Our planet is engulfed in mystery. From history to science, there’s always something that we struggle to explain on Earth.
Our planet has it all. From mysterious, strange and even scary places, to landscapes and regions that look almost as if they are the result of a Hollywood science fiction movie.
In this article, […]
YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZB-MOGw0RMo?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1
The Great Pyramid is a universal symbol of genius and creativity. The evidence that humankind can make the impossible possible., It was ‘opened’ in the Middle Ages by Calif Al-Mamun. His team found most of the major internal structures we see today.
Launched in October of 2015 the ScanPyramids Mission […]
It is believed that Bharadwaja made approximately 500 guidelines describing in details aviation and other technologies, present on earth thousands of years ago.
However, the authors note that the current manuscript features only between 100 to 120 guidelines. Experts are convinced that foreign rulers who invaded India stole many of these manuscripts, studying them […]
I wanted to illuminate the whole earth. There is enough electricity to become a second sun. Light would appear around the equator, as a ring around Saturn.
Nikola Tesla is considered one of the most innovative and mysterious men who ever lived on Earth. He was a man way ahead of his time and […]
Researchers in Mexico have made an unexpected discovery a couple of years back while excavating the burial site of “El Cementerio” located in the vicinity of Onavas.
During excavations, archeologists recovered 25 skulls, 13 of which had an alien-like shape, with features that did not resemble ‘ordinary humans.’
The pre-Hispanic cemetery was found in […]
Scandinavian Bronze Age art is found on most of the famous petroglyphic boulders in the Georgia Gold Belt . . . a mountainous region containing the purest gold in the world. Most of Georgia’s petroglyphs are believed to be contemporary with the Scandinavian Bronze Age, although some are definitely Maya or Arawak in origin. […]
YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/xZPDhPeQnRY?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1
Sensational news regarding the mummified ‘alien’ remains discovered in a remote cave near Nazca Peru: “30 percent of this DNA is similar to the human being, but 70 percent is not.” The DNA tests were carried out by the BioTecMol laboratory,
The mummified alien remains are said to have been […]
A massive, mysterious Hole has just opened up on the surface of Antarctica leaving experts confused as they are unable to explain what caused its formation.
The hole—as large as lake superior or the state of Maine, with an approximate area of 30,000 square mile—has created confusion among experts, who are unable to explain […]
The Gemini Program was the second manned space program of the United States, developed in the early 1960s during the space race with the Soviet Union.
The project began in 1965 after the US space agency finalized its first space flight program: the groundbreaking Mercury project, which had successfully put the first US astronauts […]
The historians and authors of a ‘controversial’ forthcoming book firmly believe there is a strong possibility a second ‘Great Sphinx’ remains buried at the Giza plateau and suggest the Great Pyramid at Giza were built thousands of years earlier than previously thought, and not by the ancient Egyptians.
Two historians have questioned whether the […]
YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/FuR5Vcw_d9U?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1
Is there really something like “Forbidden Archaeology?” Or is it just another concept highlighted by conspiracy theorists to suggest archaeologists do not present all of their discoveries to the public?
Some would say it is just nonsense, but there has been a great number of hushed-away discoveries that suggest otherwise.
According to a study by scientists from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA), fast radio bursts that could be ‘signals from advanced alien civilizations’ are firing off every second in our universe.
Astronomers have only found a couple of dozen FRBs (Fast Radio Bursts), and they still have not understood what causes these rapid […]
Coca and tobacco found in ancient Egyptian mummies: Is this the ultimate evidence of transoceanic voyages 5,000 years ago?
What if the ancient Egyptian civilization was much more advanced than we’ve ever imagined? After all, they are the rightful owners of some of the most impressive ancient structures on the surface of the planet.
This cave is probably beyond anything you’ve ever come across! It’s mesmerizing, it’s mysterious, it’s beautiful and magical.
Discovered—or better said rediscovered—in 1990 by a man traveling through the jungles of the Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, Ho Khanh was searching the area for timber and food in order to make money in order […]
Have you ever wondered what you would get if you plotted out some of the most important ancient sites over the entire planet?
If you take a globe and connect ancient sites on Earth with a line, you’ll obtain a fascinating geometrical pattern that connects all the dots. But is this a mere coincidence?