The order lifts limits on how many new employees Louisiana sheriffs can hire and on payroll increases for their departments
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The order lifts limits on how many new employees Louisiana sheriffs can hire and on payroll increases for their departments Go to Source The King County Sheriff’s Office helicopter monitored two suspects who went on a carjacking spree, giving the Kent Police Department probable cause to initiate a pursuit Go to Source The chatter from the radio traffic was nonstop as dispatchers and commanders managed ambulances, medical resources and officers for traffic and crowd control Go to Source “So then I hear, ‘Get him!’ and I look to my left, and it wasn’t but a second and a half, maybe two seconds,” Trey Filter said. “And somebody was running past me, and they’re yelling, ‘Get him!’ So I jumped” Go to Source Sheridan Police Sgt. Nevada Krinkee died at a hospital after being shot when he tried to serve the man with a trespass warning Go to Source Deputy Robert J. Leonard did not respond to a deputy roll call after reporting he was taking a person into custody; Leonard remains missing Go to Source Three people were detained by police, including 2 juveniles Go to Source Crimes at the site have prompted a 24-hour guard by officers working overtime; 18 arrests have been made at the site since Feb. 1 Go to Source “I’m angry at what happened today. The people who came to this celebration should expect a safe environment,” Kansas City Police Chief Stacey Graves said at a press conference Go to Source Police say two people have been detained after fans were sent running for cover Go to Source The suspect, who was inside the cruiser at the time, was not hit by any of the bullets Go to Source The D.C. Metropolitan Police Department has reported that the officers’ injuries are not life-threatening Go to Source A female hostage was also shot; the suspect surrendered and was arrested by Ontario Police Department officers after an hours-long standoff Go to Source “In my personal opinion, the impact on the community and the officers, probation just wasn’t enough.” Maj. Brian Johns of the Dayton Police Department said Go to Source Deputy Rondald Bates had served with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office for 31 years Go to Source |
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