
The megalithic site of Baalbek: Stonework of the Gods?

One of the best images of the 1200-ton block of stone at Baalbek.

How would you explain ancient mankind quarrying, transporting and putting into place supermassive rocks that weigh over 100 tons, let alone 1000 tons? At Baalbek, we find perfectly fitted 1,500-ton stones forming a foundation not even a huge Roman temple could […]

An Ancient Library hidden beneath the Sphinx in the Bucegi Mountains: A suppressed discovery?

The Romanian Sphinx. Image by Adrian Petrisor.

It is believed that in 2003, in a previously unexplored area of the Bucegi Mountains, a top secret Romanian Intelligence Service made a fascinating discovery that according to many authors and researchers, could change the history of mankind.

Supposedly, deep within the Earth, below the colossal Bucegi […]

20 facts about Göbekli Tepe: A 12,000-year-old ancient wonder

It is believed that the “Göbekli” people were organized groups of hundreds of hunters that guided whole herds of gazelles into traps. These people built a monument believed to be around 6,500 years older than Stonehenge and around 7,000 years older than the oldest of the Pyramids. Created some 12,000 years ago by […]

The enigmatic Acambaro Figurines: Evidence that humans coexisted with dinosaurs?

Controversial figurines. This famous Acámbaro figurine depicts what a human apparently riding a dinosaur. Source: Creative Commons

The Acambaro figurines are a collection of more than 32,000 pieces of strange looking figurines discovered in the municipality of Acambaro, Mexico. Some of these artifacts depict humans coexisting with dinosaurs.

Have you ever wondered if […]

Mind-bending video shows what Earth really looks like from space

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Did you know that thousands of years ago, before we thought that we lived on a flat plate-like Earth, where one could fall off of the edge, people believed the Earth was sphere-shaped? Even though there are countless images of our planet, and numerous videos which have been recorded from […]

30 Mind-boggling images that suggest advanced technology existed thousands of years ago

If ancient mankind had access to advanced technology thousands of years ago, wouldn’t we find traces of such technology today? The structures at Sacsayhuaman, Ollantaytambo, Puma Punku and many others display INCREDIBLE FEATURES: perfectly shaped corners, precision cuts that are reminiscent of modern-day laser tools, and such perfection among the stones fitted together in […]

Vilcabamba: The ‘lost’ megalithic city of the Inca

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Vilcabamba is an ancient Inca city, and the last refuge of the majestic Inca Empire until they fell to Spanish Conquest in 1572. It is one of the many ancient Inca cities you probably had no idea of. The city was ‘destroyed and lost’, and it was dubbed as the Lost City […]

Cydonia, the Face & Pyramid on Mars are real, claim former NASA scientists

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These pictures tell you everything you need to know about what’s at Cydonia Mensa. If you see on a planet that used to be Earth-like, a carved human face and a pyramid within 5 km of each other… it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what this […]

7 Ancient Stonehenge-like monuments you probably never heard about

While Stonehenge is perhaps one of the most famous Stone circle formations on the planet, there are countless others scattered around the globe which are even larger and much older.

Just as numerous ancient civilizations decided –for some mysterious reason— to build Pyramids all over the globe, our ancients also created numerous versions […]

Otherworldly Technology? The temple of Seti I and the flying machines of ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt contains countless mysteries, in fact, I love to call it the land of Pharaoh’s and mysteries. Simply put, many of the enigmas present in Egypt do not seem to have a clear explanation. At least mainstream scholars are unable to clarify some of the curiosities that surround the ancient Egyptian civilization.

One […]

Atlantis: Located miles beneath the Ice sheet of Antarctica?

In 1958 the historian Charles Hapgood proposed his “Pole shift theory.” According to this hypothesis the movements of the earth’s crust has made it possible for large areas of the Antarctic continent to have been free of ice about 12,000 years ago.

Hapgood maintained that his theory was firmly backed up and based […]

Ancient texts reveal: Earth was ruled for 241,000 years by 8 kings who came from heaven

Uncovered throughout the years by scholars in numerous regions in ancient Mesopotamia, the copies of what is believed to be a single manuscript –referred to as the Sumerian King List— details how in the distant past, our planet was ruled by eight mysterious kings for a staggering period of 241,000 years. The list even […]

Was Aztlan –the legendary ancestral home of the Aztec people—Atlantis?

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While Aztlan —the legendary ancestral home of the Aztec peoples— has still not been identified, it has been described as an ISLAND. Curiously, many researchers agree that Aztlan means: “place of whiteness.”What if there was a strange connection among Atlantis, Aztlan and the icy continent of Antarctica?

Aztlan is the […]

3 Massive, perfectly aligned towers discovered on the surface of Mars

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3D rendering of the Martian structures. Image Credit Mundo Desconocido.

Located in the area of Terra Meridiani, researchers have spotted three massive ‘Towers’ on the Martian Surface that are so perfectly aligned, that just as the Pyramids of Giza on Earth, these Martian towers seem to mimic the constellation of […]

The Mystery behind the Starchild skull: The remains of an ancient Alien?

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DNA testing allegedly proved beyond all reasonable doubt that parts of the skull’s DNA were not HUMAN. Several specialists in Chemistry, Neuroscience and Craniophysiology determined that there is a 90 percent probability that the strange skull is the result of a hybrid being between a human mother and father of […]