
Evidence of Ancient Advanced Technology: The Great Pyramid of Giza

Ancient Egyptian History has captured the interest of millions of people around the world. There is something about the land of the Pharaohs that makes it magical and profound at the same time.

The Pyramids of ancient Egypt have been connected since ancient times to deities and gods, to times when the gods themselves […]

Alien “city” found on the Moon state Ufologists: Here is how to find it yourself

Is it possible that there are alien structures on the Moon? Or what if, the Moon itself is an Alien structure? For over 20 years, people have debated whether there is something anomalous with Earth’s natural satellite, now it seems that after all, the Moon is filled with surprises.

According to reports from […]

Ancient people knew that the Earth was round 2000 years before Columbus

We have been told in school that it was Christopher Columbus the person who found out that the Earth is round and set out on a journey to prove it.

It is just one of the many “little” lies that have been told in history classes today. But Christopher Columbus did not discover the […]

7 Irregularities That Supposedly Suggest Earth’s Moon Was Engineered

Even though the Apollo missions brought back to Earth huge amounts of data about the moon, it has remained an enigma for astronomers and scientists alike. Dr. Robert Jastrow, the first president of NASA’s Commission of Lunar Exploration called the moon “the Rosetta Stone of the planets.”

But what is it about the moon […]

The 100-million-year-old fossilized human finger

Many people believe that mainstream history is totally wrong. There are people who argue that we are being served “filtered information” and that many things regarding the distant past of mankind have been kept safe away from society. What if our History is all wrong? Legit finding or not, the alleged 100 million year […]

Have researchers found evidence of an “inner sun” heating the planet?

Planet Earth produces a heat flow of unknown origin according to scientists According to experts, “Ghost Particles” are coming from the Earth’s center Researchers have found, according to Geoneutrinos; around 70 percent of Earth’s heat is generated from radioactivity

Is it possible there is an “inner sun” heating our planet?

Researchers have found out […]

Three of the most influential Alien Species on Earth

There is a worldwide debate going on about aliens. There are people who believe that we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings, and there are those who firmly disagree, suggesting that we are the only intelligent species in the universe.

While many texts that mention Gods who descended from the […]

Pre-Adamites? Did Ancient Civilizations Develop On Earth Before Written History?

Is it possible that advanced civilization existed on Earth before “recorded” history?

Is it possible that religion only tells one side of the story?

According to two notable gentlemen such as Roman Emperor Julian the Apostate (circa A.D. 331–363) and Calvinist theologian Isaac de La Peyrère (1596-1676) Pre-Adamite beings did exist in the distant […]

The Nuclear Bomb and Flying Saucer developed by the Nazi

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Was Adolf Hitler developing a Nuke and a flying saucer to transport it?

According to a German documentary broadcasted by ZDF, the Nazis were developing a nuclear bomb and a “flying saucer” to transport it, and they had already begun testing out the new weapons on Russian prisoners of war.


The ultimate Tesla guide; Tesla’s 11 most incredible discoveries

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‘Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe. Throughout space there is energy. — Nikola Tesla, 1892

Nikola Tesla was a genius. He was a man who could almost do anything he wanted. He was an Inventor, electrical engineer, […]

Did Curiosity snap an image of a mysterious “creature” on Mars?

Ultimate evidence of life on Mars: Did NASA’s Curiosity rover snap an image of a mysterious “creature” on the surface of Mars?

NASA’s Curiosity rover has snapped another incredible image of Mars that has led to a lot of debate whether there is life or not on the red planet. Many people believe that […]

Researchers find a rock with a carving of a Mastodon at the underwater Stonehenge of Lake Michigan

Another incredible discovery has been made as researchers have found a rock carving of a Mastodon at the underwater Stonehenge of Lake Michigan.

In 2007, at a depth of twelve meters, researchers found a peculiar set of aligned stones that are believed to be over 10,000 years old.

While searching for shipwrecks, archeologists from […]

NASA Astronauts confirm that UFOs do exist

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Many of us have seen once in a while something in the sky that we cannot explain. A mysterious light at night that changes direction drastically, something that resembles a star but moves awkwardly across the sky, something that doesn’t look like an airplane or helicopter.

But what are those […]

Archaeologists discover 24 new lines at Nazca

A team of Japanese archaeologists discovered 24 new geoglyphs in Peru’s Nazca Desert, which could be among the oldest in this area according to researchers from the Yamagata University from Japan.

Almost invisible on the surface, the images were obtained through 3-D scans conducted on the ground north of the city of Nazca.

The […]

The Black Knight Satellite caught on video as it approaches the ISS

The infamous Black Knight Satellite caught on video near the ISS? According to a leaked Russian video filmed by cosmonauts, yes!

Is it possible that the mysterious Black Knight satellite was recorded on video as it approached the International space Station?

Someone, managed to smuggle a video out of the Russian Federal Space Agency […]