
The Rhodope Skull: The mysterious cranium of a real-life Alien?

Optimized-Alien-Skull - The Rhodope Skull: The mysterious cranium of a real-life Alien?

The mysterious ‘alien’ cranium was discovered in the mountains of Bulgaria by a 38-year old resident of Plovdiv. Until today, no one has been able to offer conclusive details about what the mysterious skull is. Fact or fiction? As always you decide.

When you want to prove that Aliens exist on Earth… what would be the first thing you would ask for? In our views, it’s physical evidence. Without physical evidence saying that aliens exist is just a wild theory actually, but what if we had physical evidence? I guess at that moment we would probably remain skeptical and say, Nah… …read more […]

Check Out The Lost Journals Of Nikola Tesla

tesla - Check Out The Lost Journals Of Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla is the ULTIMATE Mad scientist, a genius that was perhaps born in the wrong century, a brilliant mind incomparable to the rest. His work, ideas, and inventions are one of the main reasons for today’s technology, if Tesla had not existed, we would still be looking for answers which Tesla answered in his lifetime.

Tesla might be less known than Einstein or Edison, but his work and legacy deserve a lot more. Tesla’s inventions went far beyond electricity. With the air of his financial banker J.P. Morgan, in 1899 Tesla set up an experimental laboratory in Colorado Springs, containing …read more […]

Two ‘alien’ skulls discovered in Russia, a secret Nazi institution and the search for the origin of Mankind

fcadfddfff - Two ‘alien’ skulls discovered in Russia, a secret Nazi institution and the search for the origin of Mankind

In what sounds as a scene from an Indiana Jones movie, reports from Russian newspapers “Komsomolskaya Pravda” and “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” indicate that a briefcase and two Alien-like skulls were discovered in the mountains of the Caucasus region of Adygeya. Among the briefcase, its finders found two skulls belonging to an unknown creature. Ahnenerbe was probably the most secret society within the SS dedicated to the study of the occult and the supernatural forces on Earth. According to researchers, it is likely that members of the SS were interested in the mysteries of the ancient dolmens and the high amounts of …read more […]

The Great Pyramid of Giza was built in Harmony with Planet Earth

Optimized-Pyramid - The Great Pyramid of Giza was built in Harmony with Planet Earth

There are many questions surrounding the Great Pyramid of Giza. Why was the Pyramid built to the size that it was built? What was the original purpose of this majestic structure, and why was it built in the first place? Are the ancient Egyptians the original builders of the Grat Pyramid? Or is it possible that somehow, an ancient civilization predating the Ancient Egyptian built this ancient wonder? These questions still remain a mystery for mainstream scholars.

It remains a profound mystery the fact that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built with such precision. The fact that The Great Pyramid …read more […]

Graham Hancock talks about the Real Atlantis

Graham-Hancock-Gobekli-Tepe-Real-Atlantis - Graham Hancock talks about the Real Atlantis

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In a recent interview by Michael Parker from Antidote, award winning author Graham Hancock talked about the deepest mysteries of Earth’s ancient civilizations, which mysteriously vanished from history, leaving behind only clues that could help researchers today, uncover the lost pieces of ancient man’s history.

There is a huge puzzle scattered across the globe, where numerous civilizations from different parts of Earth, left hundreds and thousands of clues behind which could help us ‘remember’ the lost episodes in mankind’s ancient history.

Graham Hancock thoroughly described what we discovered about incredible megalithic constructions such as those of …read more […]

Parallel Universes and the Déjà Vu phenomenon: A mysterious mindboggling connection

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It is possible that Parallel Universes and the Déjà Vu phenomenon are mysteriously connected?

Most of us have had, at least once in our lifetime a ‘déjà vu’ experience, that mysterious feeling where time seems to pass by in slow-motion, where you perceive information in such a way as if you had already experienced the current situation sometime in the distant past.

Ranging from paranormal disturbances and neurological disorders, researchers have been trying to explain the mysterious phenomenon for decades, yet no one has been able to understand fully how we can live the ‘déjà vu’ …read more […]

Nostradamus: 10 prophecies for 2016

Nostradamus-Predictions - Nostradamus: 10 prophecies for 2016

The French physician and astrologer, Michel de Notre Dame, historically known as Nostradamus, is considered by many as one of the most accurate prophets in history. In his book ‘The Prophecies’, he writes more than a thousand four-line poetic verses called “quatrains,” verses that seem to predict the future. Michel began to have visions at a very early age. He would stare into a bowl with water and while staring at the water for some time, he would “receive” visions of the future.Nostradamus has been credited with predicting everything from the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 and the rise of Hitler in the 1930’s. what remains a …read more […]

The mysteries of Ancient Egypt’s Saqqara Bird

Photo-planefrontview - The mysteries of Ancient Egypt’s Saqqara Bird

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One of the most mysterious objects ever discovered is the Saqqara Bird. Discovered in 1898, while excavating the tomb of Pa-di-lmen in Sappho, archaeologist Khalil Messiha came upon a wooden object resembling a bird. With a mere seven-inch wingspan, this object has baffled archaeologists and researchers for years. While there are many theories as to what this object is until now, no solid conclusion has been offered.

