Anyone hoping for a clear path forward this year for NASA’s imperiled Mars Sample Return mission will have to wait a little longer.
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Anyone hoping for a clear path forward this year for NASA’s imperiled Mars Sample Return mission will have to wait a little longer. Go to Source The LUX ZEPLIN (LZ) Dark Matter experiment is a large research effort involving over 200 scientists and engineers at 40 institutions worldwide. Its key objective is to search for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) by analyzing data collected by the LZ detector, situated at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in South Dakota. Go to Source […] The long-awaited detection of gravitational waves has opened up a whole new world of astronomy. One of the key efforts is now to tie signals across multiple domains—for example, a gravitational wave and the associated electromagnetic radiation created by that same event, such as a black hole merger or a gamma-ray burst. Go to Source […] Glass might seem to be an ordinary material we encounter every day, but the physics at play inside are actually quite complex and still not completely understood by scientists. Some panes of glass, such as the stained-glass windows in many medieval buildings, have remained rigid for centuries, as their constituent molecules are perpetually frozen in […] NASA announced Tuesday it may turn to Elon Musk’s SpaceX or Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin to help reduce the soaring costs of returning Martian rocks collected by the Perseverance rover to Earth. Go to Source US company Firefly Aerospace said Tuesday it is aiming to launch a lander to the moon next week under an experimental NASA program that partners with the commercial sector to reduce costs. Go to Source Las Vegas Sheriff Kevin McMahill described the use of ChatGPT as a “game-changer,” but OpenAI, the tool’s creator, said it only supplied information already publicly accessible Go to Source Nazca lines, tree (seen from the observation tower). Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons It was in 1927, when Airlines started flying over Peru and the Nazca region that passengers reported strange lines, figures and shapes on the ground. Airplanes filled with tourists from all over the world quickly conquered the Nazca skies and hundreds of […] What “may” be the best anticipated comet of 2025 is coming right up. Right now, there’s only one comet with real potential to reach naked eye visibility in 2025: Comet C/2024 G3 ATLAS. This comet reaches perihelion at 0.094 Astronomical Units (AU, 8.7 million miles or 14 million kilometers, interior to the orbit of Mercury) […] NASA is pitching a cheaper and quicker way of getting rocks and soil back from Mars, after seeing its original plan swell to $11 billion. Go to Source The size and spin of black holes can reveal important information about how and where they formed, according to new research. Go to Source Depth degradation is a problem biologists know all too well: The deeper you look into a sample, the fuzzier the image becomes. A worm embryo or a piece of tissue may only be tens of microns thick, but the bending of light causes microscopy images to lose their sharpness as the instruments peer beyond the […] In the next few decades, crewed missions to the moon and Mars will likely become frequent. One of the main challenges faced by these future missions will be the need to protect astronauts from the intense radiation of outer space. Go to Source In quantum computers, information is often carried by single photons and picked up by structures named superconducting nanostrip single-photon detectors (SNSPDs). In principle, traditional type-I superconductors would be easier to integrate into existing quantum computing architectures than the type-II materials more widely used today. So far, however, this possibility hasn’t been widely explored. Go to […] The man sustained minor injuries during the incident; he was arrested on numerous felony and misdemeanor charges Go to Source |
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