The practice of purposely looping thread to create intricate knit garments and blankets has existed for millennia. Though its precise origins have been lost to history, artifacts like a pair of wool socks from ancient Egypt suggest it dates back as early as the third to fifth century CE. Yet, for all its long-standing ubiquity, the physics behind knitting remains surprisingly elusive.
Researchers at the University of Bayreuth have developed a method that makes objects on a magnetic field invisible within a particle stream. Until now, this so-called cloaking had only been studied for waves such as light or sound. They report their results in Nature Communications.
Scientists have now mapped the forces acting inside a proton, showing in unprecedented detail how quarks—the tiny particles within—respond when hit by high-energy photons.
A team of engineers and physicists at Southern University of Science and Technology, in China, has created a nickel-based material that behaves as a superconductor above the -233°C (40 K) threshold under ambient pressure. In their study published in Nature, the researchers synthesized thin films of bilayer nickelate (La₂.₈₅Pr₀.₁₅Ni₂O₇) and found one that behaved as a high-temperature superconductor.
YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/1HNZHGdIt40?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1 Was Adolf Hitler developing a Nuke and a flying saucer to transport it? According to a German documentary broadcasted by ZDF, the Nazis were developing a nuclear bomb and a “flying saucer” to transport it, and they had already begun testing out the new weapons on Russian prisoners of war. Smells like reversed Alien tech, according to UFO hunters. But if the Nazis were developing this type of crafts, could other countries have done the same? The German documentary film; ‘The search for the atomic bomb of Hitler’ argues that the Nazis might have been close to creating an atomic bomb and had developed a “flying saucer” to transport the weapon of mass destruction. According to the accounts in the film, they even conducted tests of the device in Russian prisoners of war, held in Thuringia, in eastern Germany. Interestingly, the documentary cites reports of interrogations of Nazi scientists, witnesses, and records left by the researchers who participated in the highly classified programs, many of whom were sent to the US after World War II. The film mainly focused on Hans Kammler, a general of the SS, who received around 175,000 prisoners from the concentration camps to work in the manufacturing of weapons, tank production lines and secret bunkers for the Nazi elite. Hitler appointed him head of the program for nuclear fission, and one of his projects took place in Thuringia, where, according to the documentary the site of the Nazi nuclear and space programs were located. The documentary also cites reports of agents of the Russian military intelligence, who claim that the Nazis possessed a 1.5 meter Nuclear Bomb and even conducted nuclear tests in Thuringia. “One of our reliable sources in Germany said that the Nazis have tested two powerful bombs in the Thuringia valley,” says one of the Russian reports. However, declassified US intelligence documents say that Dwight Eisenhower ordered reconnaissance flights over that area and the results were inconclusive as they were not able to find much. Furthermore, the investigation was not able to find uranium which Nazi scientists needed to assemble the bombs. But if this technology did exist in the past, where is it not? And better yet, what kind of technology did the Nazi use to create a flying saucer? Is it possible that the Nazi did possess otherworldly technology as many ufologists have suggested in the past? And if Nazi Germany was able to create “flying saucers” wouldn’t Russia or the United States have similar technology? The truth is obscured by numerous enigmas of the past, there are so many questions regarding “lost technology” that was in possession of Nazi Germany that today, people are not sure what to believe. If there is any truth in the documentary; ‘The search for the atomic bomb of Hitler’ then we should ask ourselves, where did this technology come from, and is it possible that many other countries had, or still have, similar top-secret projects going on, and ultimately what is their purpose. YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/0eyr1pQxG5Q?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1 ‘Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe. Throughout space there is energy. — Nikola Tesla, 1892 Nikola Tesla was a genius. He was a man who could almost do anything he wanted. He was an Inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. But there are many other things that Tesla had his hands in, his inventions and registered patents are many, in fact there are so much of them that we couldn’t possibly list them all. Without all of Tesla’s ideas and inventions, our lives today would be much more miserable. Here below, we have inventions of Tesla that changed our way of life and improved the human civilization. What would civilization be like today, if it wasn’t for Tesla? