
Meet The White ‘Alien’ Gods of Mesoamerica: Viracocha, Quetzalcoatl, and Kukulkan

fefcc - Meet The White ‘Alien’ Gods of Mesoamerica: Viracocha, Quetzalcoatl, and Kukulkan

Are The White Alien Gods of Mesoamerica just another myth? Is it possible that these ancient deities are interconnected in one way or another?

Join us in this article where we take a look at the history of the most important Ancient Gods of the Americas.

Viracocha is the great creator god in the pre-Inca mythology. He was one of the most important deities in the Inca pantheon and seen as the creator of all things.

According to ancient legend, Viracocha created the universe, sun, moon, stars and time by commanding the sun to move over the sky and created afterward, civilization itself. …read more […]

The Lost Cosmonauts of the USSR: dramatic transmissions picked up from outer space

forteantimes - The Lost Cosmonauts of the USSR: dramatic transmissions picked up from outer space

Have you heard about the secret space programs of the USSR? Lost Cosmonauts in Space? It is almost a plot out of a science fiction movie. There are hundreds of books and publications around the world which have talked about the space race and the numerous incidents that occurred.

Who has not heard about Apollo XII and its failures, or the disaster aboard the Apollo I capsule that took the lives of Astronauts Grissom, White and Chafee… These two are only some of the many incidents that have occurred during the space race between the United States and the USSR.

According to …read more […]

Were the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt hybrid Aliens?

richard-nowitz-statue-of-pharaoh-akhenaten-also-known-as-amenhotep-iv- - Were the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt hybrid Aliens?

Were the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt hybrid Aliens? And is it possible that Humans are not from Earth as some suggest?

There are many people who believe that Ancient Egypt and its history are filled with mystery. From the construction of the Great Pyramid to ancient Egyptian mythology there have been dozens of enigmas that have baffled scholars.

Now, a new study suggests that Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs were subjected to genetic engineering by beings, not from Earth. Could this be the ultimate connection to the “Gods,” the reason why Akhenaten, for example, claimed: “There is only one god, my father. I can …read more […]

The mystery of the 100 ton ‘boxes’ at the Serapeum of Saqqara: Ancient precision at its best

n - The mystery of the 100 ton ‘boxes’ at the Serapeum of Saqqara: Ancient precision at its best

Located North West of the Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara, we find the Serapeum of Saqqara. According to archaeologists, it was the burial-place of the Apus Bulls, literally speaking the living manifestations of the Egyptian God Ptah. This necropolis found near Memphis, Egypt is believed to have been built sometime around 1300 BCE, by Ramesses II.

Ever since its discovery in 1850 the Serapeum of Saqqara has puzzled archaeologists and researchers and the tunnels that have been unearthed since have been the subject of debate among many. This majestic ancient labyrinth is home to 25 megalithic stone ‘boxes’, weighing between 70 …read more […]

An ‘Ancient Alien Abduction’ Is Described In A 500-Year-Old Chinese Manuscript

chinese-manuscript - An ‘Ancient Alien Abduction’ Is Described In A 500-Year-Old Chinese Manuscript

According to researchers in China, an ancient Chinese manuscript made available to the public in 2011 describes in detail a mysterious event that took place nearly 500 years ago: An Alien Abduction.

The text written in 1528 describes a mysterious ‘star’ which crossed the sky moving from the East to the West, the mysterious ‘star’ descended in the vicinity of a small village near the mountains. One of the inhabitants of the village, intrigued by the mysterious ‘star’ that had landed approached the object describing it as being disk-shaped and as big as a house, covered in brilliant colors, unlike anything …read more […]

Nibiru: The Mythical Home Planet Of The Anunnaki

bdfcacfadabdadda - Nibiru: The Mythical Home Planet Of The Anunnaki

All kinds of dreadful gravitational phenomena are connected with Nibiru and some even argue that Planet X or Nibiru poses a threat to Earth and that one day it will collide with our planet. Science argues that it might exist, but they just haven seen it yet. Mythologically speaking, Nibiru is present in much of ancient Sumerian writing.

Nibiru is believed to be the home planet of the Anunnaki, a race of extraterrestrial beings who came to Earth to save their home planet. According to the ancient cuneiform texts, which are believed to be some of the oldest writings known to date, …read more […]

The Great Sphinx of Egypt and Atlantis

Great-Sphinx-Before-Clearance.-Giza.-th-Dynasty.- - The Great Sphinx of Egypt and Atlantis

The Great Sphinx of Egypt and Atlantis: Was the Sphinx built by the Ancient Atlantean civilization?

The Great Sphinx of Egypt is without a doubt one of the most mysterious and most incredible monuments on the face of the planet.

This extraordinary ancient structure which measures 20 meters in height and 57 meters in length stands as the proud ‘guardian’ of the Great Pyramid and its companions in the Giza Plateau.

Great Sphinx Before Clearance. Giza. 4th Dynasty. 1900

The enigmas surrounding the Sphinx are many, researchers have no idea who built the Sphinx, when, what for nor how long …read more […]

Researchers discover a ‘Stonehenge’ on Mars

stonehenge-mars - Researchers discover a ‘Stonehenge’ on Mars

A Stonehenge on Mars? Strange rock formation resembles the iconic British monument found on the surface of the red planet.

