Investigators could not find any evidence of a suspect ever being present during the alleged pursuit or shooting, according to the Pottawatomie County Sheriff’s Office
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Investigators could not find any evidence of a suspect ever being present during the alleged pursuit or shooting, according to the Pottawatomie County Sheriff’s Office Go to Source Carroll County Investigator Taylor Bristow was shot while attempting to serve a warrant; he was taken to a hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery Go to Source “Even being on the bottom, [the officer] was in more control than the aggressor,” said Officer Adam Sears, who leads the Gracie Survival Tactics training for the LMPD Go to Source Police spiked the truck’s tires and attempted a PIT maneuver during the pursuit; the suspect eventually stopped at a dead end and surrendered to Thurston County deputies Go to Source “We have people who showed up here to commit acts of violence. They wanted chaos,” said Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling Go to Source “Your Community Response Team officers would not let him get away after he tried to kill one of their own,” said NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Operations Kaz Daughtry Go to Source The man was pursued across several Colorado jurisdictions, firing at officers with several agencies along the way Go to Source When Irvine Police Department officers searched the woman’s purse, they found at least $600 worth of stolen makeup and beauty products Go to Source Deputy Brandon Cunningham, 30, had been with the Paulding County Sheriff’s office for just over four years and was the father of two Go to Source “George [Labonte] knew firsthand how scary it was for him to deal with cancer and imagined it had to be even worse for kids,” the department posted on Facebook Go to Source How long does it take a tortoise cross the road? It’s still a mystery, after an Arizona Department of Public Safety trooper returned him to a nearby ranch Go to Source The Sterling Heights Police Department’s Citizen on Patrol witnessed the attempted kidnapping and resued the girl; police officers then arrived to arrest the suspect Go to Source The Raynham Police Department officers were forced to shoot the bull after it continued to aggressively charge at them Go to Source Versant Power proposed a plan to proactively report high energy consumption, stating it has the ability to find marijuana grow houses but cannot report them to police Go to Source Turlock PD may use federal funds to offer transcranial magnetic stimulation to officers who may feel groggy from poor sleep or want to improve interactions with the public Go to Source |
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