
Exploring the Secret Chambers beneath the Pyramids and the Sphinx

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Is there really something like “Forbidden Archaeology?” Or is it just another concept highlighted by conspiracy theorists to suggest archaeologists do not present all of their discoveries to the public?

Some would say it is just nonsense, but there has been a great number of hushed-away discoveries that suggest otherwise.

Many authors indicate that not all discoveries have been made public when it comes to exploring ancient sites and monuments.

Regrettably, this can be said when we speak about the Great Sphinx of Giza, or better said the entire Giza plateau.

A great number of studies have been performed by various institutions and archaeologists which have demonstrated that there are many ‘untold’ secrets beneath the Giza plateau.

Just beneath the majestic Pyramids of Egypt and the great Sphinx, we find a number of cavities and chambers that have remained engulfed in mystery for years.

Great Sphinx secrets

It is said that these chambers hold answers that could help us understand how ancient civilizations developed in the past, and how advanced they really were.

The Great Sphinx of Giza is interesting for a number of reasons.

First of all, it holds the record as the largest monolith statue on the surface of the planet and is also one of the most mysterious ancient statues ever discovered on Earth.

We have no idea why it was built, who built it, how it was built and what its true purpose really is.

In fact, we have almost no information about the Sphinx whatsoever.


We learned a lot about the Sphinx in 1987 when scientists from the Waseda University (Tokyo), under the direction of Sakuji Yoshimura carried out an electromagnetic sounding survey of the Khufu Pyramid and Sphinx.

They discovered something incredible: SEVERAL cavities and tunnels beneath Giza.

But where do these cavities and tunnels lead? What is inside them? Who built them? And what was their exact purpose?

These answers remain an enigma as a great amount of information about the Sphinx is mixed-up in a cloud of mystery.

The Sphinx is NOT a solid monument in the inside

Yeah, while many believe the Sphinx is solid from the inside, experts from Japan found otherwise.

Scientists from the Waseda University found that south of the Sphinx are hollow parts on the ground and there are cavities ranging from 2 to 3 meters inside. Furthermore, they also discovered a groove on the Sphinx body that extends beneath the ancient monument.

Researchers discovered that to the north of the Sphinx were similar grooves which indicate there could be a tunnel that leads underneath the Sphinx, connecting the southern and northern cavities.

Furthermore, researchers from Tokyo discovered that there are hollow cavities just in front of the paws of the Sphinx. These alleged ‘room’s lead below the monument into unexplored parts.

Japanese scientists concluded that the sanctuary of the Sphinx contains more cavities below the Sphinx than were previously known. (Source) (Source) (Reference)

So if these cavities, tunnels, and chambers really do exist, why have we not explored them in more detail? Why is it that whenever a similar discovery is made, some scholars prefer to ignore the findings instead of perusing their understanding?

In 1991 researchers performed another survey at the Sphinx. They confirmed the discoveries made in 1987 by researchers from the Waseda University.

Thomas Dobecki and John Anthony West explored the region surrounding the Sphinx using seismic refraction, refraction tomography, and seismic reflection. They discovered subsurface cavities in front of the front left paw, and from the left paw back along the south flank.

The scientific data mentioned above can also be corroborated by a number of images—some of them extremely old—which show without a doubt that there are entrances and tunnels leading beneath the Sphinx.

These images are evidence of shafts and passageways leading towards unexplored chambers underneath the Sphinx.

Sphinx 2 entrance Sphinx entrance corroborates this story as the website suggests there is evidence of a large rectangular entrance on top of the hips at the back of the Sphinx.

All of this seems to be backed up in the book Message of the Sphinx, where authors Graham Hancock, and Robert Bauval state that the Egyptian government together with American archaeologists have blocked any investigations around and/or beneath the Great Sphinx, preventing anyone from locating the underground cavities and finding out what is located beneath the Sphinx and the Pyramids.

Oh and… did we forget to mention the fact that there is a great amount of evidence that suggests there was a SECOND Sphinx at Giza? Check out this article to learn more.

So if there is scientific evidence to support the idea that there are secret chambers beneath the Giza plateau, and images back up the entire story, why have we not explored these areas in more detail?

Is it really forbidden archaeology? Or are we just that uninterested?

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