Officer Wisbens Antoine was a Knoxville Police Department recruit scheduled to graduate the academy in March; he is survived by his wife and two children
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Officer Wisbens Antoine was a Knoxville Police Department recruit scheduled to graduate the academy in March; he is survived by his wife and two children Go to Source The suspect’s vehicle slammed into Officer James Muhlbauer’s patrol car, killing him and his K-9 partner Champ; the impact caused the cruiser to strike and kill Jesse Eckes, a pedestrian Go to Source The center was renovated to take out individual shooting lanes and create an open space for law enforcement officers to test in dynamic situations and to train their eyes to watch multiple spots Go to Source The new Forensic Services Laboratory 117,672 square feet of office and lab space; its 152 staffers work with the nearly 300 law enforcement agencies in the state Go to Source “California has experienced 96 school shootings between 2018 and 2023. If we want to get serious about preventing school shootings … we need good guys, and girls, with guns, ready to act,” Assemblyman Bill Essayli said Go to Source “Once we were able to determine it was unloaded, we secured it,” a detective said. “And then we searched the rest of the vehicle to make sure there were no explosives or rockets, or anything crazy like that” Go to Source Judge Ellen Ceisler wrote that Philadelphia’s ordinance does not regulate “firearms,” but rather“ merely prohibits the conversion of unfinished frames or receivers into firearms Go to Source Bills introduced in the House and Senate would expand police officers’ immunity from civil liability and roll back prison system reforms enacted under previous Gov. John Bel Edwards’s administration Go to Source The suspect escaped from Atlanta and flew to Miami; the same officers who initially pulled him over boarded the plane and arrested him when his return flight landed Go to Source Speakers at the 2021 conference reportedly encouraged officers to flirt with women, stop motorists for no reason and use pain as a “weapon” Go to Source The driver was taken into custody after stealing the truck at a gas station and driving the rig with no front tires Go to Source Randy Roedema’s attorneys are expected to challenge the joining of Roedema’s trial with that of one of the other officers in the case along with alleged errors in jury instructions Go to Source The responding officer deployed a TASER at the suspect twice with no effect after the suspect punched him in the face and punched a train worker with brass knuckles Go to Source K-9 Luca was deployed to stop a suspect after a vehicle pursuit; when the suspect shot Luca, deputies returned fire, killing him Go to Source Detective Anastasios Tsakos was killed in 2021 after Jessica Beauvais, who had a blood alcohol level over twice the legal limit, struck him on an expressway and fled the scene Go to Source |
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