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98QwPO1b5j4 Alternating Current – The Alternating Current can be resumed as being a form in which electrical power is delivered to a place. In alternating current the flow of an electrical charge periodically reverses direction. Audio and radio signals carried on electrical wires are also examples of alternating current. Edison developed direct current — current that runs continually in a single direction, like in a battery or a fuel cell. During the early years of electricity, direct current (shorthanded as DC) was the standard in the U.S. But there was one problem. Direct current is not easily converted to higher or lower voltages. Tesla believed that alternating current (or AC) was the solution to this problem. Alternating current reverses direction a certain number of times per second — 60 in the U.S. — and can be converted to different voltages relatively easily using a transformer. The “battle” between Edison and Tesla was intense, electrifying intense. Edison electrocuted Animals at demonstrations trying to discredit and show the world why his inventions were safer and better than those of Nikola Tesla. Tesla on the other hand demonstrated that his AC was safe by shooting current through his own body to produce light. Robotics – Tesla firmly believed that all living beings are driven by “external” impulses. Tesla himself stated that: “I have by every thought and act of mine, demonstrated, and does so daily, to my absolute satisfaction that I am an automaton endowed with power of movement, which merely responds to external stimuli.” This statement was marked as the birth of Robotics. Tesla believed that even though possible, these “human replicas” should have limitations in place. Tesla saw the future way before modern science even knew what it was. He dreamed about electric cars, clean energy, free and limitless power, robotics, aviation and autonomous systems when our modern scientists were trying to understand how did Tesla do what he did. The X-Ray – It is one of the most important discoveries for medicine. It has helped save millions of lives, and is another example of how much good can a person do. Even though X-ray technology was heavily researchers in the 1800s, Tesla got to the bottom of it. X-radiation is referred to with terms meaning Röntgen radiation, after Wilhelm Röntgen. Roentgen’s letter to Tesla dated July 20th, 1901. The letter reads:
Light – Yes, Tesla is credited for the invention of “light” although he didn’t invent “light” literally, he did come across how “light” could be distributed and harnessed. Industry was way behind Tesla in a lot of things. Tesla developed and used fluorescent bulbs in his lab forty years before “industry” knew what they were. The Tesla coil is one of Tesla’s most impressive creations, and was something that the industry wanted very badly to suppress. The Idea that the Earth itself is a magnet which can generate electricity utilizing certain frequencies as a transmitter. Laser – Nikola Tesla’s invention of the laser has been used both maliciously and benevolently. Today, lasers are used in everything, from entertainment, science, military and everything else. The invention of the laser, among other things, proves how Tesla envisioned the world. He had great power but chose to use it for the benefit of mankind. Electric Motor – Tesla Motors? Yeah, all of that is possible thanks to Nikola Tesla. His invention of the electric motor is more popular than ever. Who needs Oil when you have Tesla’s incredible invention of a motor with rotating magnetic fields. It was an invention that no one, except Tesla understood back then. Thanks to the electric motor, there are dozens of other inventions that have allowed us to enjoy life in a much better way: Machine tools, power tools, compressors, etc… Radio – Cannot forget Radio. Even though Guglielmo Marconi was credited for inventing the radio, the supreme court overturned Marconi’s patent registered in 1943 when it was proven that Nikola Tesla had invented the Radio way before Marconi did. Tesla demonstrated in 1893 before The National Electric Light Association that “radio signals” are just another frequency in need of a transmitter and received. Politics were deeply involved in the patents of Marconi and Tesla, it was a battle of interest. Remote control – After having invented the Radio, the remote control technology was a natural follow-up. Demonstrated in 1898, patent No. 613809 was a remote-controlled model boat. Remote control has gone