
Novel molecular design achieves 1,300-fold increase in scintillator radioluminescence

Scientists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have developed a highly effective and general molecular design that enables an enhancement in radioluminescence within organometallic scintillators by more than three orders of magnitude. This enhancement harnesses X-ray-induced triplet exciton recycling within lanthanide metal complexes.

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Leaves’ resilience to raindrops offer insights into energy harvesting potential

To a leaf, a falling raindrop is equivalent in mass to a bowling ball dropping on a person—so how does the leaf survive? New research elucidates the raindrop’s impact and the physical dynamics that help the leaf respond, with potential applications for agriculture and renewable-energy harvesting.

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Researchers reveal full-gray optical trap in structured light

A research group led by Prof. Yao Baoli and Dr. Xu Xiaohao from Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics (XIOPM) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have revealed a full-gray optical trap in structured light, which is able to capture nanoparticles but appears at the region where the intensity is neither maximized nor minimized. […]

Machine learning speeds up prediction of materials’ spectral properties

Many techniques in computational materials science require scientists to identify the right set of parameters that capture the physics of the specific material they are studying. Calculating these parameters from scratch is sometimes possible but costs a lot of time and computational power. Consequently, scientists are always eager to find more efficient ways to estimate […]

Twisted Edison: Filaments curling at the nanoscale produce light waves that twirl as they travel

Bright, twisted light can be produced with technology similar to an Edison light bulb, researchers at the University of Michigan have shown. The finding adds nuance to fundamental physics while offering a new avenue for robotic vision systems and other applications for light that traces out a helix in space.

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Need to accurately measure time in space? Use a COMPASSO

Telling time in space is difficult, but it is absolutely critical for applications ranging from testing relativity to navigating down the road. Atomic clocks, such as those used on the Global Navigation Satellite System network, are accurate, but only up to a point.

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When solar probes align: Data confirms how sun’s magnetic field accelerates solar wind

When two probes orbiting the sun aligned with one another, researchers harnessed the opportunity to track the sun’s magnetic field as it traveled into the solar system. They found that the sharply oscillating magnetic field smooths out to gentle waves while accelerating the surrounding solar wind, according to a University of Michigan-led study published in […]

Purple diamond maser could one day amplify signals from deep space

UNSW engineers have developed and built a special maser system that boosts microwave signals—such as those from deep space—but does not need to be super-cooled.

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Colliding top quarks reveal hidden quantum ‘magic’

Queen Mary University of London physicist Professor Chris White, along with his twin brother Professor Martin White from the University of Adelaide, have discovered a surprising connection between the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the future of quantum computing.

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A new way of thinking about skyrmion motion could lead to more robust electronics

The future storage and processing of data stand to benefit greatly from tiny magnetic whirlpools known as skyrmions, which are robust against noise and may be useful in lower power consumption devices. The development of skyrmion-based technologies has received a boost from a simple and intuitive model for visualizing the complex motions of skyrmions developed […]

Advancing a trustworthy quantum era: A novel approach to quantum protocol verification

Quantum computing offers the potential to solve complex problems faster than classical computers by leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics. Significant advancements have been made in areas, such as artificial intelligence, cryptography, deep learning, optimization, and solving complex equations.

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Molecular ‘pinball’: Superfast collisions predict supercritical fluid properties

Neither gas nor liquid, supercritical fluids exhibit a unique mashup of the properties of both and arise when fluids are pushed to very high temperatures and pressures. Their properties make them ideal for a wide variety of chemical, pharmaceutical and environmental applications.

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Faster way to calculate electron structure makes it easier to discover new materials

Figuring out certain aspects of a material’s electron structure can take a lot out of a computer—up to a million CPU hours, in fact. A team of Yale researchers, though, are using a type of artificial intelligence to make these calculations much faster and more accurately. Among other benefits, this makes it much easier to […]

In-plane magnetic fields reveal new Hall effect behaviors in advanced materials

In-plane magnetic fields are responsible for inducing anomalous Hall effect in EuCd2Sb2 films, report researchers from the Institute of Science Tokyo. By studying how these fields change electronic structures, the team discovered a large in-plane anomalous Hall effect.

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Anomalous magnetic moment of the muon: New calculation confirms Standard Model of particle physics

The magnetic moment of the muon is an important precision parameter for putting the Standard Model of particle physics to the test. After years of work, the research group led by Professor Hartmut Wittig of the PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) has calculated this quantity using the so-called lattice quantum […]