Officer Zachary Martinez suffered life-threatening injuries in the high-speed collision that claimed Officer Austin Machitar’s life
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Officer Zachary Martinez suffered life-threatening injuries in the high-speed collision that claimed Officer Austin Machitar’s life Go to Source The world’s oldest statue, the Shigir idol is full of secrets. It is one of the most important and most mysterious findings in Europe. It’s secrecy is practically out of this world, with archaeologists and researchers being able to find out very little about the mysterious writing that cover the surface of this […] “We need accountability in a criminal justice system that … has run off the rails,” Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard said Go to Source The man was caught on camera wearing Grinch pajamas as he used a stolen credit card Go to Source The Flower of Life symbol drawn in red ochre Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt. Photograph taken by Ray Flowers The Flower of life can be found in almost every single culture and religion worldwide. Said to be the most important and sacred pattern in the universe the Flower of Life is a geometrical […] Officials said they did not know why 37-year-old Matthew Livelsberger chose Trump International as the location for the New Year’s Day blast Go to Source Class A; December 2024; Ohio, Richland County Go to Source “She needs to be held accountable for not knowing where her 13-year-old was (the night of Bumi’s killing), and then also be held accountable for going and picking him up,” Sheriff Lott said Go to Source Video from the scene shows officers approaching the Waymo vehicle with ballistic shields before opening the door and removing the man Go to Source A NASA X-ray imager is heading to the moon as part of NASA’s Artemis campaign, where it will capture the first global images of the magnetic field that shields Earth from solar radiation. Go to Source Life on Earth could not exist without carbon. But carbon itself could not exist without stars. Nearly all elements except hydrogen and helium—including carbon, oxygen and iron—only exist because they were forged in stellar furnaces and later flung into the cosmos when their stars died. In an ultimate act of galactic recycling, planets like ours […] Santa Fe Police used drone footage to locate the suspect and coordinate an arrest on foot within 15 minutes of the initial report Go to Source An Orange County sheriff’s deputy was getting out of his cruiser when the suspect, identified as Austin Schepers, started shooting, Indiana State Police said Go to Source This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope Picture of the Week features the galaxy LEDA 22057, which is located about 650 million light-years away in the constellation Gemini. Like the subject of a previous Picture of the Week, LEDA 22057 is the site of a supernova explosion. Go to Source Potentially habitable exoplanets are so incredibly common that astronomers have started to consider more unusual situations where life might arise. Perhaps life can be found on the moon of a hot Jupiter or lingering in the warm ocean of a rogue planet. Recently, there has even been the idea that habitable worlds might orbit white […] |
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