Our planet is engulfed in mystery. From history to science, there’s always something that we struggle to explain on Earth.
Our planet has it all. From mysterious, strange and even scary places, to landscapes and regions that look almost as if they are the result of a Hollywood science fiction movie.
In this article, we take a look at 20 of the strangest places on our planet.
Nazca Lines

We can’t start a list of strange places on Earth without mentioning the famous Nazca Lines.
Visible (mostly) from the air, the enigmatic figures, symbols and strange shapes were etched by an ancient culture from Peru, thousands of years ago.
All sorts of theories have been proposed to explain the enigmatic set of lines, ranging from alien visitations to strange and mysterious whipping techniques.
Red Beach

A beach in China, more specifically in Panjin is covered with a type of seaweed that is called sueda which turns bright red during the fall, giving off a stunning look like the one above.
Whale Bone Alley – Siberia

This one belongs to the mysterious-weird places on Earth.
Located around 150 kilometers from the coast of Alaska, there is an area scattered of whale ribs, jawbones, and vertebrae.
According to scientists, these bones date back to the 1400’s and were a place of worship for ancient cultures.
Bermuda Triangle

We had to include the Bermuda Triangle in this list. The Bermuda triangle is a notoriously large, freakish place in the Atlantic ocean covering a staggering 500,000 square miles.
According to reports, the area is home to an unidentified anomaly which causes ships and airplanes to disappear.
Lake Hillier

This weird-looking, yet beautiful lake is located in Western Australia. The lake retains its pinkish color all year long thanks to its high salt content and presence of salt-loving algae Dunaliella salina, and pink halobacteria.
Goblin Valley State Park

Located in Utah, USA, this surreal, almost alien-like landscape of extremely soft sandstone extends a few miles across the desert terrain. It’s a very popular hiking trail in Utah.
The Giant Causeway

Located in Northern Ireland, this enigmatic scenery is not the result of mankind. According to scientists, some 60 million years ago, a volcanic eruption left behind molten basalt. Once it solidified, it created these amazing cracks in the rock.
The Door to Hell

Located in Turkmenistan, the so-called door to hell was actually a gas field once, but the Soviets lit it on fire once, and it has been burning for over 40 years now.
The hand in the desert
Nope, it’s not an optical illusion. In the Middle of the Chilean desert, sculptor Mario Irarrázaba built this stunning, yet kind of freaky statue. The sculptor is known for illustrating loneliness and human suffering, which is precisely what this statue is thought to represent.
The Zone of Silence

The area situated on the 27th parallel north connects the Bermuda Triangle, The Pyramids of Giza and the Himalayas. Referred to as the Zone of silence, the mysterious strip of land located near the Bolsón de Mapimí in Durango, Mexico, overlapping the Mapimí Biosphere Reserve. It is believed that once inside it, clocks stop and radios cannot function properly.
Tesla Towers
Located in Russia, the “High Voltage Marx and Tesla Generators Research Facility,” belongs to the Russian Electrical Engineering Institute. It was created near the town of Istra, some 40 kilometers from Moscow.
Nan Madol
One of the lesser-known ancient cities on Earth, Nan Madol is an ancient city located off the coast of Micronesia. Nan Madol means “Space in between.” The entire city of Nan Madol appears to sit on top of a lagoon, connected by a number of different canals and massive stone walls.
Hundreds of ‘Gates’ in the Saudi Arabian desert

With the help of Satellite images, archaeologists have identified hundreds of groups of stone walls – called “gates” in the Saudi Arabian desert. Some of these “gates” are located next to a volcanic dome that at one time spewed out basaltic lava.
Vatnajokull Glacier Caves

Located in the in Vatnajokull glacier to the south-east Iceland, the caves literally grow and disappear. The Ice inside the Ice Caves literally shapeshifts, changing from what seem to be supermassive teeth protruding from the ice to massive waves trapped in suspended animation in a maze of countless interconnected chambers that show off the caves in a kaleidoscope of colors as light conditions change.
Lake of Blood

Located in Bolivia, Laguna Colorada is what you would call a bloody lake. A shallow Salt Lake (around 35 cm in depth) which contains borax islands, which are white in color and the real contrast with the reddish color of its waters caused apparently due to sediments and pigmentation of some algae.
Lake Abraham
In Canada there is an artificial lake that despite the fact its stunningly beautiful, it’s so dangerous that you’d really want to avoid it. The lake is filled with frozen bubbles that are filled with frozen pockets of methane which is highly flammable. Beautiful? Yeah. Dangerous? Definitely.
The Inga Stone
One of the most fascinating ancient sites in Brazil, the Inga stone is an ancient monument which according to experts includes countless symbols and a “Star Map” depicting the constellation of Orion. Experts refer to the Inga Stone as “an exceptional archeoastronomy monument, like no other in the world.”
A Boling River

Thought to have been only a myth, the Boiling River in the Amazon was proven to exist. Andres Ruzo, a scientist who, despite the fact that his colleagues believed finding the boiling river was impossible, managed to discover the mythical place in the Peruvian region of the Amazon jungle. The rivers indigenous name—Shanay-timpishka—means “boiled with the heat of the Sun.”
A 1.7-million-year-old manmade Bridge?
Located between Pamban Island, also known as Rameswaram Island, off the south-eastern coast of Tamil Nadu, India, and Mannar Island, off the north-western coast of Sri Lanka is a mysterious ‘structure’ that according to researchers could be a bridge created by mankind a staggering 1.7 million years ago.
40,000 km-long Inca Road System
The ancient Inca were one of the most sophisticated ancient civilizations on Earth. But did you know they managed to create a massive, 40,000-kilometer-long road system? The massive road system is considered as the most advanced ancient highway on the surface of the planet giving the ancient empire access to over 3,000,000 square kilometers (1,200,000 sq mi) of territory.