It’s estimated to be about 2,200 years old, the most important part about this wooden bird is that it doesn’t look too much like a bird. The placement …read more […]

Evidence of Nuclear War in the distant Past: The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

Sodom-and-Gomorrah-by-JohnMartin-Wikipedia-public-domain - Evidence of Nuclear War in the distant Past: The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

The story that speaks about Sodom and Gomorrah is very interesting, not only by tales of destruction but also of the peculiar personalities involved as the angels who warned Lot to leave the doomed cities. Lot was actually warned that these cities would suffer a catastrophic fate, something that ancient astronaut theorists have interpreted as a warning before the cities were bombarded by extraterrestrial beings with high-tech weapons.

Sodom and Gomorrah are probably two of the most infamous cities that has existed on planet Earth. These cities have been lost for millennium, and only in recent years the sites have been tentatively …read more […]

7 mysterious ‘discoveries’ that have been made on Mars in 2015

FBIMG - 7 mysterious ‘discoveries’ that have been made on Mars in 2015

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7 Mysterious discoveries that according to Ufologists, prove Mars was inhabited

We can all probably agree that 2015 was a year full of surprises on Mars. We have learned so much about the red planet that we changed our opinion about everything we previously thought about Mars. Researchers finally understood that Mars wasn’t always a desolate and inhospitable place.

In 2015, scientists found out that Mars has liquid water flowing on its surface, a discovery that drastically changed everything we ever knew about Mars. The fact that NASA knows there is water on Mars means that …read more […]

Has NASA accidentally found an Ancient Sumerian Statue on the Surface of Mars?

Optimized-MArs-mysterious-statue - Has NASA accidentally found an Ancient Sumerian Statue on the Surface of Mars?

Another extremely mysterious discovery has apparently just been made on the surface of the red planet. According to UFO hunters, what appears to be a head of a mysterious statue has been seen in one of the images captured by the Curiosity rover currently exploring the red planet.

Previously, NASA’s Curiosity rover and its companion on Mars, Opportunity have taken a number of really strange images on Mars. From seeing Domes on Mars to a statue and what appear to be entire structures buried under the surface of the red planet, we have seen countless mysterious images from our neighboring planet …read more […]

The Annunaki, Nirbiru & Planet X

anunnaki-wall - The Annunaki, Nirbiru & Planet X

Many current day “seers” and “self-proclaimed emissaries of Alien Beings” preach about the coming events, which will include major Earth changes. I’m sure that even without a degree in rocket science, any of us can understand just how the arrival of a planetary sized object would impact the forces being applied against this planet, would have a major impact. Of late, we’re seeing our weather patterns change; major earthquakes reaching 9.0; storm of the century – every other week (or so it would seem) and let’s not forget the sudden increase in activity of volcanoes.

The question of Alien existence is …read more […]

The Reptilian Alien Race: Living among humans for centuries?

px-YaxchilanLintel - The Reptilian Alien Race: Living among humans for centuries?

Throughout history, we have heard tales about these strange looking creatures that apparently live among us on Earth.

There are so many stories about reptilian entities both in the past and in the present as if these beings were since the beginning of time present on our planet.

History talks about them and modern day sightings are becoming more and more frequent.

There have been stories of beings half-human, half-reptile for centuries, but is this just the result of human imagination or is there something more about these strange beings that have conquered our History texts.

Looking back in history, we find several tales about strange …read more […]

The Origin of our civilization: The Constellation of Orion

Orion--D-NoFilt----x--Ha-x-x - The Origin of our civilization: The Constellation of Orion

Why is this pattern of stars repeated in monuments throughout the ancient world? Why did ancient man consider Orion as one of the most prominent constellations in the sky?

Orion has been crucial to ancient man in the past, and these long-lost civilizations paid tribute to the gods of Orion by constructing incredible monuments and placing them in specific locations on Earth mimicking the sky.

Astronomers refer to Orion as M42, but ancient humanity knew about this constellation thousands of years before modern day astronomy, without telescopes such as the Hubble. The questions are how and why? Orion’s is a place where stars are born and astronomers refer to …read more […]

Third Eye In The Ancient Americas

Video- - Third Eye In The Ancient Americas

Scholars of Eastern religions recognize the Third Eye as having a long history in India, China, and Asia, where Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism hold sway. Strangely, the Third Eye is ignored by archaeologists of New World cultures, despite extensive evidence of Third Eye symbolism in ancient American artwork. Are the following Third Eye images from the New World (that author Richard Cassaro has researched and collected during the past two decades) the key to unlocking the religions of the Maya, Olmec, Aztec, Inca, pre-Inca, and other ancient American cultures?

The Hermetic tradition teaches that during a long-ago Golden Age, our ancestors …read more […]