
Indonesia holds Key to a 20,000 year old lost Civilization

F--image-a- - Indonesia holds Key to a 20,000 year old lost Civilization

With the numerous discoveries made over the past 10 years, it is clear that civilizations have existed on Earth much sooner than previously believed. One of those ancient ‘lost’ civilizations could be around 20,000 years old and found in Indonesia. If these structures prove to be the real deal (they are being battered by mainstream scholars and tagged as a hoax) then we are looking at a whole new page in our history books, one that changes everything we know about civilizations, origin of mankind and humans on Earth. No one knew that the Pyramid was a pyramid until geological …read more […]

The Indian River drains out for the first time revealing incredible ancient secrets

sahasra - The Indian River drains out for the first time revealing incredible ancient secrets

The Indian River drains out for the first time revealing incredible ancient secrets

For the first time in history, a combination of drought and overconsumption of water have pushed the river in India, the Shamala river in Karnataka to its limits, revealing under its bank secrets that have shocked the archaeological community. The receding river has revealed the presence of thousands of Shiva Lingas which were carved in the distant past along the river bed.

The place referred to as “Sahasralinga” (thousand Shiva Lingas in Sanskrit) has become an extremely important pilgrimage site and …read more […]

Archaeologists discover 2,400-year-old solid gold ‘bongs’ used by Aryan kings to smoke cannabis at ceremonies

gold-bong - Archaeologists discover 2,400-year-old solid gold ‘bongs’ used by Aryan kings to smoke cannabis at ceremonies

Archaeologists have uncovered two 2,400-year-old pure gold ‘bongs’ that were used by Aryan tribal chiefs to smoke cannabis during ceremonies. The historic drug paraphernalia was found alongside 7lbs of other gold items when an area of land was dug up in Russia to make way for power lines. The items had been buried in a stone chamber before being concealed by a thick layer of clay.

Criminologists have since carried out tests which indicate that the thick, black residue found inside the vessels comes from the cannabis and opium which the tribal royal smoked. Experts believe the items belonged to the …read more […]

Shemsu Hor, the Celestial architects of the Great Sphinx, an 800,000 year old monument

The-Followers-of-Horus-Zep-tepi-and-the-Crearion-of-Egypt-Ancient-Code - Shemsu Hor, the Celestial architects of the Great Sphinx, an 800,000 year old monument

There is something that tells us that the official chronology of human history is completely wrong. There are findings that indict there was another civilizations way before us on Earth, civilizations that had knowledge and technology far superior to what we have today, a sophisticated society that could answer the numerous enigmas surrounding our civilizations and ancient history.

Having that said, I have to mention that without a doubt the followers of Horus remain as one of the greatest and most mysterious enigmas for researchers and historians when it comes to Egyptian history. These ‘mythical beings, referred to in the Turin …read more […]

Cahokia: The largest and most complex ancient archaeological site you probably didn’t hear of

cbfddbeeffcbae - Cahokia: The largest and most complex ancient archaeological site you probably didn’t hear of

Cahokia is America’s forgotten city and the largest and most complex ancient archaeological site located north of the Pre-Columbian cities of Mexico. It is perhaps the greatest ancient civilization found between the arid desert of Mexico and northern parts of the United States of America.

Archaeologists place Cahokia as one of the greatest and most influential settlements in the Mississippian culture that developed settlements of what is today known as the central and southeastern United States; five hundred years before Europeans came to the New Continent. The original name of this ancient city is unknown. The mounds that are located in the …read more […]

NASA: There Is A Giant Square Structure Hidden Under The Moon

aaaedaeffc - NASA: There Is A Giant Square Structure Hidden Under The Moon

NASA: There Is A Giant Square Structure Hidden Under The Moon

It seems that after all, no one can accurately explain the dozens of mysteries surrounding Earth’s natural satellite.

While most of the times, when UFO hunters spot odd structures either on the moon or on Mars for example, these turn out to be, sometimes just the result of pareidolia. This however, isn’t the case here. According to scientific study, rifts across a giant area of the Moon’s surface, known as Ocean of Storms actually form an enormous rectangle.

Now, to the dozens of mysteries surrounding the moon we can add this giant …read more […]

NASA-funded study finds: Dozens of advanced ancient civilizations collapsed before us

finding-lost-civilizations-x - NASA-funded study finds: Dozens of advanced ancient civilizations collapsed before us

Is it possible that just like many other advanced civilizations in the past, ours too is heading towards an impending collapse? Is the collapse of society imminent? These are some of the questions a study from NASA aims at answering. The study, partly sponsored by the Goddard Space Flight Center suggests that civilizations as we know it could come to an abrupt end in the coming decades due to a number of factors.

If we look back in history, 3000 – 5000 years, we will find a historical record that …read more […]

The Mysteries And Legends of Mount Shasta

SunriseonMountShasta - The Mysteries And Legends of Mount Shasta

Mount Shasta is known as one of the most sacred places on Earth and is called by many people the magical mountain. The mountain is located in the Cascade Range in northern California. It rises around the picturesque mountains in the Siskiyou County at an altitude of over 4322 meters above sea level. It is also one of the largest dormant volcanoes.

