
An asteroid wiped out a civilization like ours 13,000 years ago—and it could happen again in 2030

An asteroid wiped out a civilization like ours 13,000 years ago—and it could happen again in 2030

An extremely advanced ancient civilization—that flourished during the Ice Age—was wiped out from the surface of the planet some 13,000 years ago due to a massive comet strike, and the ancients left us a warning of future events.

Gobekli Tepe

As best-selling author and researcher Graham Hancock explains it in his book—Magicians of the Gods: The Forgotten Wisdom of Earth’s Lost Civilization: Near the end of the last Ice Age 12,800 years ago, a giant comet that had entered the solar system from deep space thousands of years earlier, broke into multiple fragments. Some of these struck the Earth causing a global cataclysm on a scale unseen since the extinction of the dinosaurs. At least eight of the fragments hit the North American ice cap, while further fragments hit the northern European ice cap.

The impacts, from comet fragments a mile wide approaching at more than 60,000 miles an hour, generated huge amounts of heat which instantly liquidized millions of square kilometers of ice, destabilizing the Earth’s crust and causing the global Deluge that is remembered in myths all around the world.

For years claims made by author Graham Hancock were ignored by scholars, who argues that its impossible that advanced civilization inhabited Earth tens of thousands of years ago.

Mr. Hancock argues that nearly 13,000 years ago, a giant comet that had entered our solar system from deep space broke into multiple fragments as it approached the sun. On his path towards our star, the comet broke into multiple fragments, some of them striking Earth, and eventually giving rise to a global cataclysm on a scale unseen since the extinction of the dinosaurs causing the global Deluge that is remembered in myths all around the world.

Considered by many as a fantasist, and by many others as a deluded author, most of his work was not taken into account by ‘experts’ who refused to take into consideration anything other than what they believed firmly true—a timeline of Earths history shattered into pieces by those same experts who were unable to fully explain the numerous historical enigmas that cast shadow on our origins.

But all of a sudden—when experts from the University of Edinburgh’s School of Engineering released a scientific paper—the words written by Hancock rose from the shadows cast down by mainstream scholars, and into the spotlight where ‘experts’ realized that Hancock’s theories were not as ludicrous as many of them thought before.

According to scientists, intricate stone carvings found at Göbekli Tepe—the oldest temple on Earth—are evidence that a comet impacted Earth around 11,000BC, giving rise to cataclysmic events that wiped out civilization on Earth.

Measurements place the oldest stratum at Göbekli Tepe to around 9600 BC. It is, therefore, 6,500 years older than Stonehenge and 7000 years older than the oldest of the Pyramids.

As Hancock explains it, there is evidence all over the world speaking of such massive impact. This blazing space rock plunged into our planet striking Earth’s crust with the force of several thousand nuclear bombs exploding simultaneously. This cataclysmic event wiped our several larger animal species and nearly destroyed mankind.

However—as Hancock explains it—some did survive, like the Ojibwa tribe of the Canadian grasslands who speak of the Long-Tailed Heavenly Climbing Star which swept out of the sky to scorch the earth.

After the impact, everything changed on our planet.

Interestingly, this is what Edinburgh’s Dr. Martin Sweatman found while looking at some of the stone pillars at Göbekli Tepe, in modern-day Turkey. “One of the pillars at Göbekli Tepe seems to have served as a memorial to this devastating event—probably the worst day in history since the end of the Ice Age.”

The intricate carvings found at Göbekli Tepe depict a headless man, a graphic symbol of human carnage.

The so-called Vulture stone at Göbekli Tepe illustrates interesting symbols that tell an incredible story.

Experts studied animal carvings made on the vulture stone and found that the animals are in fact astronomical symbols. With the help of sophisticated computer software, scientists matched the symbols to patterns in the sky, finding that they related to an event that occurred around 10,950 BC. As scientists explain, the symbols carved on the stone pillars relate to a cosmic event which is believed to have been the break-up of a massive comet from the inner solar system, precisely during the period known as the Younger Dryas. This period is considered as a crucial stage for humanity since it coincides with the appearance of agriculture and the first Neolithic civilizations.

But how on Earth is it possible that the builders of Göbekli Tepe—over ten thousand years ago—carved intricate astronomical symbols onto stone pillars? According to experts, at that time humans were ‘savages’, hunter-gatherers no more advanced than cavemen, without any knowledge of engineering or mathematics. Clearly, there’s something OFF with history.

Hancock notes that the stone slabs at Göbekli Tepe not only describe an ancient cosmic collision but predict another one that is yet to come. Hancock argues that the ancient impact—recorded on the Vulture stone at Göbekli Tepe—were in fact massive debris of the Taurid meteor stream, a belt containing millions of space rocks.

Astronomers believe that the inside of that belt lies a massive planetoid, a superheated rock—something like a massive cosmic hand grenade. Many of the debris hidden inside the belt could be up to three or four times the size of the one that impacted Earth 65 million years ago driving the dinosaurs to extinction. Hancock notes that we are due to cross the Taurid meteor stream in 13 years, around 2030.

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