The class action suit alleges LexisNexis faked identity thefts, froze credit files and damaged credit reports
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The class action suit alleges LexisNexis faked identity thefts, froze credit files and damaged credit reports Go to Source Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department deputies fired multiple shots at the suspect after he refused to comply with commands and pointed the shotgun toward them Go to Source While a deputy was searching a vehicle, the driver got into the car and drove off with the deputy still inside; after the man did not heed instructions to stop, the deputy shot him, causing the car to crash Go to Source The team obtained a search warrant based on “Find my iphone” pings that a victim in a theft case provided; the woman whose home was searched was not found to be involved in the theft Go to Source Uvalde’s independent investigation did acknowledge some failures, including communication problems, poor training for live shooter situations and lack of available equipment Go to Source Officers Jason Wright and Dalton Schroeder used a combination of back blows and pumps on a LifeVac device to clear 4-year-old William’s airway Go to Source “His violent aggression was planned, and targeted, at law enforcement,” County Attorney James Loomis stated, ruling that the fatal shooting was justified Go to Source Holley was shot and killed while sitting in a marked patrol car during an overnight shift; the motive behind the shooting remains unknown, as the defendant did not testify during the trial Go to Source Prosecutor Kari Morrissey described “constant, never-ending safety failures” on the set of “Rust” and an “astonishing lack of diligence” with gun safety Go to Source Deputy R.J. Leonard drove into the Tennessee River with Tabitha Smith in the back seat, causing both to drown; Smith’s family alleges Leonard was not properly trained in suspect transport and was not familiar with his patrol area Go to Source The man held a knife in each hand as officers and his father tried to persuade him to surrender; he became agitated and moved one knife when an officer prepared to deploy a TASER Go to Source Officers Ella French and Carlos Yanez Jr. were shot, and French was killed while performing an August 2021 traffic stop Go to Source The suspect fired several shots during a domestic disturbance before officers arrived at the scene, 911 call audio shows Go to Source The bank robbery suspect pointed a gun at his own head at one point; officers urged him to put the gun down before multiple shots were fired Go to Source The spike follows the CHP 1000 recruitment campaign and the release of the recruitment web series “Cadets,” which followed recruits as they trained to become CHP officers Go to Source |
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