
The Ark of the Covenant: A device used to power the Great Pyramid of Giza?

pyramidvortex - The Ark of the Covenant: A device used to power the Great Pyramid of Giza?

If the Great Pyramid of Giza wasn’t used as a tomb for the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt… what was its real purpose then? After the Project called ‘Scan Pyramids’ analyzed the ancient structure with advanced equipment, researchers detected thermal anomalies inside the great pyramid of Giza revealing shocking details about it.

The fact that there are thermal anomalies inside the great pyramid is an enigma since it was believed that the temperature inside the pyramid was always constant and equals the average temperature of the earth, 20 Degrees Celsius (68 Degrees Fahrenheit).

Pyramids’ effects are connected to gravity, which is pushing down …read more […]

NASA captures mysterious UFO’s approaching the Sun

- - NASA captures mysterious UFO’s approaching the Sun

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Check out these incredible images. In NASA photographs, captured by SOHO, we see a number of strange objects that appear to be traveling towards the sun.

One of the most incredible images is without a doubt, that of an ‘angelic-like’ UFO, clearly seen travelling towards the Sun. The object in question is humongous, but what is it?

Is it possible that this is, in fact, a real Alien Space Ship? Sceptics say no, but Ufologists are convinced that we are looking at one of the best pieces of evidence of Giant Alien structures in our Solar …read more […]

The ruins of a ‘fallen’ temple discovered on the surface of Mars?

Cross-seen-on-Mars - The ruins of a ‘fallen’ temple discovered on the surface of Mars?

The remains of a fallen temple and other ‘religious’ artifacts are said to have been found on the surface of the red planet by UFO hunters. The set of interesting images surely is worth a look, but dont get too excited too soon.

While UFO hunters around the globe might seem convinced that they have found yet another crucial piece of evidence that the red planet was inhabited in the distant past, skeptics remain unconfident and suggest this ‘new’ findings is nothing more than another trick of lights and shadows.

UFO hunters from France found the crucifix-like object in one of the latest images …read more […]

8,000-year-old handprints in Stone Age Cave were not human

B--image-a- - 8,000-year-old handprints in Stone Age Cave were not human

Researchers have come to the conclusion that the enigmatic set of handprints were not made by human beings.

The mysterious set of handrpints do not belong to humans

Located in the vast arid desert near Egypt’s southwestern border with Lybia, amateur explorer stumbled upon the ‘Cave of Beasts’ in 2002. The cave, also known as Wadi Sura II, includes a total of 5000 images painted or engraved into the stone over 8,000 years ago.

The mysterious set of handprints, which amateur explorers discovered in an Egyptian cave in 2002 were not created by humans after all. A new study shows …read more […]

Australian Cave paintings may be the oldest on the planet

wandjinas- - Australian Cave paintings may be the oldest on the planet

Until now, accurately dating the art was considered impossible due to a lack of organic matter in most paintings which ruled out radiocarbon dating. However, a new method promises to deliver shocking results

Cave paintings of indigenous Australians could be so old that it would take the number one spot as oldest cave paintings on the planet, surpassing by far the extraordinary paintings of the Cave of Altamira (Spain) and Chauvet (France).

Now researchers equipped with the latest technology used in dating, are there to prove it definitively. Researchers estimate that the mysterious cave paintings of ancient inhabitants of Australia could prove …read more […]

Unexplainable discovery: Ancient Indian Mandala found at Peru’s Nazca lines

mandala-peru - Unexplainable discovery: Ancient Indian Mandala found at Peru’s Nazca lines

The Nazca lines of Peru are, without a doubt, the most enigmatic and mysterious geoglyphs ever discovered on the planet, but the discovery of an Ancient Indian Mandala makes the Nazca lines, even more, mysterious

Many of us have wondered, together with countless scholars, what the exact purpose of the mysterious lines is… yet no one has been able to fully understand, nor answer, the exact purpose of these mysterious lines. Were these giant figures meant to be seen from above? Do hey mimic constellations in the sky? What were the ancient’s trying to say to future generations? Were the Nazca …read more […]

The remains of an ancient civilization located beneath Lake Titicaca

Optimized-a - The remains of an ancient civilization located beneath Lake Titicaca

What is a huge temple – predating the Inca themselves by over 1,500 years – doing beneath one of the most mysterious lakes on the planet?

Lake Titicaca, one of the most mysterious lakes on the planet. (Source)

What do the mysterious remains of an ancient civilization beneath lake Titicaca tell us about our history? Is it possible that these incredible ancient ruins, offer answers which could help us understand how ancient mankind created incredible and complex sites such as Puma Punku, Tiahuanaco or Machu Picchu? The truth behind these ancient underwater ruins points towards …read more […]

Blood type Rh negative and Alien DNA: An otherworldly lineage of a species with amnesia?

n - Blood type Rh negative and Alien DNA: An otherworldly lineage of a species with amnesia?

Much has been said about Rh negative blood and theories which suggest, there is an enigmatic truth sealed away from public knowledge linking humans with Rh-negative blood to otherworldly origins.