It is a legendary and mystical place since known history. Locals believe that this mountain is truly magical and there many mysteries and stories that have baffled and delighted, not only the local Native American population but also thousands …read more […]

The enigma of the Dighton rock: Mysterious Phoenician Carvings in America?

DightonRock-Davisphotograph - The enigma of the Dighton rock: Mysterious Phoenician Carvings in America?

The Dighton rock is without a doubt one of the most mysterious findings of the Americas. The rock with mysterious cuneiform-style inscriptions has been the subject of intense debate among researchers and scholars for centuries, yet no one has been able to properly explain its origin nor decipher it. The 40-ton boulder approximately 1.5 meters in height, 2.9 in width and 3.4 meters length was found partially submerged in the Taunton River in Massachusetts.

Photograph of the Dighton Rock taken by Davis in 1893

The mysterious boulder, covered in petroglyphs and intricate ancient designs has been installed in …read more […]

This Giant Ancient Underground City may be the largest in the world

underground-city-found-in-Cappadocia - This Giant Ancient Underground City may be the largest in the world

Dating back at least 5,000 years and located in the area beneath Fort Nevşehir, a Byzantine-era hilltop castle in Nevşehir, the mysterious underground city has proven to be one of the most shocking discoveries in recent years in the Cappadocia region where this, and other underground cities are located.

Near the region commonly referred to as “The Cradle of Civilization” we find ancient cities and structures that defy everything we know about human history and chronology since some of these structures should not exist according to mainstream scholars.

We aren’t talking about the ancient underground city of Derinkuyu which is located in the …read more […]

Nikola Tesla, UFOs, Antigravity and Aliens

fgjsfjsrtjs - Nikola Tesla, UFOs, Antigravity and Aliens

It seems that whenever someone talks about Tesla you cannot help but wonder how it is possible for a Man like Tesla to gone unnoticed in history books? I mean why is someone like Tesla literally erased from History? Why is his legacy pushed out of society?

Tesla was a man far ahead of his time, and his countless inventions are evidence that this man was in fact the most incredible inventor to ever live on Earth. If it weren’t for this man, things like smartphones, radio, remote controlled devices, etc… would be something completely unknown to us.

But a part of …read more […]

Researcher Says Massive 12,000-Year-Old Underground Tunnels Exist From Turkey To Scotland

article--DA-x - Researcher Says Massive 12,000-Year-Old Underground Tunnels Exist From Turkey To Scotland

Is it possible that ancient cultures were interconnected thousands of years ago? According to thousands of underground tunnels that stretch from North Scotland towards the Mediterranean, the answer is a big yes. While the reason behind these sophisticated tunnels remains a mystery, many experts believe that this huge 12,000-year-old network was built as a protection against predators and other dangers 12,000 years ago. Some experts believe that these mysterious tunnels were used as modern-day highways, allowing the transition of people and connecting them to distant places across Europe.

In the book Secrets Of The Underground Door To An …read more […]

Six Ancient Maps that should not exist according to mainstream Scholars

the-map-of-the-creator - Six Ancient Maps that should not exist according to mainstream Scholars

Numerous maps have been discovered throughout history that even today remain as an enigma to scholars and skeptics. While most of us are familiar with the work of Piri Reis and his maps, he isn’t the only one to have created charts that remain a mystery to history.

Maps like the one by Piri Reis have been validated by scholars who remain baffled and cannot explain their precision and level of detail. Some of them were created as if somehow, someone was able to see the land from the air before drawing the charts… But remember, some of these maps are …read more […]

The Top Secret Document Written by Oppenheimer and Einstein on Aliens and UFOs

Aliens-visited-Earth-Wallpaper-Ancient-Code - The Top Secret Document Written by Oppenheimer and Einstein on Aliens and UFOs

The idea that planet Earth has been visited by beings not from Earth is a concept that has been around for many years. If we look back at history, study and analyze ancient texts from cultures all over the world, we will find that many describe “Gods”, ‘heavenly beings’ and other creatures that came from elsewhere in the cosmos to Earth. While these encounters were described as divine in the past, today we try and approach the issue scientifically, something that has proven to be very difficult. But in 1947, two major scientists addressed the issue like never before, considering …read more […]

800,000 year old footprints in the UK suggest history needs to be rewritten

image-Happisburgh-Footprints - 800,000 year old footprints in the UK suggest history needs to be rewritten

According to a group of archaeologists, a series of footprints discovered in the United Kingdom over a year ago are evidence of human beings living on Earth much earlier than what mainstream scholars suggest.

The mysterious footprints are believed to have been left by a group of adults and children nearly a million years ago.

The incredible footprints were actually recorded for the first time two years ago in Norfolk, England.

“At first we weren’t sure what we were seeing, but as we removed any remaining beach sand and sponged …read more […]