a long way since 1898. Today, the military has used Tesla’s incredible inventions for remote-controlled vehicles, aerial vehicles and space vehicles. Tesla’s Flying machines – Tesla patented two very important invention that he claimed would revolutionize our world. US1,655,113 -Method of Aerial Transportation- January 3, 1928 and US1,655,114 -Apparatus for Aerial Transportation- January 3, 1928. In the above mentioned patents, Nikola Tesla envisioned his flying machines powered by one of his miraculous turbines costing less than a thousand dollars. The machines were designed using many technical features of aviation. His flying machines could develop vertical take off just like helicopters and fly horizontally like planes at certain altitudes. Although these flying machines were interesting, Tesla’s UFO was perhaps the most interesting of all of his inventions. Tesla’s UFO has eyes, and these were made of electro-optical lenses, arranged in quadrants, allowing the pilot to see everything . Screens and monitors are placed on a console where the browser can observe all areas around the vehicle, and Tesla’s incredible invention included magnifying lenses, which could have been used without changing positions. Basically it is an incredibly well designed aircraft, one that we could actually manage to build today. Or have we already built it? But what was Tesla’s greatest invention? What was his dream? Was it the electric car driven by his electric motor? Was it the radio? Remote control or the hundreds of other inventions that Tesla came up with? Well… we believe that his ultimate goal was in fact Wireless communication and Free Energy. Tesla understood that the universe was filled with free energy that could be utilized forming a network that would connect people around the globe allowing them to harness limitless free energy around them. But why wasn’t this possible? Well the answer is actually funny… Money. It’s funny how money can influence people. It clouds judgment and sometimes proves to be a limitation when it comes to the “greater good.” Source and reference: http://www.activistpost.com Patel joined Trump’s first administration both as a counterterrorism official at the National Security Council and as chief of staff to the defense secretary in 2017
Albuquerque PD Sgt. Brandon Watts returned fire after being shot in the hip by a suspect; after a tourniquet was applied to his leg, he got back up and continued to direct offiers
Clark County Sheriff’s office deputies found a vehicle with unconscious occupants carrying drug paraphernalia; when they awoke, they sped away, leading to the pursuit
Ultimate evidence of life on Mars: Did NASA’s Curiosity rover snap an image of a mysterious “creature” on the surface of Mars? NASA’s Curiosity rover has snapped another incredible image of Mars that has led to a lot of debate whether there is life or not on the red planet. Many people believe that even though the surface conditions of Mars are far too harsh to sustain life, there is life beneath the Martian surface, and this new image of NASA’s curiosity rover has awakened the debate among researchers, ufologists, and media whether Mars is home to alien life. For all of you who remain skeptical head over to NASA’s archives and see the RAW image file, to do so, click here. The “peculiar” image seems to show “something” hanging onto the cliffs on the red planet, at least that’s how it looks, doesn’t it? Can’t see the object in question? Look carefully to the center-right part of the image, there, you will notice a strange object that clearly stands out from the rest of the surrounding landscape. There are rocks on Mars, there are rocks that might look a bit strange, and then you have objects like the one in this image. Something that is completely out of place and doesn’t seem to be a rock. The object in question seems to have ten weirdly shaped “lines” or “tentacles” coming from the center of the oval-shaped “structure?” If it is a rock, then it surely is the strangest rock ever seen on the red planet, wouldn’t you agree? ![]() But, what is this thing? Is it just another rock? Or is it possible that this image is the ultimate proof of life on Mars, and that this isn’t just another rock, like many claim it to be? A Very strange-looking rock that doesn’t seem to fit anywhere in the surrounding landscape of the red planet. You cannot deny seeing a curiously shaped object in the image, an object that doesn’t look like a rock and doesn’t seem to belong to the cliff, where the object is seen. Interestingly, people who have seen the image believe that this mysterious objects is in fact guarding some sort of entrance to an underground tunnel on Mars. Too much science fiction? Well could be, but if you see the image closely, you will see that behind this mysterious “tentacle object,” there seems to be some sort of entrance, of course this could be just another shadow behind it, but you cannot help and wonder what the heck this object actually is? Rock or not, this image has certainly awakened the interest in a lot of people for Mars, and everything that is going on at the surface of neighbour planet. What if, there actually is life on Mars, life that somehow, managed to survive the harsh conditions on the red planet, and found a safe harbor beneath the Red Planet’s surface. Let us know what you think this mysterious object might be! Five Hanceville officers, including the chief, have been indicted on charges ranging from mishandling evidence to drug crimes, as investigators uncover severe misconduct
