YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/InKQYtMy1T4?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1
According to satellite images from the Earth’s moon, there is a pyramid located on the far side of the moon. Many Ufologists state that these structures were made by extraterrestrial beings that inhabited and still inhabit the moon.
According to YouTube user Streetcap1, The Pyramid is the ultimate evidence of […]
Nikola Tesla is the ULTIMATE Mad scientist, a genius that was perhaps born in the wrong century, a brilliant mind incomparable to the rest. His work, ideas and inventions are one of the main reasons for today’s technology, if Tesla had not existed, we would still be looking for answers which Tesla answered in […]
Human Origins: The Hybrid Hypothesis
According to statements from Dr Eugene M. McCarthy, the Homo sapiens are the result of a hybridization between the chimpanzee and a pig.
Dr McCarthy proposes that humans are a hybrid species, suggesting that the human species began as the hybrid offspring of a male pig and a female […]
Known according to ancient texts as Black Shuck, a name believed to originate from an old English word which means ‘black demon’, the 7-foot tall beast appeared as a bringer of death in many ancient tales over 500 years ago. During the 16th century, ‘Black Shuck’ was feared by the inhabitants of modern-day UK, […]
How can we explain so many cultural and architectural similarities among ancient civilizations such as the Aztecs, Ancient Egyptians, Incas, and many others? If these ancient civilizations weren’t interconnected in some way or another, how is it possible that even though they were separated by great distances, their lifestyle and culture developed in extremely […]
“The dangers of excessive concealment of facts, far outweigh the dangers that are cited to justify them. There is a very grave danger, that an announced need for increased security, will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning, to the very limits of official censorship and concealment – JFK”
On October […]
In a new interview by Coast to Coast am, author and researcher David Wilcock stated that an alliance of ancient civilizations is living inside the planet.
These ancient civilizations have been calling the inner Earth their home for long periods of time and they are about the reveal themselves to the world.
Wilcock explained […]
According to British Astronaut Major Tim Peake, life exists elsewhere in the universe. Major Tim is confident that we are not the only intelligent species in the universe. Peake has joined a long list of Astronauts and government officials who claim that Alien life does exist in other parts of the universe.
“There is […]
According to many people, the fact that we have discovered liquid water flowing on Mars, Methane and an ancient atmosphere surrounding the red planet, means that it is very likely that Mars was inhabited in the distant past. While life on the planet might not exist today, Ufologists agree that we might be seeing […]
YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/HRbANkhNptE?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1
We all know that the number 33 is not JUST a number, and we cannot help but relate it to many interesting facts that provide a bit of mystery to it.
For example, 33 was the age of Jesus at his death, it is the most important degree that Freemasonry […]
According to the Ancient Astronaut theory, in the distant past, before the dawn of civilizations, intelligent extraterrestrial beings tampered with human DNA on Earth to create mankind as we know it. According to numerous theories which seem ever more possible in recent years, ancient mankind was genetically manipulated in the past. Without this genetic […]
The history of mankind has been full of surprises, impossible achievements, and anomalous features that have left a mark on our civilization. While there are many things that history has helped us understand, there are some things that no one, not even mainstream historians have been able to fully understand. History has proven to […]
According to reports, the world’s OLDEST Pyramids have been discovered on the Atlantic Coast of Southern Brazil. That is of course if you ignore all other ‘provocative’ discoveries such as the Pyramids of Bosnia, Indonesia or Antarctica, and the fact that we have no idea what the exact age of the Pyramids of Giza […]
With the numerous discoveries made over the past 10 years, it is clear that civilizations have existed on Earth much sooner than previously believed. One of those ancient ‘lost’ civilizations could be around 20,000 years old and found in Indonesia. If these structures prove to be the real deal (they are being battered by […]
YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/kdmzbfs7hc0?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1
The Indian River drains out for the first time revealing incredible ancient secrets
For the first time in history, a combination of drought and overconsumption of water have pushed the river in India, the Shamala river in Karnataka to its limits, revealing under its bank secrets that have shocked the […]