Established around 100 B.C., and lasting until its fall between the seventh and eighth centuries, Teotihuacan was one of the largest ancient cities in the world, it is one of the most incredible constructions in America, at Teotihuacan we find evidence that the builders had incredible knowledge in Mathematics, Geology, Astronomy, and Engineering. Check out some of the most interesting facts about this marvel of ancient construction.
Teotihuacan was one of the largest cities in the ancient world, with over 150,000 inhabitants at its peak.
At Teotihuacan, we can find some of the largest buildings ever erected in the New World.
Teotihuacan‘s city layout strangely resembles a computer circuit board with two large processor chips– the Sun Pyramid and the Moon Pyramid.
The Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza and the Sun Pyramid at Teotihuacan apparently have the same base almost 750 feet square.
The Pyramid of the Sun is exactly half as tall as the Pyramid of Giza and the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of the Moon, and the Temple of Quetzalcoatl are in the same layout as Orion’s Belt.
Archaeologists have found large quantities of Mica at Teotihuacan, yet this mineral is found 3,000 miles away in Brazil, Mica is present almost in every single building at Teotihuacan.
Mica was known to ancient Indian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman and Chinese civilizations, as well as the Aztec civilization of the New World.

Mica is stable when exposed to electricity, light, moisture, and extreme temperatures. It has superior electrical properties as an insulator and as a dielectric and can support an electrostatic field while dissipating minimal energy in the form of heat and is thermally stable to 500 °C
Archaeologists have discovered hundreds of mysterious, once-metallic spheres buried deep beneath an ancient pyramid in Mexico City. And we have absolutely no idea what they’re for.
Teotihuacan was mysteriously abandoned in 700 A.D.
Many authors suggest that Teotihuacan means City of the Gods, however, many others suggest the name can also be interpreted as “the place where men become gods” or more popularly, “place where Gods were born.”
Along the ”Avenue of the Dead” The pyramids there align in perfect distance of each of the orbit’s of our planets in our solar system and perhaps significant is the fact that the large Pyramid of the Sun is positioned at the center of the other structures reflecting the fact that the Sun is at the center of our solar system and that the planets revolve around it.
No depiction of a ruler, or the tomb of a monarch, has ever been found.
A Robot named Tlaloc II discovered three ancient rooms located under the Mesoamerican city’s pyramid, letting archeologists know that many secrets remain hidden in Teotihuacan.
The Pyramid of the sun at Teotihuacan is 75m high with a base width of 225m, making it the second largest pyramid built in the new world.
Only priests were allowed to climb the steps of the pyramids for rituals and ceremonies.
Mayas and Zapotecs immigrants lived in Teotihuacan, and both Maya and Zapotec texts have been found there.