
Did Curiosity snap an image of a mysterious “creature” on Mars?

FBIMG - Did Curiosity snap an image of a mysterious “creature” on Mars?

Ultimate evidence of life on Mars: Did NASA’s Curiosity rover snap an image of a mysterious “creature” on the surface of Mars?

NASA’s Curiosity rover has snapped another incredible image of Mars that has led to a lot of debate whether there is life or not on the red planet. Many people believe that even though the surface conditions of Mars are far too harsh to sustain life, there is life beneath the Martian surface, and this new image of NASA’s curiosity rover has awakened the debate among researchers, ufologists, and media whether Mars is home to alien life.

For all of you …read more […]

Researchers find a rock with a carving of a Mastodon at the underwater Stonehenge of Lake Michigan

cc - Researchers find a rock with a carving of a Mastodon at the underwater Stonehenge of Lake Michigan

Another incredible discovery has been made as researchers have found a rock carving of a Mastodon at the underwater Stonehenge of Lake Michigan.

In 2007, at a depth of twelve meters, researchers found a peculiar set of aligned stones that are believed to be over 10,000 years old.

While searching for shipwrecks, archeologists from the Northwestern Michigan College came across something interesting at the bottom of Lake Michigan. They found mysteriously aligned rocks placed there by ancient man before water covered the area. Researchers couldn’t believe what they were seeing upon making the discovery. It’s America’s Stonehenge.

The mysterious rock …read more […]

NASA Astronauts confirm that UFOs do exist

mainapollo - NASA Astronauts confirm that UFOs do exist

Many of us have seen once in a while something in the sky that we cannot explain. A mysterious light at night that changes direction drastically, something that resembles a star but moves awkwardly across the sky, something that doesn’t look like an airplane or helicopter.

But what are those mysterious objects? Are they some sort of highly secret military aircraft? Or is it possible that those mysterious lights, are in fact, vehicles made by otherworldly beings?

Does Alien life exist? We believe that the most certified people to answer that million dollar question are Astronauts. No one is better equipped to …read more […]

Archaeologists discover 24 new lines at Nazca

nazcalines - Archaeologists discover 24 new lines at Nazca

A team of Japanese archaeologists discovered 24 new geoglyphs in Peru’s Nazca Desert, which could be among the oldest in this area according to researchers from the Yamagata University from Japan.

Almost invisible on the surface, the images were obtained through 3-D scans conducted on the ground north of the city of Nazca.

The Geometric shapes drawn on the desert floor were found a kilometer and a half north of the city of Nazca, the figures include a drawing of what appears to be a “llama” and other representations that are not so recognizable. According these lines would date back to the III …read more […]

The Black Knight Satellite caught on video as it approaches the ISS

flyingobjects - The Black Knight Satellite caught on video as it approaches the ISS

The infamous Black Knight Satellite caught on video near the ISS? According to a leaked Russian video filmed by cosmonauts, yes!

Is it possible that the mysterious Black Knight satellite was recorded on video as it approached the International space Station?

Someone, managed to smuggle a video out of the Russian Federal Space Agency in which the mysterious object, referred to as “The Black Knight” is seen. Remember that Russia has always been more tolerant and straightforward when it comes to the UFO phenomena than any other country on Earth.

In the video, recorded by Russian cosmonauts, we can see the progress cargo …read more […]

An Electromagnetic Sphere was located on top of the Great Pyramid of Giza

Screen-Shot----at-.. - An Electromagnetic Sphere was located on top of the Great Pyramid of Giza

What do Nikola Tesla and the Great Pyramid of Giza have in common? Well more than you would have thought actually. Is it possible that the Great Pyramid of Giza was in fact a GIANT energy plant as some researchers have suggested? We know that the pyramid was not built as a tomb, so that theory we know is incorrect.

According to a study from architect Miguel Perez Sanchez a series of impossible figures with the number pi, e, and continuous references and relationships with the star Sirius give a new perspective on the great encyclopedia of knowledge that is the …read more […]

Did Nikola Tesla discover the secrets of Antigravity?

antigravedad-ufopolis-x - Did Nikola Tesla discover the secrets of Antigravity?

Nikola Tesla is considered one of the most innovative and mysterious men who ever lived. If Tesla hadn’t invented and researched everything he did in his time, our technology today would be considerably worse. But, is there something more to Tesla? Did he, in fact, have contact with Aliens as he publicly proclaimed? He is one of the most amazing inventors our civilization has ever known his knowledge and ideas went far and beyond what was known and accepted in his lifetime.

Nikola Tesla has been credited with creating much of the technology that we today take pretty much for granted. …read more […]

Researchers confirm: The Largest Pyramid in Mexico has been found

ancul- - Researchers confirm: The Largest Pyramid in Mexico has been found

Researchers discover immense pyramid in Mexico, larger than Teotihuacan’s Pyramid of the Sun.

Researchers in Mexico have discovered a Pyramid that, according to initial measurements, is larger than the Great Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan. Initial excavations were done in 2010.