Meet ‘Marshenge’, a mysterious rock formation that has been spotted on the surface of the red planet. The mysterious formation rests on a mound that rises from the ground and clearly seems to be surrounded by a ditch. I think we can agree that it is very unlikely that what we are seeing here is the result of Pareidolia. But is it possible that we are looking at an ancient monument on Mars? This mysterious rock formation clearly resembles the well-known …read more […]

11 Reasons Why The Hollow Earth May Actually Be Real

hollowearthcentralsun - 11 Reasons Why The Hollow Earth May Actually Be Real

Is it possible that there is a completely unknown civilization living beneath the surface of our planet? Many people believe that the Hollow Earth theory is more than just a myth, and some have even tried to prove it scientifically. Even today, in the 21st century, it’s difficult to say with certainty that it does or does not exist. For many years it was believed that the earth was hollow, but even though many have come up with theories, until 1968 there was no proof. That year, pictures taken by a satellite orbiting Earth clearly showed a gaping hole located at …read more […]

Five Out-of-Place Artifacts That Challenge Mainstream History

hiddencharacterstonetrench - Five Out-of-Place Artifacts That Challenge Mainstream History

There are perhaps a dozen discoveries that have been made on Earth that challenge conventional and mainstream science in every single way.

Most scholars have decided to simply ignore these findings since they are unable to place them anywhere inside their ‘mainstream history.’ But just what are these discoveries?

Are they just false, fabricated lies that have been put in place to create a buzz around the world? Or are these discoveries true and verifiable pointing towards a different past of the human race?

There are people who argue that we are being served “filtered information” and that many things regarding the distant …read more […]

The secrets of the Great Pyramid of Giza: What you didn’t know about the Great Pyramid

thegreatpyramidofgizabycaie-dwwk - The secrets of the Great Pyramid of Giza: What you didn’t know about the Great Pyramid

Did you know that the curvature designed into the faces of the pyramid exactly match the radius of the earth? This is just one of the incredible features that most of us had no idea about.

The Great Pyramid of Egypt is without a doubt one of the most incredible ancient structures on the surface of the planet and rightly holds the title as one of the ancient wonders. It is an ancient monument that attracts millions of tourists and hundreds of researchers and scholars who study, analyze and research it.

While most scholars agree that the Great Pyramid was built by …read more […]

UFOlogists find another statue on the surface of Mars

Okay everyone, here is another interesting one from Mars. Real ‘statue’ or pareidolia kicking in again?

Mars has certainly given us a lot to talk about this year. There have been hundreds of images made available to the public which allegedly show ‘structures’ on the surface of the red planet. While most of these images are probably the result of pareidolia, game of lights and pixelations, some of the images are very difficultly explained. Better said, they are unexplainable.

One of those unexplained images on Mars is the following one according to UFO hunters and ‘ufologists’ around the globe.

According to Scot Waring …read more […]

What you need to know about Tesla’s Antigravity technology: Creating the Perfect UFO

ce - What you need to know about Tesla’s Antigravity technology: Creating the Perfect UFO

TV, AC electricity, the Tesla Coil, fluorescent lighting, neon lights, Radio controlled devices, robotics, X-rays, radar, microwave and dozens of other amazing inventions were invented by one of the most incredible geniuses to have lived on Earth, Nikola Tesla.

His inventions had no limits, his imagination did neither. He was cataloged by many as a ‘mad scientist’ but he was more than that. Today we can say that Nikola Tesla is without a doubt, the father of modern technology.

Among his non-conventional inventions, we can add two that are super-duper advanced: Antigravity technology and Tesla’s UFO, or rather IFO.

Tesla had a great …read more […]

Scientifically proven: Planets in our Solar System aligned as a Crucifix, the day that Jesus died

Planetas.Cruz - Scientifically proven: Planets in our Solar System aligned as a Crucifix, the day that Jesus died

Call it whatever you want, but according to researchers it scientifically proven. It’s an extremely rare astronomical phenomenon, it did not happen again after 33 AD for 600 years. It is an astronomical discovery that one that cannot take lightly.

On the 3rd of April 33, the date on which researchers agree that the crucifixion of Jesus took place, Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Earth and Venus lined up and took form of a crucified man. The discovery of this curious phenomenon was made possible thanks to Miguel Antonio Fiol, a historian at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

According to a press release published by the …read more […]

Tesla’s UFO: What you should know about Tesla’s incredible flying saucer

Tesla-UFO - Tesla’s UFO: What you should know about Tesla’s incredible flying saucer

We all know that Nikola Tesla was way ahead of his time with his inventions, his creativity and ideas. Tesla is recognized as one of the most innovative and mysterious men who ever lived.

If Tesla hadn’t invented and researched everything he did in his time, our technology today would be considerably worse. But is there something more to Tesla? Did Tesla have contact with Aliens as he publicly proclaimed? He certainly is one of the most amazing inventors our civilization has ever known: his knowledge and ideas went far and beyond what was known and accepted in his lifetime. Is it possible that Nikola Tesla envisioned …read more […]