YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/dNVZ0ZPfE8s?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1
This 8-minute, 28-second video has left me speechless. It’s as if we have long stopped living in reality, we live a lie, one that has become so widespread, that we cannot see what is really happening—so evidently—all around us.
Have you ever wondered about what FREEDOM actually is? […]
Experts like Professor Masaaki Kimura, from the University of the Ryukyu, believe these ‘structures’ date back to 8,000 BC. Kimura suggests that these are monuments are made by man and that they are proof of an ancient civilization that vanished beneath the ocean.
It is true when they say that there are countless […]
Do you still don’t believe we’ve actually managed to land a man on the moon? To put an end to the worldwide conspiracy (apparently it’s still there), NASA made history as they released thousands of images of the Apollo moon missions that took place between 1961 and 1972.
This otherworldly collection includes over 13,000 […]
YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/O7tAuPi_azU?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1
AFP via Getty Images
“The best part with the helicopter is I can fly over and gain this connection between all the other burial sites, between the pyramid and the temple, and get an understanding of what that is from the air,” says Turchik.
Every time we think of Pyramids […]
Is it possible that Quetzalcoatl, Viracocha, and Kukulkan were in fact ONE deity? The descriptions of all three ancient Gods is especially interesting since all three deities were depicted with features not characteristic for the inhabitants of South America: white skin, a wide forehead and graying red beard and big blue eyes. Were […]
You won’t believe your eyes what man can do with nature. It’s magic. It’s beautiful. It’s real. Maybe I am a bit too excited but these images are simply put; jaw-dropping.
A Scottish sculptor called Andy Goldsworthy has a special gift. He creates transitory works of art by arranging –incredibly—leaves, stick, rocks, […]
In December of 1942, the crew of the RAF recon flight 300 is said to have taken a picture of a being of unimaginable proportions, some even called out the image as being one of the best pieces of evidence that giants exist, or existed in the past. However, the truth behind the […]
The Anunnaki are believed to be the creators of Man. These mighty Gods left Earth in the distant past, saying that one day, they shall return to Earth. Curiously, if we look at ancient cultures around the globe, most of their Gods—Creator Gods—left Earth and promised to return one day.
According to certain researchers […]
Geoglyph photo. Credit: Jenny Watling
Archaeologists have uncovered hundreds of enigmatic structures located in the Amazon, believed to have been built over 2,000 years ago. These mysterious structures have remained concealed for centuries by the Amazon and reveal that the Amazon isn’t as untouched as we believed in the past.
The fascinating ancient structures […]
YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/VA3HV_gfq80?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1
Shortly before Boyd Bushman passed away, he was video recorded candidly speaking about his personal experiences with Area 51, UFOs, aliens and anti-gravity ideas. Boyd was a retired Senior Scientist for Lockheed Martin. His career spanned over forty years, was awarded many patents and included work with defense contractors Hughes […]
Did you know that there is another “Nostradamus”? Perhaps unfairly, Edgar Cayce cast in the shadows Nostradamus has remained one of the most enigmatic and most popular modern prophets.
Edgar Cayce also called the ‘Sleeping Prophet’, was born on March 18, 1877. He showed an incredible gift for clairvoyance, when, still very young, was […]
by BlazenMonk
According to experts around the world, there are 82-known alien species which are currently in contact with our planet. Evidence—such as declassified documents, images and videos—seem to indicate that there are some things ‘out there’ that cannot be explained rationally.
Today, when searching for ‘evidence’ related to extraterrestrial life we come from […]
Do these 7 anomalous discoveries prove Mars was inhabited?
We can all probably agree that Mars is one of the most fascinating planets –besides Earth– in our solar system. We have learned so much about the red planet that we changed our opinion about everything we previously thought about Mars. Researchers finally know that […]
It is the largest pyramid on Earth, with a base four times larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza and almost double the volume.
The Pyramid is recognized as the as the largest pyramid in volume with four million five hundred thousand cubic meters. It literally DWARFS the Great Pyramid of Giza. Experts estimate […]
There are some things that the human mind cannot possibly comprehend. One of them are the mind-bending structures said to exist in Siberia, where researchers found what appear to be supermassive blocks of stone, weighing over 1000 tons, intricately stacked together thousands of years ago. Interestingly, some of the rocks are much larger (as […]