Is it possible that there are alien structures on the Moon? Or what if, the Moon itself is an Alien structure? For over 20 years, people have debated whether there is something anomalous with Earth’s natural satellite, now it seems that after all, the Moon is filled with surprises.
According to reports from […]
Researchers developed a theoretical model that predicts a substantial increase in the brightness of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) by leveraging novel quantum states called polaritons. Integrating polaritons into OLEDs effectively requires the discovery of new materials, making practical implementation an exciting challenge.
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Quantum light sources are fickle. They can flicker like stars in the night sky and can fade out like a dying flashlight. However, newly published research from the University of Oklahoma proves that adding a covering to one of these light sources, called a colloidal quantum dot, can cause them to shine without faltering, opening […]
You may recognize graphite as the “lead” in a pencil, but besides helping you take notes or fill in countless bubbles on exam answer sheets, it is helping scientists grapple with the secrets of superconductivity.
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What do rope winding and giant pasta shapes have to do with particle physics? The answer is a new superconducting magnet prototype under development at CERN, lovingly named Fusillo because of its shape.
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Experiments coupling light and sound reveal the surprising effect that measuring nothing can cool the vibrations of an object.
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Class B; February 2025; Maine, York County
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We have been told in school that it was Christopher Columbus the person who found out that the Earth is round and set out on a journey to prove it.
It is just one of the many “little” lies that have been told in history classes today. But Christopher Columbus did not discover the […]
A witness reported that the man said he wanted to die by suicide-by-cop before the shooting involving an Indianapolis Police officer
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Chandler Officer Brian Larison said he made a split-second decision to take an alternate route to work, which is how he ended up at the scene
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Deputy Martin Shields Jr., 37, was fatally shot upon arriving at the scene, according to the Hinds County Sheriff’s Office
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Even though the Apollo missions brought back to Earth huge amounts of data about the moon, it has remained an enigma for astronomers and scientists alike. Dr. Robert Jastrow, the first president of NASA’s Commission of Lunar Exploration called the moon “the Rosetta Stone of the planets.”
But what is it about the moon […]
Many people believe that mainstream history is totally wrong. There are people who argue that we are being served “filtered information” and that many things regarding the distant past of mankind have been kept safe away from society. What if our History is all wrong? Legit finding or not, the alleged 100 million year […]
Planet Earth produces a heat flow of unknown origin according to scientists According to experts, “Ghost Particles” are coming from the Earth’s center Researchers have found, according to Geoneutrinos; around 70 percent of Earth’s heat is generated from radioactivity
Is it possible there is an “inner sun” heating our planet?
Researchers have found out […]
“All of the same resources that were brought out for Super Bowl, they’ll see in an elongated fashion along Mardi Gras parade routes,” said U.S. Homeland Security special agent Eric DeLaune
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