According to a study presented at the International Conference of Geoarchaeology and Archaeomineralogy held in Sofia titled: GEOLOGICAL ASPECT OF THE PROBLEM OF DATING THE GREAT EGYPTIAN SPHINX CONSTRUCTION, the enigmatic and mysterious Sphinx of Egypt is around 800,000 years old.
This fact raises more question than answers and proves we have very little knowledge about our actual history which has shown to be far more mysterious and surprising than what mainstream scholars suggested. The Great Sphinx of Egypt is an ancient construction that has baffled researchers ever since its discovery and until today, no one has been able to date accurately the Sphinx, since there are no written records or mentions in the past about it.

According to the authors of the paper, arguments based upon geological studies suggest the enigmatic monument predates everything we know about Ancient Egypt and history. Manichev Vyacheslav I. and Alexander G. Parkhomenko focus on the deteriorated aspect of the body of the Sphinx, leaving aside the erosive features where the Sphinx is located, which had been studied previously by other authors and researchers.
Manichev and Parkhomenko firmly believe that the Sphinx had to be submerged for a long time underwater and, to support this hypothesis, they point towards existing literature of geological studies of the Giza Plateau. According to these studies at the end of the Pliocene geologic period (between 5.2 and 1.6 million years ago), seawater entered the Nile Valley and gradually created flooding in the area. This led to the formation of lacustrine deposits which are at the mark of 180 m above the present level of the Mediterranean Sea.

This mysterious dating of the Sphinx forces to ask many questions that many people will embrace skeptically. If the Sphinx is in fact, 800,000 years old as the geological study suggest, who built the enigmatic monument nearly one million years ago? Are we looking at evidence that points to the existence of an unknown civilization to history? Is it possible that an advanced ancient civilization inhabited the Giza Plateau in the distant past, before the ‘creation’ of the ancient Egyptian civilization? And if this culture did develop on the shores of today’s River Nile… Is it possible that other advanced civilization developed elsewhere on our planet hundreds of thousands of years ago? Time in our history where mainstream scholars suggest people were still living in caves.
Obviously, there is something wrong with our views on history and prehistory. There are numerous enigmatic findings that firmly push against the mainstream views and theories of today’s historians and scholars.
So who could have built the incredible ancient monument when History is telling us that people were still living in caves…?
This majestic monument was carved from a single block of stone, yet there are no written documents that could tell us much about its origin or purpose. The only “written” evidence that exists from ancient times about the Sphinx is that of Greek historian and geographer Herodotus, who does not mention that the pharaohs of the fourth dynasty (Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure) were the builders of the Sphinx, nor the Pyramids of Giza.
According to Edgar Cayce, the ‘other’ Nostradamus, the Great Sphinx of Egypt is much older than mainstream researchers suggest, and is closely related to Atlantis, one of the most searched-for ancient civilizations. According to a vision of Cayce, deep inside the enigmatic figure of the Sphinx, a library of great knowledge can be found. Details and texts that contain valuable information about the lost continent of Atlantis, what happened there at the time the Sphinx was built, and chronicles about the destruction of the mainland? Even though Cayce ‘theory’ was never proven to be true, numerous findings made by researchers in the past point towards the fact that Cayce was wrong in his vision.
Is it possible that the Great Sphinx was in fact built by the ‘lost’ civilization of Atlantis? And if the great Sphinx is the product of their incredible masonry skills, what about the Pyramid of the Giza Plateau? Is it possible that these incredible monuments are also the product of a civilization that predates the ancient Egyptian civilization?
According to writings on the ‘Inventory Stella’:
“Long live The King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Khufu, given life
He found the house of Isis, Mistress of the Pyramid, by the side of the hollow of Hwran (The Sphinx)
and he built his pyramid beside the temple of this goddess and he built a pyramid for the King’s daughter Henutsen beside this temple.The place of Hwran Horemakhet is on the South side of the House of Isis, Mistress of the pyramid
He restored the statue, all covered in painting, of the guardian of the atmosphere, who guides the winds with his gaze.He replaced the back part of the Nemes head-dress, which was missing with gilded stone
The figure of this god, cut in stone, is solid and will last to eternity, keeping its face looking always to the East”
In the Book the Dawn of Civilization, Maspero says: “… the Sphinx could have existed since the days of the” followers of Horus,” a race of predynastic and semi-divine beings, which, according to beliefs of the ancient Egyptians had ruled thousands of years before the Pharaohs of Egypt.” (source)
The Ancient Egyptians viewed the origins of their civilization in an alternative view very different to our views of their culture today. They believed that thousands of years before Pharaohs ruled over the land of Egypt divine beings ruled the land and to support their opinion we can look at the royal canon displayed at the Museum of Egyptology in Turin, Italy. The ancient text, written in hieroglyphics presents a list of all the Pharaohs who ruled the land of Ancient Egypt. On that list, we can see the historical Pharaohs and those that are considered as “divine,” Pharaohs that came from ‘elsewhere’ and ruled before the first dynasty of Menes, a preceding lineage that ruled for over 13,000 years.
The fact that we now know that the Great Sphinx of Egypt is far older than previously thought takes us on another journey where we have to question the historical facts about ancient Egypt and its enigmatic rulers. Our knowledge of Pre-Pharaonic Egypt has been a great enigma for historians and scholars, and it is still a mystery as to what happened during the mysterious period in history before 3000 BC, where we see the ‘first’ Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt known as Menes-Narmer. After that, in the next couple of decades, Ancient Egypt blossomed as a civilization with surprising feats and knowledge displaying perfect writing, building incredible temples and proving their incredible knowledge in astronomy, mathematics, and other sciences.
English Egyptologist Toby Wilkinson said, “They seem to have no ancestors or periods of development, they seem to have appeared overnight.” (source)
But many others had fascinating things to say about the enigmatic period in Ancient Egypt. Gaston Maspero (1846-1916) said: “The religion and the texts which made it known to us were already established before the first dynasty. To understand them, it is up to us to put ourselves in the frame of mind of the people who constructed them, more than seven thousand years ago.” (Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, vol. XIX, p.12) (source) (source)
What do we know about Ancient Egypt, the Pyramids, and the Great Sphinx? It seems that the more we know, the less we understand, and I believe in order to process fully all the information that ancient texts are providing us, we need to change the way we look at history and prehistory, only then will we be able to understand the truth behind one of the most enigmatic ancient civilizations in history and their heritage to society.