
Have researchers found evidence of an “inner sun” heating the planet?

BCC--Theresearchcouldhelptorevealwhatradioactiveelementslie-a- - Have researchers found evidence of an “inner sun” heating the planet?
  • Planet Earth produces a heat flow of unknown origin according to scientists
  • According to experts, “Ghost Particles” are coming from the Earth’s center
  • Researchers have found, according to Geoneutrinos; around 70 percent of Earth’s heat is generated from radioactivity

Is it possible there is an “inner sun” heating our planet?

Researchers have found out recently that there is a huge ocean beneath the surface of our planet. Now, Italian researchers state that over 70% of the Earth’s heat comes from its center. What does this mean for the Hollow Earth theory? Is it possible that discoveries like this support the existence of a mysterious world located deep …read more

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