“Who has fully realized that history is not contained in thick books but lives in our very blood?” – Carl Jung

Humans have four general blood types: A, B, AB, and O; a classification derived from proteins found on the surface of cells which are basically designed to wage war against bacteria and viruses in the human body.

Whether Rh-negative blood is just a mutation or not is something that has caused …read more […]

Secret Underwater Bases: Beyond Area 51

base - Secret Underwater Bases: Beyond Area 51

Area 51 isn’t the only base filled with secrecy. As it turns out, there are countless underwater bases spread across different locations on our planet.

While many of us know about Area 51 and Dulce Base, the truth is there are more secret bases than you could ever imagine. Three years ago the CIA finally admitted the existence of Area 51, but many people around the world already knew about it and the mystery and secrecy behind it. Area 51 is just one of the many out there, but interestingly, most secret bases aren’t constructed on land, but deep under the …read more […]

New Telescope Detects ‘Invisible’ intelligent alien Entities on Earth

ITE- - New Telescope Detects ‘Invisible’ intelligent alien Entities on Earth

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These mysterious images are allegedly proof that ‘invisible Alien entities ARE here on Earth’.

Photograph of an ITE-2 displaying intelligent movement. Dr. Santilli states that the entity consists of lights of different colors that are pulsating and move synchronously according to a complex trajectory during the 15 seconds of exposure, including a point in which motion stopped for a few seconds, to resume thereafter.

Researchers seeking evidence of anti-matter in the universe firmly believe they have come across a previously unknown ‘invisible life form’ on planet Earth.

The group of researchers that discovered …read more […]

13 Mysterious Ancient Monuments And Runis That Baffle Experts

Sayhuite - 13 Mysterious Ancient Monuments And Runis That Baffle Experts

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You just gotta love history and archaeology and all excitement that come with them. In this article, we take a look at some of the most incredible ancient monuments and ruins left behind by people thousands of years ago. From the Pyramids to underwater monuments, we take a look at the most incredible, breathtaking and mysterious monuments ever erected by mankind in the distant past.

The ancient ruins of Sayhuite and the Sayhuite Monolith

The Mysterious Sayhuite Monolith. Credit:

This archaeological site is located in Peru and is significant because it is …read more […]

10 Incredible Ancient Achievements that Science cannot explain

puma-punku-blocks - 10 Incredible Ancient Achievements that Science cannot explain

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It seems that by nature we tend to discredit our ancestors for many things. We can firmly state that Ancient mankind was incredibly developed, smart and achieved things that we today cannot replicate. Proof of that are incredible lost technologies, ancient monuments that defy every explanation and knowledge about complex sciences way ahead of their time.

In this article, we bring you our top ten ancient achievements which scientists and researchers simply cannot explain.

Puma Punku and Tiahuanaco: As Incredible as it gets

We start off with one of our favorite ancient cities. Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku. …read more […]

This ancient Babylonian tablet has just changed the history of astronomy — Advanced math used to track planets

babylonian-tablet-jupiter-calculation - This ancient Babylonian tablet has just changed the history of astronomy — Advanced math used to track planets

Not only does this discovery change everything we thought we knew about Astronomy in ancient times, but the ancient tablets describe math that was believed to have been invented over 1,000 years later, drastically changing everything we know about ancient man, and rewriting history books along the way.

The Ancient Babylonian tablet, written in cuneiform script, contains geometric calculations used to track the motions of Jupiter rewriting the history of astronomy along the way.

For the past couple of decades, it was believed that ancient Babylonian astronomers used arithmetic systems for predicting the positions of celestial bodies. But …read more […]

This is the oldest writing system in the world and predates Ancient Sumerian writing

vinca-symbols - This is the oldest writing system in the world and predates Ancient Sumerian writing

The Danube Valley Civilization script is the oldest writing in the world and predates the Sumerian Writings in Mesopotamia and the Dispilo Tablet.

The Vinca Symbols (Source: Wikipedia)

While the Danube Valle civilization isn’t as famous as other ancient cultures around the globe, is it one of the oldest civilization to exist in Europe, developing from around 5,500 and 3,500 BC in an area known today as the Balkans, a vast area of land that stretches from Northern Greece to Slovakia (South to North), and Croatia to Romania (West to East).

The Danube civilization was one of the most …read more […]

Cosmic particles collected inside Pyramid could reveal secrets and explain how the 4600-year-old structure was built

Great-Pyramids-of-Giza-Aerial-View-Cairo-Egypt - Cosmic particles collected inside Pyramid could reveal secrets and explain how the 4600-year-old structure was built

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Researchers have revealed exciting new findings at two of Egypt’s pyramids, boosting efforts to find out if the ancient world’s iconic monuments indeed contain secret chambers as many believe.

Researchers participating in the Scan Pyramids project have discovered numerous interesting details inside the Pyramid of ‘Cheops’ at the Giza plateau in Egypt which could help explain the system used to build this ancient monument and reveal more secrets about these antique structures that according to many, could predate the ancient Egyptian civilization.

Researchers from Egypt, France, Canada and Japan have been scanning four pyramids with thermal …read more […]