
These are the 5 ancient Tibetan Rites—the elixir of life and secret of the fountain of youth

The Five ancient Tibetan Rites allowed a Chinese man named Li Ching Yuen to prolong his life and live for 256 years.

The human body is way more complicated than you’ve probably ever imagined.

Above our physical, material, body made of flesh and bone, there is a vital energy that Hindus call prana.

In Hindu philosophy including yoga, Indian medicine, and martial arts, Prana comprises all cosmic energy, permeating the Universe on all levels. Prana is often referred to as the “life force” or “life energy”. It also includes energies present in inanimate objects.

The so-called prana circulates throughout the body through a series of different channels, which in India are called nadi. It is only normal to think that our physical body will feel better or worse depending on the energy that circulates through it.

The chakras are energy centers where this energy is concentrated.

It is evident, therefore, that in order for our body to remain healthy and of youthful aspect, these chakras are balanced and that the energy circulates through them effortlessly.

In other words, improving our energy allows our body to improve.

Ancient Tibetan Monks, who unsurprisingly know a lot about Chakras and Pranas, have their own system that allows them to balance the chakras in order to maintain a good health.

In the West, this system is described as rites, or more specifically “the five Tibetan rites of eternal youth”.

The Five Tibetan Rites are also referred to as “The Five Rites”, “The Five Tibetans” and “The Five Rites of Rejuvenation”.

The title may seem too sensationalistic but the truth is that Tibetan monks maintain a youthful aspect despite potentially harsh conditions where they live. Some Tibetan monks live on altitudes of more than 4,500 meters.

The Five ancient Tibetan Rites are described in the book “Ancient Secret of Fountain of Youth” by Peter Kelder which summarizes a set of exercises called “5 Tibetan Rites” that, apparently, allowed a Chinese named Li Ching Yuen to prolong his life and live for 256 years.

Li chingYuen
Li Ching-Yuen in 1927. Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

Li Ching Yuen, who died in the 1930s, after apparently after losing the will to live and having survived 26 wives, was awarded twice by the Chinese government.

On one occasion after his 100th birthday, and on a second occasion, after his 200th birthday.

Li Ching-Yuen or Li Ching-Yun, who was a Chinese herbalist, martial artist, and tactical advisor is well known for his supposed extreme longevity.  Li supposedly produced over 200 descendants during his lifespan.

The article “Tortoise-Pigeon-Dog”, from the 15 May 1933 issue of Time reports on his history, and includes Li’s answer to the secret of a long life:

  • Keep a quiet heart
  • Sit like a tortoise
  • Walk sprightly like a pigeon
  • Sleep like a dog

The 5 Tibetan Rites

The exercises of the Five Tibetan Rites can be attempted by following the instructions below:

First Rite:

Tibetan Rites 1

“Stand erect with arms outstretched, horizontal with the shoulders. Now spin around until you become slightly dizzy. There is only one caution: you must turn from left to right.”

Second Rite:

Tibetan Rites 2

“Lie full length on rug or bed. Place the hands flat down alongside of the hips. Fingers should be kept close together with the finger-tips of each hand turned slightly toward one another. Raise the feet until the legs are straight up. If possible, let the feet extend back a bit over the body toward the head, but do not let the knees bend. Hold this position for a moment or two and then slowly lower the feet to the floor, and for the next several moments allow all of the muscles in the entire body to relax completely. Then perform the Rite all over again.”

“While the feet and legs are being raised it is a good idea also to raise the head, then while the feet and legs are being lowered to the floor lower the head at the same time.”

Third Rite:

Tibetan Rites 3

“Kneel on a rug or mat with hands at sides, palms flat against the side of legs. Then lean forward as far as possible, bending at the waist, with head well forward—chin on chest. The second position of this Rite is to lean backward as far as possible. Cause the head to move still further backward. The toes will prevent you from falling over backward. The hands are always kept against the side of the legs. Next come to an erect (kneeling) position, relax as much as possible for a moment, and perform Rite all over again.”

Fourth Rite:

Tibetan Rites 4

“Sit erect on rug or carpet with feet stretched out in front. The legs must be perfectly straight — back of knees must be well down or close to the rug. Place the hands flat on the rug, fingers together, and the hands pointing outward slightly. Chin should be on chest — head forward.”

“Now gently raise the body, at the same time bend the knees so that the legs from the knees down are practically straight up and down. The arms, too, will also be vertical while the body from shoulders to knees will be horizontal. As the body is raised upward allow the head gently to fall backward so that the head hangs backward as far as possible when the body is fully horizontal. Hold this position for a few moments, return t the first position, and RELAX for a few moments before performing the Rite again.”

“When the body is pressed up to complete horizontal position, tense every muscle in the body.”

Fifth Rite

Tibetan Rites 5

“Place the hands on the floor about two feet apart. Then, with the legs stretched out to the rear with the feet also about two feet apart, push the body, and especially the hips, up as far as possible, rising on the toes and hands. At the same time the head should be brought so far down that the chin comes up against the chest. Next, allow the body to come slowly down to a ‘sagging’ position. Bring the head up, causing it to be drawn as far back as possible.”

“The muscles should be tensed for a moment when the body is at the highest point, and again at the lowest point.”

Check out the  Tibetan Rejuvenation Rite #6, Restricted exercise

Source of the 5 Tibetan Rites: The Eye of Revelation by Peter Kelder

Reference: Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth by Peter Kelder, Bernie S. Siegel

Featured image credit: Shutterstock

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