The driver had already fled one attempted traffic stop by the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office deputy; when the deputy initiated another stop, the driver struck him
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The driver had already fled one attempted traffic stop by the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office deputy; when the deputy initiated another stop, the driver struck him Go to Source The DA ruled that the Delta Police Department officer acted reasonably in the case, as he attempted to use a TASER and to de-escalate the situation before the shooting occurred Go to Source Houston Police Department Information Security Officer Russell Richardson, 54, died after his vehicle was submerged in floodwaters Go to Source Bystanders were unable to help the driver escape from the flaming vehicle because of the continuous explosions, St. Paul Police reported Go to Source Body camera video shows an officer approaching the vehicle, where he was then put on the line with a customer service representative Go to Source As a Port Orange Police Department officer approached a suspected stolen vehicle, the suspect threw the car into reverse, hitting the officer Go to Source Madison County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Archer assisted in the arrest of a felony suspect before the episode; he was rushed to a veterinary hospital, where he later died Go to Source Because orders for next year were submitted before the cruisers were burned, the Portland Police Bureau must wait until 2025 to order the 2026 models as replacements Go to Source “He was also warned about our strict enforcement of warp speed on the interstate and to keep his phasers on stun-only while traveling,” the Crawford County Sheriff’s Office stated Go to Source As the vehicle came to a stop, the suspect “immediately shot at the officers,” who returned fire; The suspect fled from the scene Go to Source “Don’t be surprised if you see more and more of them around in…Arapahoe County,” the sheriff’s office stated Go to Source “We are always here to help any agency as best we can with the resources available,” Lincolnwood Police Chief Jay Parrott said Go to Source “Big social and economic forces [drove] trends that began in 2020, but now there is considerable variation…that suggests local factors are becoming more significant,” said Council on Criminal Justice CEO Adam Gelb Go to Source “If they could attack a uniformed officer like this, what could they do to everyone else?” Paul Joseph, acting chief for the San Jose Police Department, stated Go to Source The expansion would cost $1.9 million, which would be covered by a federal grant Go to Source |
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