
Scientists Find the Great Pyramid of Giza Focuses Electromagnetic Energy

Another fascinating discovery has been made by scientists in the Great Pyramid of Giza.

More evidence has been found that the Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the most astonishing ancient structures on the surface—though to be a tomb—was not a resting place for a pharaoh.

A team of German and Russian researchers has discovered that the Great Pyramid of Giza, focuses electromagnetic energy in its chambers and concentrates the electromagnetic energy in its lower part, located beneath the surface.

The researchers took an interest in how the Great Pyramid of Giza would interact with electromagnetic waves of a proportional or, in other words, resonant length, explains an article by Eureka Alert.

The study has been published in the Journal of Applied Physics.

In a statement, ITMO University, Russia, wrote: “While Egyptian pyramids are surrounded by many myths and legends, we have little scientifically reliable information about their physical properties. As it turns out, sometimes this information proves to be more striking than any fiction.”

Electromagnetic Properties of The Pyramid
Scientists Discover the Great Pyramid of Giza Concentrates Electromagnetic Energy

Dr. Sc. Andrey Evlyukhin, scientific supervisor, and coordinator of the revolutionary study wrote: “Egyptian pyramids have always attracted great attention. We as scientists were interested in them as well, so we decided to look at the Great Pyramid as a particle dissipating radio waves resonantly.”

“Due to the lack of information about the physical properties of the pyramid, we had to use some assumptions. For example, we assumed that there are no unknown cavities inside, and the building material with the properties of an ordinary limestone is evenly distributed in and out of the pyramid. With these assumptions made, we obtained interesting results that can find important practical applications.”

Evliujin and researchers at the University of Hanover (Germany) applied several types of electromagnetic radiation to the pyramid and found that the construction interacts with them.

The pyramid behaves like a resonant cavity, like a resonator – a device that oscillates at certain frequencies with a greater amplitude to others – that attracts and amplifies the radio waves.

To understand how the Great Pyramid interacted with electromagnetic waves, researchers first estimated how resonances (sound prolonged by reflection or vibrations) caused by radio waves might be induced, writes Science Alert.

Multipole Analysis of the great Pyramid
A multipole analysis shows the Great Pyramid of Giza can concentrate electromagnetic energy in its hidden chambers. The distributions of electric (a)–(e) and magnetic (f)–(j) field magnitude in the Pyramid and its supporting substrate is shown in the above image.

“We had to use some assumptions,” says Andrey Evlyukhin, senior researcher from ITMO University in Russia.

“For example, we assumed that there are no unknown cavities inside, and the building material with the properties of an ordinary limestone is evenly distributed in and out of the pyramid.”

Then, scientists made a model of the Great Pyramid and its electromagnetic response. They then calculated something called the extinction cross section, which allowed them to estimate how the wave energy is scattered or absorbed by the pyramid.

Using what researchers call a multipole analysis, they discovered that the scattered fields concentrated in the pyramid’s internal chambers as well as beneath its surface.

A fascinating find

The calculations performed by Evliujin and his team contemplate the empty spaces within the pyramid and the properties of the material it is made of: limestone blocks.

Then they created a computer model, “fired” against the radio waves, and followed the trail.

Researchers find the ancient monument interacts with them. It accumulates its energy in the “king’s chamber” and then directs it to a point just below its base, where the third of the four chambers discovered so far is located.

An ancient power machine?

The great pyramid of Giza has since ever been the subject of studies. Numerous theories have been set forth in the past that suggest the Pyramid could be some kind of an ancient machine, currently deactivated.

One—controversial—theory suggests that since no mummy has ever been found within the Great Pyramid of Giza, the structure may not be a tomb. Instead, it may have been a machine. A powerful device whose properties we are only now beginning to uncover. Many authors have wondered about whether the Great Pyramid of Giza may have acted as a device that helped prolong and grant new life and power to the Egyptian monarchs.

Interestingly, historical figures such as Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and Napoleon, ventured to spend a night inside this monument where, presumably, they had experiences of a “mystical” nature.

The new discovery made by the international team of scientists seems to put more evidence to the table, validating the hypothesis about the true function of the Great Pyramid as a machine to store, concentrate or channel some type of energy, perhaps the same one that made the aforementioned historical leaders hallucinate in the past.

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