Another incredible discovery has been made as researchers have found a rock carving of a Mastodon at the underwater Stonehenge of Lake Michigan. In 2007, at a depth of twelve meters, researchers found a peculiar set of aligned stones that are believed to be over 10,000 years old. While searching for shipwrecks, archeologists from the Northwestern Michigan College came across something interesting at the bottom of Lake Michigan. They found mysteriously aligned rocks placed there by ancient man before water covered the area. Researchers couldn’t believe what they were seeing upon making the discovery. It’s America’s Stonehenge. ![]() According to researchers, the stones located at the bottom of Lake Michigan all measure the same distance across, something that wouldn’t be present if we were looking at a natural formation. The rock formation found at the bottom of Lake Michigan resembles other structures found in England and France, and even those at Nabta Playa, making it very unlikely to be a natural formation. As if the mysterious rock formation wasn’t enough, after a diving expedition was put together to look at the stones, underwater photographer Chris Doyle found a mysterious stone with an incredible depiction of what appeared to be a Mastodon, suggesting that the carving must have been made way before the Mastodons were extinct about 10,000 years ago. The Mastodon rock is perhaps one of the most incredible features of the underwater Stonehenge. Researchers speculate that the rock is made out of granite, a very hard material. For people to carve something onto this stone, they had to use a tool harder than granite. So the logical question is: What could ancient mankind have used 10.000 years ago to carve something onto a granite rock? Researchers stress that the marks and lines that make out the mastodon figure were precisely carved, the lines were not just “scratched” onto the rock. The incredible rock formation and the correctly aligned stones circles clearly indicate a man-made structure. The areas around Michigan are a witness of early human presence in the American continent which is believed to date back over 25.000 years. In the distant past, the Lake itself did not exist since an Ice Age ruled over the lands and what is now located at the bottom of one of the five Great Lakes of North America, was once on dry land. The man responsible for this underwater discovery is Mark Holley, professor of underwater archeology at the Northwestern Michigan College. In 2007, he searched for shipwrecks but found, 12 meters below the surface a series of stones arranged in a circle. Adding to this amazing discovery is a relatively large rock which has, on its surface a depiction of a mastodon, an animal that became extinct around 8000 BC. ![]() In the region near Lake Michigan, researchers have previously discovered menhirs and petroglyphs. When the first Europeans arrived in the seventeenth century, they found that Michigan had thousands of prehistoric mounds. Scholars also found “sacred stones” across the geography of the Great Lakes, stones according to the natives were placed by another race who lived there before. Statues and stone idols erected in various parts were discovered weighing over 100 kilograms. The underwater Stonehenge of Lake Michigan must have been created before the last Ice Age when the lake bed was dry, and that is, according to researchers, over 12.000 years ago, a time that according to history, mankind couldn’t erect such elaborate constructions. What does this tell us about history? Is this another piece of evidence that points to the fact that history books, as we know them should be rewritten? We believe yes. Source and reference Article edited 25.04.2016 to add source and reference. The suspect told a Des Moines Police officer to back up before pointing a gun at him; when the officer retreated to another room, the suspect pursued him, leading to a shootout
The Lancaster County, Pa. District Attorney’s office ruled the Lancaster Police Department officer to be justified in the shooting, as the bystander’s life was endangered
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