“He was staring right at me making me believe that he was going to run me over,” the Bristol Police Department officer who fired the shots said in a statement
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“He was staring right at me making me believe that he was going to run me over,” the Bristol Police Department officer who fired the shots said in a statement Go to Source The woman had suffered a seizure before driving into the water; video shows her 12-year-old son approaching a West Orange Police Department officer for help Go to Source The man was convicted of the attempted murder of a Frederick County Sheriff’s deputy and sentenced to life in prison Go to Source The officers kicked down a door and linked arms to navigate through the smoke-filled apartment to rescue a woman trapped by the fire Go to Source “If you haven’t condemned this act, if you haven’t condemned what happened to my officer, then you are part of the problem,” Police Chief Troy Doyle stated Go to Source Blendon Township police officers approached the woman in her car and ordered her out; instead, she rolled forward toward one officer, who fired through her windshield Go to Source “Wrong is wrong. There’s not really anything to investigate,” said Jonesboro Police Chief Rick Elliott, who immediately fired the officer and referred the case to prosecutors Go to Source The newly released media includes calls from bystanders, children inside the classrooms and a close relative of the shooter Go to Source The officers involved in the shooting stated that the suspect pointed the gun at them before they fired shots Go to Source “Some individuals would rather see our community divided and in turmoil than allow me to continue serving as sheriff,” Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell stated Go to Source The system will replace current metal detectors and will be used at large sports games in middle and high schools, as well as for random screenings Go to Source The Los Angeles Police Protective League has accused an LAPD commander of using fake login credentials to access communications that the league distributed to its members Go to Source County officials said the small borough of Woodlynne will now be policed by the Camden County Police Department Go to Source Smyth County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Hunter Reedy was assisting with a traffic stop when a suspect, agitated over being issued court summons, shot him and another deputy Go to Source “This is yet another example of the inherent risks that [LEOs] face…even when sitting in a cruiser you are marked for violence due to your job,” New Haven Chief Karl Jacobson said Go to Source |
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