Researchers at the National Graphene Institute at the University of Manchester have achieved a significant milestone in the field of quantum electronics with their latest study on spin injection in graphene. The paper, published recently in Communications Materials, outlines advancements in spintronics and quantum transport.
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The driver was later stopped and taken into custody; the Lauderhill officer, whose injuries included leg and facial damage, was transported to a hospital
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The Social Security Administration will begin processing retroactive payments and will send increased monthly payments to people affected by the Social Security Fairness Act
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Mars, the next frontier in space exploration, still poses many questions for scientists. The planet was once more hospitable, characterized by a warm and wet climate with liquid oceans. But today Mars is cold and dry, with most water now located below the surface. Understanding how much water is stored offers critical information for energy […]
To develop a practical fusion power system, scientists need to fully understand how the plasma fuel interacts with its surroundings. The plasma is superheated, which means some of the atoms involved can strike the wall of the fusion vessel and become embedded. To keep the system working efficiently, it’s important to know how much fuel […]
A new study from the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) explores the behavior of photons, the elementary particles of light, as they encounter boundaries where material properties change rapidly over time. This research uncovers remarkable quantum optical phenomena that may enhance quantum technology and paves the road for an exciting nascent field: four-dimensional quantum optics. […]
Chinese astronomers have analyzed the data from NASA’s Swift observatory, which extensively observed an outburst of the cataclysmic variable system known as GK Persei. Results of the study, published February 20 on the arXiv preprint server, shed more light on the nature of this system.
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Geochemical evidence from laboratory experiments for a potential solid inner core at the center of Mars is reported in Nature Communications.
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Intuitive Machines made history last year as the first private company to put a robot on the moon, although the triumph was marred by the lander tipping onto its side.
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Best Examples of Inca and pre-Inca masonry
In this article, we bring you some of the best examples of Inca and pre-Inca masonry. I think that we can all agree that the Inca and pre-Inca cultures had incredible construction skills. Proof of their talent are ancient cities such as Puma Punku, Tiahuanaco, Machu Picchu […]
In 2007, astronomers discovered the Cosmic Horseshoe, a gravitationally lensed system of galaxies about 5.5 billion light-years away. The foreground galaxy’s mass magnifies and distorts the image of a distant background galaxy whose light has traveled for billions of years before reaching us. The foreground and background galaxies are in such perfect alignment that they […]
NASA’s Lucy spacecraft has its next flyby target, the small main belt asteroid Donaldjohanson, in its sights. By blinking between images captured by Lucy on Feb. 20 and 22, this animation shows the perceived motion of Donaldjohanson relative to the background stars as the spacecraft rapidly approaches the asteroid.
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High above Earth’s poles, intense electrical currents called electrojets flow through the upper atmosphere when auroras glow in the sky. These auroral electrojets push about a million amps of electrical charge around the poles every second. They can create some of the largest magnetic disturbances on the ground, and rapid changes in the currents can […]
Seven planets grace the sky at the end of February in what’s known as a planetary parade, though some will be difficult to spot with the naked eye.
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In the 1970s, images from the NASA Mariner 9 orbiter revealed water-sculpted surfaces on Mars. This settled the once-controversial question of whether water ever rippled over the red planet.
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