The Pyramid, 75 meters in height, was explored by specialists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) on the acropolis of Tonina, Chiapas, estimated to be around 1700 years old.

Emiliano Gallaga, director of the archaeological zone, explained that work has been done in the last two years, and by means of a “three-dimensional, researchers verified that in the …read more […]

Official Navy Images Reveal UFO Encounter In The Arctic Sea

Image - Official Navy Images Reveal UFO Encounter In The Arctic Sea

The incredible images of Unidentified Flying Objects in the Arctic originated from the USS Trepang, SSN 674 in March 1971.

The following case was made available thanks to John Greenewald from “The Black Vault” who in turn received the incredible images from researcher Alex Mistretta.

The photos here displayed are evidence of a “close encounter” between forces of the United States Navy and Unidentified Flying Objects on the “edge” of the Arctic Ocean in March 1971.

These images were supposedly taken in March 1971 from a United States Submarine, the USS Trepang (SSN-674), a Sturgeon-class attack submarine.

The official location where the sighting occurred …read more […]

Civilizations before history: Ancient Sumer and the Sumerian King list

noahs-ark-flood-creation-stories-myths-sumerian-kings-list-cuneiform-tablet-kish-cush-utu-hegal-of-uruk-close-up-bc - Civilizations before history: Ancient Sumer and the Sumerian King list

There have been numerous discoveries that seem to disagree with history as we know it. Ancient civilizations that predate our times are known to have existed across the globe, but who were they and were they that different from us? What were their beliefs? Their purpose and origin? That is something that has “bothered” archaeologists who are not convinced with their existence.

Ancient Egypt is one of the most incredible ancient civilizations to have inhabited our planet. According to history, Ancient Egypt came to be around 3000 BC. The earliest texts speak of ancient Mesopotamia around 4000 BC, but from these …read more […]

India: Footprints embedded in rock, evidence of ancient astronauts?

indian-footprints - India: Footprints embedded in rock, evidence of ancient astronauts?
Are the footprints embedded in rock in India evidence of ancient astronauts?

A village in central India has fueled discussions on numerous social networks about the discovery of a mysterious set of “footprints” embedded in rock next to depictions of a flying object.

The village in question is called Piska Nagri, and it is located in the outskirts of the city of Ranchi in the State of Jharkahnd. This is where geologist Nitish Priyadarshi has been studying mysterious and striking footsteps, which according to local legend, could prove to be evidence pointing towards the presence of sky gods who landed at the region in …read more […]

Göbekli Tepe is at least 7000 years older than Stonehenge

n - Göbekli Tepe is at least 7000 years older than Stonehenge

Today, Göbekli Tepe is a vast, dusty hill. The heat prevents archaeologists from digging in the summer and therefore only 5% of the total of Göbekli Tepe has been excavated. Just imagine everything that archaeologists will find once they manage to excavate 50% of this incredible ancient site.

In the distant past, there were days of mild climate, when green lands conquered the region. The “Göbekli” people were organized groups of hundreds of hunters that guided whole herds of gazelles into traps. They were skilled, not only as hunters and gatherers but as constructors and artists as well.

Göbekli Tepe is a superb …read more […]

A researcher Claims to Have Found a 55.000-year-old Artifact Made of Oxygen

In 1990 an Italian “geologist” named Angelo Pitoni was visiting Sierra Leone, in the vicinity of the border with Guinea Conakry, to verify if a certain region of the country known as Kono was indeed, a rich deposit of diamonds that could be exploited by the company that had hired him and sought to obtain the concession of exploitation in exchange for building a number of houses for the government.

While studying the region, Pitoni came across an incredible discovery that was for some reason left out in the cold. In an area between Sierra Leone, and Conakry, after removing a few …read more […]

This is how the CIA informed President Reagan about UFO’s: Official transcript

It is interesting to know that government agencies such as the FBI and CIA have had great interests in the UFO phenomena. You would think that if there is a threat to national security posed by UFO/s, the president would be among the first, if not the first to become aware of it. Many people have speculated that governments around the world have had contact with beings not from Earth for a long time. Every once in a while, a new declassified document pops up on the internet and all the dots that seemed pointless from several “classified” documents seem …read more […]

The Mystery of the Swiss Watch From the Ming Dynasty

anillo-cb - The Mystery of the Swiss Watch From the Ming Dynasty

The mystery of the Swiss watch from the Ming Dynasty; an artifact out-of-place and out of time

Archaeologists discovered a miniature watch in an ancient tomb that was sealed for over 400 years. It is a miniature watch that is literally out-of-place and time, and researchers cannot explain its origin let-alone the mysterious inscription on it.

The watch appears to be about 2 mm thick. (A quarter is 1.75 mm thick, and this watch looks just a little thicker than that. ) One of the thinnest watches made today, 2008, is 3.5 mm high.

Researchers cannot get their mind straight ever since the discovery …read more […]