The statement followed Trump’s pardon of 1,500 individuals involved in the Jan. 6 Capitol attack and Biden’s granting of clemency to the convicted killer of two FBI agents
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The statement followed Trump’s pardon of 1,500 individuals involved in the Jan. 6 Capitol attack and Biden’s granting of clemency to the convicted killer of two FBI agents Go to Source The memo instructs the DOJ’s civil division to work with a newly formed Sanctuary Cities Enforcement Working Group to identify policies that “threaten to impede” immigration efforts Go to Source West Valley City PD officers entered the home while the fatal stabbings were occurring; the killer did not stop raising the knife until he was fatally shot Go to Source The footage shows a Liberty police officer and a firefighter wading into the water to reach the vehicle, turned on its side in an icy creek Go to Source “Six individuals who assaulted me, as I did my job on Jan. 6, as did hundreds of other law enforcement officers, will now walk free,” former D.C. Police Officer Michael Fanone said Go to Source Deputies and department officials working 12-hour shifts in the area reported coughs, red eyes and headaches Go to Source Officials stated the death occurred in the line of duty; the identity of the agent was not immediately released Go to Source Manchester Police officers acted quickly to arrest the 17-year-old after he pointed an airsoft gun at elementary school students and slammed it against a door Go to Source The two suspects were wearing PPE and claimed to work for a nonexistent fire department in Oregon, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department said Go to Source The man fled from officers, diving into a river and swimming to an island; he was then located by the drone and arrested Go to Source The Henderson Police officer needed 11 staples in his head to treat his injuries after being struck by the vehicle; the driver was arrested on attempted murder and other charges Go to Source Ten Mass. departments have signed onto the 30×30 Initiative, a plan to increase the number of women in each agency to 30% by the year 2030 Go to Source Wildlife officers made a startling discovery in the refrigerated aisle of an Aldi grocery store when they spotted a coyote hiding in the shelving Go to Source Jio Rodriguez, 21, was playing recreational basketball on a court nearby the college game when he collapsed; four police officers at the game rendered life-saving aid Go to Source After the dog fell through the ice, the owner tried to rescue it before also falling through Go to Source |
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