Now, researchers know the exact shape of the object that was placed on top of the pyramid.

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The question is what was the purpose of this mysterious device? Is it possible that, like many researchers suggest, the Great Pyramid of Giza was used as some sort of giant power generator across ancient Egypt?

As proposed by Pérez-Sánchez, the sphere that the ancient Egyptians placed at the top of the pyramid symbolized the Eye of Horus and had a diameter of 2,718 royal cubits (2.7 meters), which is the accurate measure of the number e. The sphere located on the Pyramid was placed as a worship to the Sun and Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, which was associated with Isis.

Many theorists have speculated that the Great Pyramid of Giza might have been built to act as a giant power plant. The Great Pyramid is so precise and so accurate that it must have had a much greater purpose.

YouTube Video Here:

Today we know that the primary base line dimension of the Great Pyramid is harmonically integrated to the Earth via a 1/14400 ratio and that the latitude placement has been shown to possess a most decisive association to the Earth tropical year frequency.

Nikola Tesla might have tried replicating what the Ancient Egyptians did in the distant past.

So what do these two have in common? Well for starters the placement of the Great Pyramid of Giza wasn’t chosen at random, and curiously, neither was Tesla’s Knob Hill. It is believed that Tesla picked Knob Hill because of the latitude that allowed him a favourable energetic arc length displacement from the equator of the Earth.

As many researchers have stated, the arc length separation between Tesla’s Knob Hill laboratory and the equator are harmonically tied to the arc length separation between the Great Pyramid of Giza and the equator, all of this by means of the numeric sequence of the sexagesimal system.

“The arc length separation between Tesla’s lab and the equator is harmonically tied in to the arc length separation between the Great Pyramid and the equator, via the primary numeric sequence of the sexagesimal system. And with it already previously shown that the latitude placement of the Great Pyramid has a distinct tie-in to the current Earth tropical year (x10) pulsation rate, that such an ‘ideal’ ratio of 1.296 (162/125) connects up the Great Pyramid latitude to that of the transmitter station established by Tesla; it is quite conceivable therefore that he was applying the same scientific principles of resonance applicable to the Earth, as the ancient Egyptians who built the Great pyramid.” – Keith M. Hunter

What we have here is the Great Pyramid of Giza and Tesla’s Lab, both of them specifically placed and constructed for an incredible purpose that we have been unaware of. Tesla’s incredible lab was built in order to wirelessly transmit power across great distances, this is believed to be the same reason why the ancient Egyptians built the Great pyramid og Giza, which would explain a lot of enigmas surrounding the pyramid and its purpose.

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Delta plane flips over while landing at Toronto airport, injuring 8

The FAA said all 80 passengers and crew were safely evacuated after the plane flipped during landing at Toronto Pearson

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Video: Wash. deputies use PIT maneuvers, K-9 to capture suspect after pursuit

Thurston County deputies attempted to get the driver to surrender for nearly an hour before using foam bullets to break a window and deploying a K-9 into the vehicle

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‘Let us help you’: BWC video shows Ohio officer save distressed woman leaning over parking garage railing

“I lost my daughter many years ago, and I wish she could be here,” Cincinnati PD Officer Newman said. “…There are angels looking over us…there’s an angel for you.”

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Video: Fla. mounted police capture fleeing suspect accused of transporting illegal drugs

“If you choose to run, you’ll just go to jail tired,” the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office wrote on Facebook, adding that criminals “can’t hide from our horsepower!”

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Did Nikola Tesla discover the secrets of Antigravity?

YouTube Video Here:

Nikola Tesla is considered one of the most innovative and mysterious men who ever lived. If Tesla hadn’t invented and researched everything he did in his time, our technology today would be considerably worse. But, is there something more to Tesla? Did he, in fact, have contact with Aliens as he publicly proclaimed? He is one of the most amazing inventors our civilization has ever known his knowledge and ideas went far and beyond what was known and accepted in his lifetime.

Nikola Tesla has been credited with creating much of the technology that we today take pretty much for granted. Without the incredible ideas and inventions of Tesla, we would not have the radio, TV, AC electricity, the Tesla Coil, fluorescent lighting, neon lights, radio controlled devices, robotics, X-rays, radar, microwave and dozens of other amazing inventions that make our lives AWESOME.


But Tesla didn’t stop there, he was into the incredible secrets of flight and anti-gravity which led him to register a patent in 1928, number 1,655,144 for a flying machine that resembled both a helicopter and an airplane. Before his death, Tesla had developed the blueprints for the propulsion system of his aircraft. He called it “SPACE DRIVE” or the anti-electromagnetic field propulsion system. Interestingly, according to William R. Lyne in “Occult Ether Physics”, in a conference that Tesla had prepared for the Migrant Welfare Institute on May 12, 1938, he spoke about the Dynamic Theory of Gravity.

Lyne investigated further and analyzed Tesla’s claims and writings, discovering compete for statements and texts regarding the discoveries but the sources and texts were very limited since Tesla’s papers are stored in government vaults for reasons of national security.

When Lyne specifically asked for these papers at the Center for National Security Research (now the Research Center Robert J. Oppenheimer) in 1979, he was denied access because the papers were still classified.

Tesla had big ideas, and he was quickly advancing with his theories. In 1938, he talked about two incredible discoveries.


1. The Dynamic Theory of Gravity – which assumed a field of force which accounts for the motions of bodies in space; assumption of this field of force dispenses with the concept of space curvature (ala Einstein); the ether has an indispensable function in the phenomena (of universal gravity, inertia, momentum, and movement of heavenly bodies, as well as all atomic and molecular matter); and,

2. Environmental Energy – the Discovery of a new physical Truth: there is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment. Which contradicts Einstein’s E = mc2.

In an article, “Man’s Greatest Achievement”, Tesla outlined his Dynamic Theory of Gravity in poetic form

That the luminiferous ether fills all space

* That the ether is acted upon by the life-giving creative force

* That the ether is thrown into “infinitesimal whirls” (“micro helices”) at near the speed of light, becoming ponderable matter

* That when the force subsides and motion ceases, matter reverts to the ether (a form of “atomic decay”)

That man can harness these processes, to:

-Precipitate matter from the ether
-Create whatever he wants with the matter and energy derived
-Alter the earth’s size
-Control earth’s seasons (weather control)
-Guide earth’s path through the Universe, like a space ship
-Cause the collisions of planets to produce new suns and stars, heat, and light
-Originate and develop life in infinite forms

“I have worked out in all details and hope to give to the world very soon. It explains the causes of this force and the motions of heavenly bodies under its influence so satisfactorily that it will put an end to idle speculation and false conceptions, as that of curved space. Only the existence of a Weld of force can account for the motions of the bodies as observed, and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. All literature on this subject is futile and destined to oblivion. So are all attempts to explain the workings of the universe without recognizing the existence of the ether and the indispensable function it plays in the phenomena.”

What Tesla was talking about here was unlimited energy, free energy that came directly from the environment. Mysteriously, all of these incredible discoveries that have to do with FREE ENERGY have been the property of the Government, which apparently has made sure for the documents to remain far from the public and the media. Tesla was actually speaking about the conversion of energy into something much greater… “electropulsation”, used to control a weaker gravity force accomplishing more work in the same amount of time but producing more.

Getting back to Tesla and Antigravity and his incredible UFO or IFO. Tesla discovered that the electrostatic emission surface of a conductor will always concentrate where the surface is curved, or where it has an edge. While steeper the curve, or corner, the higher the concentration of electron emission is. Tesla also noted that an electrostatic charge will flow over the surface of a conductor rather than penetrate it. This is referred to as the Faraday effect or skin effect discovered by Michael Faraday.

This also explains the principles of the Faraday cage, which is used in high voltage research laboratories to protect humans and the electro-sensitive equipment from damage.

According to UFO reports, the inside of these “vehicles” is composed of circular channels or columns which go through the center of the craft. These serve, as a superstructure for the rest of the disk-shaped object and carry a high voltage and a high-frequency coil. It is believed to be a resonant transformer which gives electrostatic and electromagnetic load to the craft and its polarity. The coil inside the craft is what we know today as a Tesla Coil invented by Nikola Tesla in 1891.


It is believed that when the vacuum is created in one hemisphere of the craft atmospheric pressure can travel through the tube, driving some kind of electric generator turbine. Some reports say that “aliens” use this system as stationary power plants to generate electrical energy on their planets as well.

Did you know that Tesla’s ability to generate tremendously high voltages would have been of great assistance in the task of “smashing the atom.”

Other scientists, even today, are struggling to produce currents with a potential of 5,000,000 volts, whereas Tesla, forty years ago, had generated potentials of 135,000,000 volts.

Somehow, Tesla had all of this figured out!

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Researchers confirm: The Largest Pyramid in Mexico has been found

Researchers discover immense pyramid in Mexico, larger than Teotihuacan’s Pyramid of the Sun. 

Researchers in Mexico have discovered a Pyramid that, according to initial measurements, is larger than the Great Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan. Initial excavations were done in 2010.

The Pyramid, 75 meters in height, was explored by specialists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) on the acropolis of Tonina, Chiapas, estimated to be around 1700 years old.

Emiliano Gallaga, director of the archaeological zone, explained that work has been done in the last two years, and by means of a “three-dimensional, researchers verified that in the northeastern part of the site, stands one of the largest construction in Mesoamerica, comparable in size only to great Mayan cities like Tikal and El Mirador in Guatemala.


Another feature which makes this “unique” prehispanic pyramid stand out are the seven platforms which integrate it and were specific spaces intended to serve as palaces, temples, housing and administrative units.

It is a unique structure for various specific functions within the social, political, economic and religious structure, which is not repeated in any other archaeological site in the Mayan world stated researchers from INAH.

“It’s a big surprise to see that the pyramid was done almost entirely by pre-Hispanic architects and, therefore, is more artificial than natural.

“This is because it was believed that the entire structure was a natural hill, but recent evidence has revealed that the structure was almost entirely built by ancient inhabitants.


Archaeologists added that the pyramid is bigger than we had anticipated. The structure is connected by roads located on top of surrounding elevations.

Gallaga added that, after all of the information, we can confirm that this pyramid exceeds in height the pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan which measures 65 meters. INAH researchers have determined that the city center had an architectural continuity between 10 and 12 hectares, which is the double of what was previously thought and mainly corresponds to the south facade of the Acropolis, one of the most important Mayan areas known to researchers.

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Man impersonates ICE agent, walks inmate out of N.D. jail

The Williams County sheriff called the incident a result of “complacency and human error” and is not taking disciplinary action against the jail staff

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‘Strong support system’: Maine school district, PD launch diversion programs

The Rockland Regional Youth Diversion Team aims to allow teenagers accused of crimes to formally avoid the juvenile court system so long as they change their behavior

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